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PTO's NWA Scab Career...

The answers to your questions have already been answered in this thread.
Uhhh...I dont think so!

Come on Jizz, lets hear what you really meant. Truth is you can't say on these boards because you will be relegated to the pasture along with your other personality KTO.... 😉
Wow, this post turned out to be quite prophetic. What a shock. 🙄

Good call, RTB.
Was there EVER any doubt (in anybody's mind) that he (scab boy) would not be fired? You could just see the (SEE I TOLD YOU SO) B.S.line coming from a mile away.
Nice try though PTO. Next time try to come up with something a little more beleivable will ya.
You guys are so out of touch with reality it is unreal. Racist? You have not a clue as to what you are talking about. Working in a diverse work environment? What do you think the contract side of the house is? I doubt that NWA has ever seen such a diversified work force and employee independence before in their history. You guys live in a unionized cocoon that is set apart from reality. The current group of guys I hangout with consists of three Blacks, one Mexican a Porte Rican, one AA-Okie from Tulsa and three white AMFA Scabs. There was a Middle Eastern guy at one time but he left during Mecca to go throw a rock at another rock and never came back. You guys have no idea what a diversified work force is. I have seen your work force and I assure you it is not all that diversified. Get a real life Gentlemen. One other thing when you go into a part of town and every business and home has bars on the doors and windows and the store clerks are encased in a bullet proof cubicle, there is a reason for it and its not because everyone is running around singing Jazz.
Oh yes "Tall Tale", had I got fired it wouldn't have been such a "Tall Tale" now would it.

But low and behold you did NOT get fired. And what an amazing coincidence that is. :down:
You guys have no idea what a diversified work force is.

Really? My crew in my previous station included the following:

A guy form Saipan, one from Truk, 2 Romanians, an African American Brooklynite, a dyed in the wool So-Cal guy, an Irishman, a couple of native Detroiters....and me. A regular model UN we were.

Do you ever think before you type?
You guys are so out of touch with reality it is unreal.
I was just wandering PTO/KTO, How many tooth brushes do you have in your motel room?

your the one suffering from MPD and we're out of touch with reality?.... :lol: :lol: 😉

BTW what the heck is a "porte" Rican?
:lol: Let me get back with you on that one, in the meantime what is MPD?

MPD= Multiple Personality Disorder.

I'm willing to bet that several characters that have "graced" this board are no more than figments of your imagination (Mr. T, Twolf, Studhoss and others come to mind)...

Get help, Sybil.
MPD= Multiple Personality Disorder. Along with local 12, I'm willing to bet that several characters that have "graced" this board are no more than figments of your imagination (Mr. T, Twolf, Studhoss and others come to mind)...
You are not serious? :lol: :lol: You guys are either pushing the boundaries of denial or insanity, I am not sure which.
You are not serious? :lol: :lol: You guys are either pushing the boundaries of denial or insanity, I am not sure which.


Speaking of INSANITY,

PTO, I must make an "assessment" here.



IN RECOGNITION OF YOUR WALKING INTO A UNION HALL, and getting into a "Beef" with a "9th Ward" co-worker,

Your portfolio is as follows;

1a. ....A SCAB !
1b. ...."An IDIOT" !!

3. ....An Inbred "Red Neck"

What's the resale value of a good "Doublewide" these days?
