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Amfa Continues Downward Spiral

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James T. Kirk said:
Second, AMFA decided that the best way of achieving their goal of outsourcing all maintenance was to infiltrate Al Qaeda. Hence the events that took place on 9/11. Paranoid, I don't think so. I heard, and this is only a rumor, that an AMFA membership card was found on one of the dead bodies of one of their hijacking cohorts.

You are truly a sick person Kirky to post a statement such as this, but this we expect from the punks, drunks, cowards, and felons running the twu.
You are truly a sick person Kirky to post a statement such as this, but this we expect from the punks, drunks, cowards, and felons running the twu.
Truely despicable. This is why the 'Nuts BB is dead, along with iam Districk 141m.

Its funny how the clowns never speak of US Airways and how the iam has swallowed concessions over, and over, and over again......yet the carrier is still going down for a dirt nap.

Could be a great place for a twu card drive? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Name: Was a union member Now I am AMFA
Station: INDY
Date: Saturday March 26, 2005
Time: 11:02:49 AM

To the so-called union member: Your audacity and stupidity is a bottomless sewer pit. Try posting your garbage on THE Mechanic. Good luck. The trash you spew would not be tolerated anywhere else. The MECHANICS that keep this web site running, obviously due not edit your material. I know that any shortcoming that sheds bad light on THE AMFA organization will never make it to The Mechanic. For years, we put up with Delle and his organizers tearing at our jobs, families and way of life. How many times has AMFA and their organizers used smear tactics to get cards signed? Now that the chickens have come home to roost, you want to sensor a site that is posting all posts. The reality is what you are reading is not smear but the truth. “AND YOU CAN’T STAND THE TRUTHâ€￾. You truly are and AMFA idiot. Crawl back into the deeps of hell you came from and take Delle with you. As for the web master(S), thank for doing a wonderful job. Please continue to post the declaimers and warning about the trash these AMFA idiots’ post. Nevertheless, please post. T.M. has clouded his site with political debate, pretty flowers, op-ed garbage and personal information. More AMFA smoke and mirrors. You do not see him posting the horror stories of the devastation in the mechanics life since AMFA swelled its ranks using lies and dues money to decimate a worthy profession. The clock is ticking on the mechanic work group. You can look at THE MECHANIC home and garden show or you can post here and read the good, bad and the ugly UNSENSORED. To prove a point take your post and this post (cut and copy) and place them on THE MECHANIC.
James T. Kirk said:
Name: Was a union member Now I am AMFA
Station: INDY
Date: Saturday March 26, 2005
Time: 11:02:49 AM
To the so-called union member: Your audacity and stupidity is a bottomless sewer pit. Try posting your garbage on THE Mechanic. Good luck. The trash you spew would not be tolerated anywhere else. The MECHANICS that keep this web site running, obviously due not edit your material. I know that any shortcoming that sheds bad light on THE AMFA organization will never make it to The Mechanic. For years, we put up with Delle and his organizers tearing at our jobs, families and way of life. How many times has AMFA and their organizers used smear tactics to get cards signed? Now that the chickens have come home to roost, you want to sensor a site that is posting all posts. The reality is what you are reading is not smear but the truth. “AND YOU CAN’T STAND THE TRUTHâ€￾. You truly are and AMFA idiot. Crawl back into the deeps of hell you came from and take Delle with you. As for the web master(S), thank for doing a wonderful job. Please continue to post the declaimers and warning about the trash these AMFA idiots’ post. Nevertheless, please post. T.M. has clouded his site with political debate, pretty flowers, op-ed garbage and personal information. More AMFA smoke and mirrors. You do not see him posting the horror stories of the devastation in the mechanics life since AMFA swelled its ranks using lies and dues money to decimate a worthy profession. The clock is ticking on the mechanic work group. You can look at THE MECHANIC home and garden show or you can post here and read the good, bad and the ugly UNSENSORED. To prove a point take your post and this post (cut and copy) and place them on THE MECHANIC.

Captains Log; Star date 2005. Spock has begun his vulcan mind control. I can no longer think for myself, I just can't....get a grip....no matter how hard I try. I can see his vulcan ears twitching when he looks at me, he knows full well there is nothing left in my mind, I am a mere mortal. There is no hope for me. :blink: :blink: :blink: Capt. James T. Kirk
Name: Dissatisfied Tech
Employer: NWA
Date: Monday March 28, 2005
Time: 07:18:00 PM

"Union Member" you're a nut. A real quack pot. You think we should unite under the AMFA banner when AMFA is the one who divided us in the first place? I have news for you. No Way! Where were you when AMFA was lying about the IAM and bungling up our negotiations in 1998? Were you one of the traitors? I suspect you were. So don't ask us to support YOUR AMFA. I didn't want it and I won't support it. But you can thank me and the others on this website for not passing cards during your negotiations.....a tactic AMFA employed at every Airline they raided! As a previous poster said........"The chickens have come home to roost!" And you deserve it!


Name: Observer
Station: ORD
Date: Monday March 28, 2005
Time: 10:03:15 AM

the traveler's posts are humorous, all the years it was the IAM who took good care of you, and your retirement......BUT the association comes along and is on the property for what 7 years.....guts the contract farms out the work, loses jobs, and you sit there in your mostly IAM negotiated retirement and gloat. You must have retired on a mental disability. What happens to your retirement insurance if NWA comes a knockin for relief.........hey the association will negotiate like they did at UAL.....and put the retirees in the dumper.......you know the drill.......out of sight.....out of mind......you qualify for the last one already.......


Name: Ray B.
Employer: nwa
Date: Monday March 28, 2005
Time: 09:33:21 AM

amfa promised us lawyers at the contract negotiation table. "Quote, That is the way we do buisness when we (amfa) negotiate a contract." They never showed up in person to negotiate on the last contract. Are the lawyers going to show up at the table to negotiate for us (mechanics) this time ? OR do we get to hang our hat on another - another - another - another - another - another etc AMFA LIE
Name: East Coast
Employer: UAL
Date: Tuesday March 29, 2005
Time: 02:29:40 PM

AMFA NOW! $40.00 an hour and $100.00 pension! AMFA said it would get this for me. Why now is AMFA taking my pension away and agreeing to take Pay Cuts ? By not striking and allowing the judge to implement these concessions on me AMFA is just as guilty as the the company and judge.
Name: West Coast Mechanic
Employer: United
Station: SFO
Date: Tuesday March 29, 2005
Time: 06:09:04 PM

You are correct East Coast UAL mechanic. AMFA promised the moon, and only produced a piece of crap!! At SFO our leaders are running scared. If the next vote fails it will be the Utility classification that stood strong. The mechanics here are all of the "Me first, I got mine, and I will sell anyone out to keep most of what I now have." Those Bay Area mortgage payments are hell. Why didn't we strike? Delle & Joe want to keep the dues machine liquid.
Hey Jim, ask your "friends" at the 'Nuts BB if bending over for 3 rounds of iam concessions at US Air got them anywhere. Here is a sad post by a US Air employee that will disagree.

]Name: Real tired
Employer: USAirways
Location: Pit
USAirways update:

Good Friday through Easter Sunday were the worst, most depressing days of my 25 years with this company. Worse than the three days of 9-11 when we were closed up. 800 maintenance and related. Gone. Almost all the utility people, many many stock clerks, and too many Mechanics. Gone. All these people were hard working people who made this company strong, and once the 'darling' of Wall Street. Cast out on the street like garbage. It didn't have to be this way. It could have been different. If we would have just stayed strong and unified, it could have been different.

If I had to say one more 'good-bye', I was going to bust. I just couldn't do it anymore. I finally had to hide out and pretend I was busy, just so I wouldn't have to say one more 'good-bye'. I just couldn't look in the eyes of one more co-worker and say 'good luck'. Most of the utilty people, and the stock clerks had more than 20 years. The Mechanics, most of them around 15 years. I knew many of them most of my adult life. That's a lot of years with a company to be booted out on the street without even a thank you, or a good luck by anyone from management. Not even a 'so long' from any foreman, manager, director, or VP. Not a word.

We gave them everything they asked for. From the very start, anything they wanted, they got. They told us we were saving the company, and our jobs. They lied every step of the way. The union included. And never once was it fair. Never once was it equal. After all these people gone, they still have the same number of foreman on up to VP's. In fact, they have more. After all the pay-cuts that we took, they never really took one. And the management people still have their pensions too. It was never fair.

Pittsbugh, up until a couple of years ago, was USAir's biggest hub, and it's biggest maintenance base. We were close to 600 flights a day out of here. This was a big operation. Gone. 5 hangers, with a huge Ground Equipment operation, a computerized stock room with a robot, a brand new engine shop and test cell. Gone.

The machine shop, hydro shop, electric shop, APU shop, instrument shop, cleaning shop, seat shop, wheels and brakes shop, this shop, that shop, ALL the shops, I can't even remember all the shops shop. Gone. Hell, our machine shop alone was bigger and more 'state of the art' than most private machine shops in this country. Those guys were pros. They could make you anything. Anything. All the guys are gone now, and the million dollar machines just sit there collecting dust and rusting out. That's USAir's way of saving money. They don't utilize the equipment, they just turn it off and get rid of the employees.

Take heed you people at United, Northwest, American, and all the others, Alaska and CAL too. Stay strong. Don't give in to their demands. They'll walk all over you. You won't be saving any company or any jobs. Never give in to their concessions unless they share in the pain also. The USAir Mechanics are some of the weakest in the industry, and now we are paying the price. We didn't save one job. And now look at the company. There's not much left. Except management.
Name: bms5-95 b1/2
Employer: asa
Station: sea
Date: Tuesday March 29, 2005
Time: 08:06:34 PM

when --- will all of the people, admit that they been had by the flim flam man? Everybody does something stupid at one time or another, but to continue, that is just plain crazy. How much more money, jobs, security has to be lost until the remaining no-nut, leg shavers get a clue, that they have been HAD!!! some one help me out, I can't figure it out.

We couldn't agree more. It's dumbfounding. You would think that a rebellion against AMFA would erupt industry wide after the atrocities that AMFA is solely responsible for at Alaska, Northwest and United especially.
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