No need to worry about me Hackman I'm doing just fine. My resume looks very much like Scotty's.
Sheeeet 'Cods, goin' fer that next big hi falutin' wrench gypsy "career" so soon? Dadgum, ya got the doublewide remakin' done that quick? Did the misses kick ya out of the clapboard shack already? She didn't run ya 'oft after that long lonely scab mission did she? Hewwwdoggy.... she mean as a rattler!!!! Like most of your tall tales and redneck lies, you can't afford to take months off at a time. Especially as a wandering wrench gypsy scab. Us folks all dun know'd it. Twix't you an me, try an do better job of fibbin' next time. 🙄
Your statement; Didn't you know sheetmetal mechanics are in high demand. I just wish the pay reflected that as well is an example of your blind scab ignorance. Thanks to scabs and those like you willing to whore themselves to big business and all to happy to work for less, you and your ilk have driven down wages and benefits for all. You scabbed to "make a quick buck" as you said, in the mean time you assisted in bringing down wages for everyone in the field. Your management buddies thank you.
I have been lucky enough to never have suffered the layoff axe, but I knew going in it might happen at some point. Now because I have fairly high union seniority, I might be able to stave it off until I retire, I am just hoping to make it. I will not feel safe until that day. Since I was in the military at 18 and after that a major, I have done more on heavy aircraft than you could only dream of in your sad scab wrench gypsy existence. You have a few years to go before you get to my experience level, and I am still learning all the time. However, since your name is now on a scab list, any hopes you have of a being a line mechanic at a major carrier are mostly dashed because nearly all carriers worth working at are unionized. Even the major cargo companies, yes, those hated unions. I guess you could always go back to Scab Air, at least until Chapter 7 comes along. :huh:
I am also not speculating on those with questionable backrounds. I happen to know of a certain person that was terminated for drugs at a major, and another for fighting. Guess where they are working now 'Cods? Use your SUPERscab pea brain and think real hard. I also had an acqaintance years back that couldn't get hired by a major because of his multiple DWI convictions, and I even tried to help him get on. Last I heard he was still in a MRO armpit after all these years. Facts are facts. So how is this rude and of the mark 'Cods? Right again, its not, its the truth. I'm not saying armpit MRO's have nothing but criminals and misfits working at them, but a good number of them can't get on at a major for fill in here reason. Your a prime example 'Cods. Good luck at your new temporary MRO "career", they just hired a dreg, no need to kick yourself. 😉 :blink: