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IAM- Scabs? Supports scabbing?

Former ModerAAtor said:
The work can be done by either workgroup, so it's a stretch to call someone a scab for performing work that's in-scope for their contract.

So if the baggage handlers go on strike and are replaced by Worldwide then they are not scabs because baggage handing is within the scope of the contract at other stations?

Once unions start crossing picket lines of other unions without consent they fail to be unions.
Bob Owens said:
So if the baggage handlers go on strike and are replaced by Worldwide then they are not scabs because baggage handing is within the scope of the contract at other stations?

Once unions start crossing picket lines of other unions without consent they fail to be unions.

Only if the contract with the baggage handlers is modified to remove those tasks from their contract.

That's what 700UW's point is - Northwest took 'self help' of their own and implemented the contract the way they wanted it. Once the language was removed from the contract that made AMFA the supplier of personnel for that task, Northwest was free to give it to anyone AND anyone was free to assume those tasks, union or otherwise.

So IAM isn't scabbing at all. It might not look very good and might be a moral gray area for the most loyal union supporters, but by the letter of the law it is not 'struck work'.
"It might not look very good and might be a moral gray area for the most loyal union supporters"

I think most union supporters considers it far from gray, more like deep black. It certainly makes the IAM look like Lorenzo! The IAM and their members can try and justify it any way they want, but if they are now doing work, that was previously done by AMFA workers, they are doing struck work. However, I am sure the IAMs time in the sun will come and when it does, few tears should be shed if someone takes their jobs.
Boy, isn't it easier to just go to work and do whatever it is that you do? Which should be whatever needs to be done? It sounds to me that unions can complicate taking a piss.
keeptheodds said:
Boy, isn't it easier to just go to work and do whatever it is that you do? Which should be whatever needs to be done? It sounds to me that unions can complicate taking a piss.
Always because there are people like you who walk in behind and piss on there backs.

Dont fall for this pot stirrer's bull. He obviously is a management suck that never had to "work" a day in his white collar life. In other words, he don't know jack-sht about aircraft mantenance and what a mechanic goes thru to keep people safe at 38,000 feet in spite of the management's attempts to rush things along :down: .
