PTO, in my humble opinion, you're fu*ked.
I quote from the official NWA EEO Office Discrimination & Harassment Policy & Guidelines booklet
"Policy Statement
Northwest Airlines will not tolerate any individual engaging in verbal, physical or other conduct which has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with a person's work performance, or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment.
(in bold)Discrimination based on race, color, religion, creed, sex, national origin, age, disability or veteran status is against the law. Discrimination based on sexual orientation violates some state and local laws. Northwest airlines prohibits unlawful discrimination and harassment in the workplace including harassment based on an individual's sexual orientation."
When you, at the next management meeting, didn't let it go and asked not to work with "Ninth Ward Houstonian" with him around, you created a "intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment".
Now, regarding the "Ninth Ward Houstonian" thing, whether or not you actually made any racial comments at any point, this is the NWA section regarding Racial Harassment:
"Racial Harassment
Racial Harassment consists of unwelcome verbal, physical or other conduct of a racial charachter, or with racial connotations, which has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with a person's work performance, or which creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment.
Racial harassment, like sexual harassment, is a form of employee misconduct that Northwest Airlines will not tolerate. No form of unlawful harassment has any place at Northwest Airlines"
I also think this part is pretty funny...
"Employee Responsibility
Employees who belive they have experienced prohibited or unlawful harassment or discrimination in the workplace, whenever possible, should directly inform the individual that the conduct is unwelcome or improper and must stop. Employees may want to seek the assistance of a union representative, when appropriate, prior to approaching the offending individual...."
You could have gone to your shop rep and helped you potentially save your job, since you, by your own admission, "am in way over my head" and you are "also a bit out of my realm here". Shop reps know what to do, they know how to help you, since it is their realm and they've been their before. For example, your Shop Rep could have instructed you in your HR Q&A that you have the right to look over any transcripts, handwritten notes or tape recordings to ensure their accuracy, and that if you believe the above are wrong, you can sign a copy "under protest"?
Now I know that you are "confident enough in my abilities to survive any inquiry", but you have to remember that no-one expects the Northwest inquisiton! Their chief weapons are fear and surprise. In a corporation as large as NWA, the easiest, quickest and cheapest way to solve the problem is to get rid of the problem, namely you and the "Ninth Ward Houstonian". The mere fact that NWA is thinking of turning this over to the EEOC is a sign that you are getting into deeper and deeper sh*t, and you dont have the boots for it.