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PTO's NWA Scab Career...

If he gets terminated, you will be known on the property as the benedict/managment want-a-be goon.
I don't think so for there were many that were tired of his attitude and ramblings as well. Had it not happened with me it was just a matter of time before it happened with someone else.
That's why a "union" could of handled this through "professional standards" and avoided termination while getting his behavior to change or the next step would be management. These write ups through the union are confidential, and your name would have been kept out of it.
I like being up front about shet like this. I and a number of other Scabs have tried to talk to him before. The guy is a likeable enough guy, he just isn't worth a damn to work with. He wouldn't listen to what anyone had to say about his behavior and work ethic. If he does get terminated he will not be missed.
I don't think so for there were many that were tired of his attitude and ramblings as well. Had it not happened with me it was just a matter of time before it happened with someone else.

I like being up front about shet like this. I and a number of other Scabs have tried to talk to him before. The guy is a likeable enough guy, he just isn't worth a damn to work with. He wouldn't listen to what anyone had to say about his behavior and work ethic. If he does get terminated he will not be missed.


He may not be missed; but you will long be remembered...
:lol: :lol: All you PTO Dooms Day Sayers can kiss my... :lol: :lol:. Do you guys ever get anything right? If you guys had your way it would be Armageddon.

As of today Houstonian dude is history. PTO remains on the Line with a Coaching. They say the pen is mightier than the sword, well that holds true for Microsoft Word as well. :up: Who needs a union? Who needs a lawyer? Not I that is for sure. You guys are a JOKE. 😛 I feel good. 🙂
:lol: :lol: All you PTO Dooms Day Sayers can kiss my... :lol: :lol:. Do you guys ever get anything right? If you guys had your way it would be Armageddon.

As of today Houstonian dude is history. PTO remains on the Line with a Coaching. They say the pen is mightier than the sword, well that holds true for Microsoft Word as well. :up: Who needs a union? Who needs a lawyer? Not I that is for sure. You guys are a JOKE. 😛 I feel good. 🙂
Your scab "victory" will be short lived. 😉

Enjoy it while you can 'Cods.

Your a farce just like your "career".
:lol: :lol: All you PTO Dooms Day Sayers can kiss my... :lol: :lol:. Do you guys ever get anything right? If you guys had your way it would be Armageddon.

As of today Houstonian dude is history. PTO remains on the Line with a Coaching. They say the pen is mightier than the sword, well that holds true for Microsoft Word as well. :up: Who needs a union? Who needs a lawyer? Not I that is for sure. You guys are a JOKE. 😛 I feel good. 🙂

pto, "All you PTO Dooms Day Sayers can kiss my... . Do you guys ever get anything right? If you guys had your way it would be Armageddon."

Armageddon? More like a world where your vile kind are no longer a threat to aircraft safety.

Your offer to kiss tour behind is noted but no living human being could possibly lower themselves to the depths that your choosen part of anatomy wallows at. Except perhaps another SCAB.

As for the pen being mightier than the sword, this holds true only if the pen is used to pass along facts and the truth. 😉
Your offer to kiss tour behind is noted but no living human being could possibly lower themselves to the depths that your choosen part of anatomy wallows at. Except perhaps another SCAB.
As for the pen being mightier than the sword, this holds true only if the pen is used to pass along facts and the truth.
Your scab "victory" will be short lived.
Enjoy it while you can 'Cods.
Your a farce just like your "career".

A simple congratulations form you guys would have been fine.

You are absolutely right Ken, about the pen that is. 😀 I am feel really good. I didn't realize how much pressure this had put on me. I didn't even know it was there until it was gone.
:lol: :lol: All you PTO Dooms Day Sayers can kiss my... :lol: :lol:. Do you guys ever get anything right? If you guys had your way it would be Armageddon.

As of today Houstonian dude is history. PTO remains on the Line with a Coaching. They say the pen is mightier than the sword, well that holds true for Microsoft Word as well. :up: Who needs a union? Who needs a lawyer? Not I that is for sure. You guys are a JOKE. 😛 I feel good. 🙂
It sounded from the beginning like you had nothing to worry about. Naturally you're detractors on this board were hoping for the worst, but I applaud you on your willingness to call out those that are bringing down productivity and morale in your ranks. If the mechanics were still unionized, NWA likely would have been forced to keep that unproductive person on payroll, so it looks like justice and fairness prevailed in this case.
Wow, this post turned out to be quite prophetic. What a shock. 🙄

Good call, RTB.
I too had some serious reservations about this tall tale, seems he tends to embellish the career of the SCAB in order to justify union bashing.
So at first blush it would seem BK'ed pilots are at a disadvatage by a significant margin.
Looks like you were right as it relates to BK driving wages below the market rate. I haven't compared work rules and average line values to come up with a relative "cost to employ" measure, but I doubt it will make too much of a dent in the wage rate differential.
I don't have an up or down opinion on whether this is good or bad as it relates to NWA, but the fact that BK can be used as a tool to leverage higher wage concessions seems to hold true in this case.
Wow, this post turned out to be quite prophetic. What a shock.
Good call, RTB.

I too had some serious reservations about this tall tale, seems he tends to embellish the career of the SCAB in order to justify union bashing.

Boy, you guys are some real loosers.

A prime example of why unions are a necessary evil at NWA.

With a union, your shop steward would have intervined between you two clowns and management. More than likely diffused the situation and stopped it from progessing to MSP HR. Now that they are involved, you both might be in the wind, as they don't care who started it, your both at fault. They are there to terminate if possible, and they could care less about why you can't get along or who is the best scab. Its seems like a trivial incident to me, but then again this is Scab Air we are talking about. I am sure your as guilty as he is, as well as your most likely not forthcoming with the whole story.

As for PTO, I think your days are numbered now that MSP HR is involved. Your example is exactly why UNIONS are NEEDED. but NWA chose to throw the AMFA out the door.

I don't wish anyone ill, but I do wish you would take this seriously. It could become a witch-hunt towards you in a heart-beat. You might want to grab a phone book and look up some lawyers while you are at it. Just to be on the safe side.

It was suggested that I needed a union or a lawyer for that matter, I simply stated I needed neither. Now I am bashing unions. You guys are so so sad. Don't worry though fella's you are not going to dampen my mood today. 😉 I feel real good. Oh yes "Tall Tale", had I got fired it wouldn't have been such a "Tall Tale" now would it. In all fairness I guess the Houstonian could have used a union.
Boy, you guys are some real loosers.

What is it you always say? Oh that's right, "thanks for the eloquent reply..."

I wish this thread would have led to some intelligent discourse on the way NW management operates. I was hoping you might have gained some insight on the machinations of the HR/EEO dept., and at least understood where most of us were coming from. False alarm.
I wish this thread would have led to some intelligent discourse on the way NW management operates. I was hoping you might have gained some insight on the machinations of the HR/EEO dept., and at least understood where most of us were coming from. False alarm.
In this case they did not miss a beat. As much as I would like to comment on the Q&A deal I think that I should not, but I would really like to go into that for it was the highlight of the whole situation. Up until then I was not seriously worried about my job. To say that it was intense is an understatement. As far as the rest of the time during this, I was left in the dark and just followed the no news is good news rule. My direct involvement in this was to write a letter, go to the Q&A then hear through the grapevine that he was terminated. So other than the Q&A there was nothing to see. Our RDO's are different so we only worked together three day out of the week, other than that we were given different assignments, management didn't treat us any different. For me it was a wait and see game. Sorry to disappoint you Kev.
Just curious about the person in question, what was their actual race? I do not recall seeing this info posted in the threads. All I see is that person referred to as "9th Ward Historian". I'm not really sure what that slang refers too?

Once that is resolved and he was in fact terminated, the next course of action should prove interesting.

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