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Boston Consulting Group, they are the ones running this place and all of the PLI, JLT crap.

I seem to remember this bunch coming in to Northwest when I was in ATL. They were doing some consulting work to see how they could improve things at the facility. NWA spent millions on this consulting group. They came up with many of the same reccomendations that our mechanics had already shown management. A couple of years later they closed the entire base.

Problem solved.

They just got rid of all those pesky employees and farmed the work out to Pemco. :shock:

That was the beginning of the end of heavy maintenance at NWA.
In the last few months, AFW mechanics have put out several contract aircraft checks on time and under budget. Recently Interface aircraft 804MS went out on time. Actually, it was two days ahead of what was bid. All other bids were 90 days or more to "C"-check this custom built airplane. AFW mechanics got it out in less than five weeks, despite having to fix the "scab" insulation contractor's screw ups and many other unexpected problems. AFW also put out a ZZZOOOOMM 767 on time and on budget. North American continues to bring their aircraft in for overhaul. Avitas keeps sending us work. Must be doing something right there.

What does AFW management do to thank it's mechanics? A Thank you? NO. A pat on the back? NO. A lousy piece of a pizza? No, we have a meeting telling us that the 4-10 shift is being eliminated because the "Boston" consulting group doesn't like it! Beat those troops! They'll work harder!
At least here in TUL they used brand names, K-Y Jelly, then when they ran out they used Vaseline, none of this generic crap for us.
I seem to remember this bunch coming in to Northwest when I was in ATL. They were doing some consulting work to see how they could improve things at the facility. NWA spent millions on this consulting group. They came up with many of the same reccomendations that our mechanics had already shown management. A couple of years later they closed the entire base.

Problem solved.

They just got rid of all those pesky employees and farmed the work out to Pemco. :shock:

That was the beginning of the end of heavy maintenance at NWA.

You will never get the brainwashed sheep in Tulsa to see the union busting tactics being used to shove the wedge between member and union. The TWU has for many years been a seperate institution from the membership. The Consulting Groups from Boston and Overland are nothing more than a sledge hammer pounding away on the large end of the wedge.
In tul 4/10 is the weekends either thur fri sat or sun mon tue off

In tul 4/10 is the weekends either thur fri sat or sun mon tue off

At AFW I don't know of any shop any shop that doesn't have the option of 5/8s or 4/10s. The weekend coverage that was recently stopped had 4/10s with straight days. I believe they worked F S S M and had T W T off.
I would never wish for 4 - 10 work schedule.
As far as I am concerned 8 hours a day straight pay then if they want more it has to be overtime.

Have you ever worked midnights? When you work a 5-8 schedule that first day off is pretty much a wash. That's because you're usually too exhausted to do anything. Now some people say that on the first day back is kind of like a day off since you don't have to be to work till latter that night. However that little voice in the back of your head is telling you have to be at work that day.

On a 5-8 schedule working midnights it feels like you only have one full day off.
I had a discussion with a member of the Boston Consulting Groups children (wasn’t old enough to shave) over the issue of manning. The subject was why vacation relief didn’t match the vacations. At the time each week had 36 slots for vacation with only 28 vacation relieves to fill the spots. This didn’t include any vacation relief for the vacation relief, which would put DFW down nine to ten bodies a day before the day even stated. All I got out of this kid was a deer in the head light look.
Have you ever worked midnights? When you work a 5-8 schedule that first day off is pretty much a wash. That's because you're usually too exhausted to do anything. Now some people say that on the first day back is kind of like a day off since you don't have to be to work till latter that night. However that little voice in the back of your head is telling you have to be at work that day.

On a 5-8 schedule working midnights it feels like you only have one full day off.

Tell me anyone in this industry who hasnt worked nights.
No wonder why you are exhausted on that first day off
Keep cranking out those C checks early I would be tired too 😉

I'm with limit on this one anything over 8 is OT
Tell me anyone in this industry who hasnt worked nights.
No wonder why you are exhausted on that first day off
Keep cranking out those C checks early I would be tired too 😉

I'm with limit on this one anything over 8 is OT

Kind of hard for me to crank out C checks since I don't work at TUL or AFW. You know what they say about making assumptions. You make and ass out of me and you. In this case mainly you.
Have you ever worked midnights? When you work a 5-8 schedule that first day off is pretty much a wash. That's because you're usually too exhausted to do anything. Now some people say that on the first day back is kind of like a day off since you don't have to be to work till latter that night. However that little voice in the back of your head is telling you have to be at work that day.

On a 5-8 schedule working midnights it feels like you only have one full day off.
I have to agree with you on that. Working fewer but longer days is a more efficient use of your time, For a typical 40 hour -5day week you have to calculate prep, commuting and the half hour lunch. So figure an hour before and after shift plus the half hour lunch. So on a five day week you lose 12.5 hours but if you work 4-10 you cut that down to 10 hours.
Kind of hard for me to crank out C checks since I don't work at TUL or AFW. You know what they say about making assumptions. You make and ass out of me and you. In this case mainly you.

I never made an assumption. This thread was about getting the C check out early and you stated night shift made you tired. I implied you were doing to much work and thats why you were tired. Now weather your at AFW DFW LGA MIA or JFK
If you paced yourself on the night shift you wouldnt feel like that first day off was "pretty much a wash" "because your to exhausted"

BTW welcome to the airline industry night shift boy
I never made an assumption. This thread was about getting the C check out early and you stated night shift made you tired. I implied you were doing to much work and thats why you were tired. Now weather your at AFW DFW LGA MIA or JFK
If you paced yourself on the night shift you wouldnt feel like that first day off was "pretty much a wash" "because your to exhausted"

BTW welcome to the airline industry night shift boy

Either getting your point accross in writing is not something you are good at or your trying to backpedal.

Tell me anyone in this industry who hasnt worked nights.
No wonder why you are exhausted on that first day off
Keep cranking out those C checks early I would be tired too

I'm with limit on this one anything over 8 is OT

When you used the word you I interpreted that the statement was directed at me. Likewise when you follow it up with the remark about C checks I was under the impression you were still referring to me. How else am I supposed to interpret it?

If what you're saying is true what we have is a bit of a misunderstanding. May I suggest next time some different wording as to avoid this.

I'm with limit on this one anything over 8 is OT

Do you work midnights?
Do you work midnights?

I have worked mids for many years.
I do not know of anyone in Tul that is forced to stay on mids for more than a month.I bet its the same at AFW. As a matter of fact 95 % of the mid shift workers(in TUL) are there because they want to be on that shift.
Everybody that has worked Line has worked Mids.
And yes the first night back sucks, so?
So spare us the bs.Do you actually think that you are the only one that has worked line or forced to mids year after year?
As for the 4/10s goes,I refuse to give back voluntarily what people before me had to fight for and even die to get.
You guys think you are helping yourselves by doing this?
You are giving things back for a very long time if not for ever.
And by the way, I have enjoyed every weekend off from work since I left NY.
Thanks for asking my great union brothers.

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