seed said:Basically, I am stating we shouldn't need unions. Our profession has been dealt deadly blows, WE SHOULD REACT!!.
Honest question: Do you think it is the TWU or the TWU membership that has become company friendly? Do you think TUL, the majority, would pack up their tool boxes if requested by the TWU, or AMFA? I mean really, let's face it, if Mr. Little stated "do not act in a militant way towards AA", and the membership wanted to, do you really think that would stop the membership? The membership is wishing the TWU stays low profile. Keep that paycheck coming every two weeks, no matter what!
Well many workers are reacting. They are reacting in ways that people react when they do not have a union, they are making arrangements to leave. Some have already done so.
You can not fight the company as individuals, thats why workers form unions. If you have a union in place but still can not fight then basically you do not have a union, you just pay dues.
Do you think soldiers want to go into battle? Instead of having armies why not just give everyone a gun and then if some country that still has armies invades just hope that everyone will just "REACT"?
Because it would not work.
While some would fight back, most would run for cover, however those same people in a structured organization that is well lead would fight and stand a much better chance of success. The same goes for workers, we stand a much better chance when properly organized and lead.
Corporations are highly organized and focused, they are organized in behalf of the owners with the sole objective of increasing the owners wealth. Workers need organizations that are just as focused at doing the same for the workers.
Several times in the past the membership has taken it upon themselves to be more militant, the TWU has not supported the membership, instead siding with the company every time.
The fact is that people need leadership and the TWU does not provide it even though they are paid to do so. To blame the membership for the leadership's incompetance has become a staple of todays weak labor movement. I dont buy it, if properly led todays workers could be just as effective at fighting for a better life as previous generations, the difference lies in the purely business union attitude of todays union leaders who give workers no reason for hope. In many cases this attitude is so ingrained that there is no cure, the union must be voted out and the members need to try a new union.
The fact is that most of the union leaders of today do not believe in the labor movement. Sure they spew out the same old rhetoric but any statement that is truly "theirs", in other words that expresses their true feelings, not something they read off old union propaganda sheets, reveals their true beliefs. They took these positions for one reason only-because they get paid a lot more than if they were on the floor. How much do you think Gless, Conley, Yingst or Little would make if they were still on the floor? Less than half of what they are making now!!
So they take these jobs, where they are not elected but appointed, with a built in excuse foir their incompetance-"the members dont participate". But as I've said before they never give the members anything of importance to participate in.
Bobby Gless became an International officer after realizing that it was either that or returning to the floor. He was not a good leader, not one member of the E-board would run on his ticket and he had no chance of being re-elected. The only reason why he won the first election was because it was a four way race and his biggest opponent was an aircraft cleaner and many mechanics felt that it would send the wrong message to elect a cleaner to lead the mechanics after years of mechanics claiming they want one of their own(even though the cleaner was "one of their own-Title 1). So what does the TWU do? They make him an International officer!
So now you have someone who is bitter toward his coworkers being their unchosen representative. How much sense does that make?
This is a common practice of the TWU/ATD, pick out loyal incompetants that the members reject and put them in charge of the membership that rejected them!
Did you check out the link?