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PTO's NWA Scab Career...


Oh yes the power of perception and speculation combined with rumor and you have a nasty untruth that has magically become Proven Fact that is indisputable in the court of law. I know it well. It lives on these very boards.

Unlike this board a court of law could impose fines and other goodies upon you.

PTO, I know you try to take these things lightly, and to some extent I applaud you in that. You have to have thick skin to post here most of the time. That is the nature of the beast. However I don't think you truly appreciate what I am trying to tell you. A simple search by this person or someone involved in this investigation for your posts on these boards can easily turn up post/topics that could be seen as discriminatory to race, culture or even sex. All they need to do is establish a pattern, and you will be the one without a job while your “friend” stays.

I don't wish anyone ill, but I do wish you would take this seriously. It could become a witch-hunt towards you in a heart-beat. You might want to grab a phone book and look up some lawyers while you are at it. Just to be on the safe side.
In my eyes this is the ironic part of all this. If PTO would have just kept posting as he normally does, and not bring this subject to the public light he may have had a chance. The simple fact that he brought this topic up and posted what is considered a demeaning term toward a group of people based on race/creed/culture has all but shot any hope for him getting a ruling based strictly on the actions of his co-worker.

PTO, did you stop to think that HR or NWA management might read these boards? Take a look at the bottom of the Forum Home page and pay attention to the “Guestâ€￾ visitors. They outnumber the registered members 2-1 (sometimes 3-1). What are the odds that one or twenty of those belong to the people that hold your “SCAB careerâ€￾ in their hands? The very fact that there are (as you stated) only two people involved in this makes it easy for HR and others to know who you really are. Not to mention the fact that if the other person involved reads this, they can file civil charges against you.

Stupid is as stupid does. Play those odds.

Good point. If this had happened to me the last place I would talk about it is on these forums. To prove the point that "others" may be watching several years ago the guy who ran the-mechanic.com webite was served with a court order. Guess an airline wanted to know who was posting certain viewpoints/information on the site.

Over the years and having seen persoanilty conflicts between indviduals end up in HR I can say that the best course of action is to keep your mouth shut.
Good point. If this had happened to me the last place I would talk about it is on these forums. To prove the point that "others" may be watching several years ago the guy who ran the-mechanic.com wesite was served with a court order. Guess an airline wanted to know who was posting certain viewpoints/information on the site.

Over the years and having seen persoanilty conflicts between indviduals end up in HR I can say that the best course of action is to keep your mouth shut.
VERY good point. I know of 1 person personally who did get FIRED for a post (you know,had to go to the the infamous Q&A board).

-and all they had to do was do some simple detective work. (when the incident occured, ect. then research it)
Where did I say that this had to do with your "personal issues"?
"After this negative experince even you should realize the folly of those beliefs."
I guess I took this out of text.

How hard is it to answer a simple question? If you were not prepared for people to ask this question then you should have never brought this up. One last thing what sort of attitude are you refering to? Could you elaborate a bit more?

Prepared? I didn't realize that you guys were so immune as to what goes on in certain parts of any populace. Some of these places can breed some very hard individuals. Certainly you know the types. The I'm gonna get mine no matter what. I like those shoes so let me put a bullet in your head. How about that watch mister? I don't have to do anything but what I want and when I want because the world owes me everything. This attitude as I call it is a matter of upbringing and environment and effects every race in the world. It is a common denominator anywhere you will find a human population. So you guys can quit trying to turn this into something it isn't.

You don't seem to get it do you. It does not matter if there is no issue of race involved. All this guy has to do is say that there is and guess what? It then does become a "race" issue because he made it one. My guess is that NWA will be hesitant to fire him for that very reason.

You just don't seem to get it do you? There is no race card to be played.
"Prepared? I didn't realize that you guys were so immune as to what goes on in certain parts of any populace. Some of these places can breed some very hard individuals. Certainly you know the types. The I'm gonna get mine no matter what. I like those shoes so let me put a bullet in your head. How about that watch mister? I don't have to do anything but what I want and when I want because the world owes me everything. This attitude as I call it is a matter of upbringing and environment and effects every race in the world. It is a common denominator anywhere you will find a human population. So you guys can quit trying to turn this into something it isn't."

Let me ask you this. If this guy had the same color skin tome as you would be making statements like "It is a reference to attitude. Geographically induced attitude. It’s as simple as that." or "I spent quite a few years where this guy comes from. I know the area very well. I very much know their viloent attitudes especilly after the sun goes down. I know how this man grew up and I can see the attitude." Or would you have said "He's just a hot head" making no references to where he's from.

"You just don't seem to get it do you? There is no race card to be played."

If you truly believed that then you never would have eluded to the persons race by making cryptic comments like "ninth ward Houstonian". However by making some of the comments you have made you are telling me that deep down you know it can become an issue of race. Because like I said all he has to do is say it is.
Kudos to PTO for at least raising his hand to speak out on this board.

Dontcha wonder what might've happened if years ago another rank-and-file member would've raised his hand and demanded of his union leadership "this is not right, we pay you to protect our jobs and careers and you are doing nothing"

Yeah, you are all brave when you're in a mob.

Allow me to ask -- have your union leaders suffered a tremendous decrease in their style of living during the past few years???

Amen, Amen, Amen to your post. The unionistas aren't even very good at covering their own a**es, lest their own unionista "brothers". "Full Pay to the Last Day", or "Bring More Of Us On So We Can Sit On Our A**es".
Typical union losers. Only motto's they understand.

Just booked a flight from FL to AK and return. On Northwest. Happy to have PTO working our flights more than a bunch of union "goon-losers".
Amen, Amen, Amen to your post. The unionistas aren't even very good at covering their own a**es, lest their own unionista "brothers". "Full Pay to the Last Day", or "Bring More Of Us On So We Can Sit On Our A**es".
Typical union losers. Only motto's they understand.
Just booked a flight from FL to AK and return. On Northwest. Happy to have PTO working our flights more than a bunch of union "goon-losers".
Kudos to PTO for at least raising his hand to speak out on this board.
Dontcha wonder what might've happened if years ago another rank-and-file member would've raised his hand and demanded of his union leadership "this is not right, we pay you to protect our jobs and careers and you are doing nothing"
Yeah, you are all brave when you're in a mob.
Allow me to ask -- have your union leaders suffered a tremendous decrease in their style of living during the past few years???

Thank you guys very much. It is nice to see that there are people here that are not blinded by prejudiced hatred. The unionist here preach about how the members are the unions and yet the unions are out of their control it makes no sense at all to me.

Capncockroach, congratulations on your choice to fly NWA. Do be sure to post your NWA flying experience, no holds barred. This is the NWA No Spin Zone with the exception of the union side of the house.

Let me ask you this. If this guy had the same color skin tome as you would be making statements like "It is a reference to attitude. Geographically induced attitude. It’s as simple as that." or "I spent quite a few years where this guy comes from. I know the area very well. I very much know their viloent attitudes especilly after the sun goes down. I know how this man grew up and I can see the attitude." Or would you have said "He's just a hot head" making no references to where he's from.
777 fixer we have burned enough time and bytes beating this dead horse. I'm from South of the Mason Dixon so have at it.
I guess I missed that one. You have my sincerest apologies. So tell me something groundcontrol, what’s keeping you from scabbing your job back?
Quite simply…
1) YOU
2) I'm not a scab.

As comical as I thought it was it seems to be the AMFA Scabs mission, with or with out the blessing of AMFA. They seem to be doing a better job than the AMFA leadership getting back into NWA. They are indeed returning in force. At this rate it will not be long before they out number the Scabs. There will be a card drive and a new union will be voted in.
“At this rate it will not be long before they out number the scabsâ€
How come you don’t get that a scab is a scab…you seem to think you are in some way above “them"…you are on the same level as them SCAB.
If scabs are returning in force, then why is NW advertising mechanic positions?
“There will be a card drive and a new Union will be voted inâ€.
Since I’m out here and you’re in there I would guess that would be a concern of yours not mine. You are the one that is Anti-Union. Maybe you can head the drive.

I see you are going to just go ahead and sit on the sidelines. Yep, I can see you ridiculing your brothers as they try to win back what they lost and then when this is over with you will take the easy road back in. Till then, good luck fighting for your unemployment benefits. Your on the wrong side of the fence groundcontrol get with the program.
I have no clue what you are trying to say in the first two lines….I suspect you are ranting. :rant:
Again rant…â€good luck fighting for your unemployment benefits†or at best an attempt to get me to rant…..won’t happen scab.

Talk about comical…this entire thread is comical. You are naive ( I’m being nice here I actually think of you as a dumb sob) Super Scab destined to clean up the dead weight at your station…..
Yea, I think I’m on the right side of the fence for the time being. I can tell by your attitude that you consider the mechanics on the property as two different entities. 1) "them", the AMFA SCABS and 2) all other SCABS. Keep talking on these threads it sure sounds like NWA will be needing their professional mechanics back real soon.

IF the individual, that your having a "HR" hearing over, is of the same race as you, YOU would be making that point clear"in a NEW YORK minute"(PTO, that means "VERY QUICKLY")

SO, since you 99% of the time, tell it like it is, I will ask you a VERY SIMPLE QUESTION.

IS the man a member of a "Minority race" ???

YES.............or...............NO ??????????

Thank you !

Thank you guys very much. It is nice to see that there are people here that are not blinded by prejudiced hatred. The unionist here preach about how the members are the unions and yet the unions are out of their control it makes no sense at all to me.

Capncockroach, congratulations on your choice to fly NWA. Do be sure to post your NWA flying experience, no holds barred. This is the NWA No Spin Zone with the exception of the union side of the house.
777 fixer we have burned enough time and bytes beating this dead horse. I'm from South of the Mason Dixon so have at it.
I highly doubt anyone on here is not blinded by prejuiced hatred. Nothing regarding unions will ever make sense to you because you are such a union hater. make sure Captcockroach you bring your parachute in case of an in flight emergence.
If the entire senario is true and and referencing the person as "9th Ward" is what I think it is your days at NW are numbered!! Workplace harrasment is not tolerated, and once HR is involved someone goes down!! Its one persons word vs another. Good luck!!

Companies are big on the "team" concept, in fact a few years ago we had a mandatory 40hr class on the entire working as a team concept. I though it was a big waste of time myself. Refusing to work with someone is a big no-no!! Taught to all work together and some may be forced to work harder to make up for those who cannot quite pull their own weight.
If the entire senario is true and and referencing the person as "9th Ward" is what I think it is your days at NW are numbered!! Workplace harrasment is not tolerated, and once HR is involved someone goes down!! Its one persons word vs another. Good luck!!

Companies are big on the "team" concept, in fact a few years ago we had a mandatory 40hr class on the entire working as a team concept. I though it was a big waste of time myself. Refusing to work with someone is a big no-no!! Taught to all work together and some may be forced to work harder to make up for those who cannot quite pull their own weight.

Take it from someone who testified in a HR case that ended up in federal mediation where I also testified. This is all about leaving the mediators, attorneys and corporation "held harmless". You will be sacrificed in a "NY Minute".

I was nothing more than a witness and yet the verbal onslaught that I suffered at the hands of attorneys and mediators was relentless. When the appeal is made by a "minority" and you are a "caucasion male" you are dumped upon without hesitation.

Yet another example of how you are no longer represented and yet expected to pay beau ceau taxes.
Oh, Hackman comes out of his shell for a peek around. I'm still waiting on those stats you like to brag about all the time. The truth is here Hackman, somewhat in a nutshell but there is enough.
Eh? What the hell are you babbling about 'Cods? What stats? What truth in a "nutshell"? Jeezus your inane ramblings are getting farther out in la-la land with each passing day.

Here's some truth for you.

1. Your an "at will" scab, far from home and family.

2. You have no life (1934 posts in 7 months) except to come on this BB and rant.

3. You had to scab to get on at a major.

4. Your making the best wages you ever have in your miserable scab existance because of people in a union who fought for it.

5. You are a complete moron, you proved it here.

6. Scab Air management will slap you around when they feel like it, as bootlicking scab, you will take it.

7. You will never negotiate anything at Scab Air.

8. Your answer is to cower, instead of fight.

9. Your arrogance exceeds your ignorance.

10. Your "career" is teetering on the brink.
Eh? What the hell are you babbling about 'Cods? What stats? What truth in a "nutshell"?
:lol: Hackman, How many times have you said "Scab Air is DEAD LAST"? Then referred to the little DOT chart with NWA settled right down there at the bottom of the list? I wouldn't even want to begin to count how many. I would really like for you to tell us where NWA stands on that same list, that’s all. That is the problem with you guys, you are biased and only tell half the story. You never follow up on anything. If there is something bad to say you never shut up about it and if there is anything at all good to say you sweep it under the rug and hide it as if embarrassed about it. So I ask you again Hackman, where does NWA stand on your little DOT chart?

The "nutshell" is referring to the original post that you believe to be a fabricated story. "Nutshell" meaning that there is more to the story but only minute details that has happened over a period of time that has led up to this eruption. There is enough said here for you guys to get a good understanding of what is going on with out me writing a book about it.

As far as your 10 point truth list goes, it is simply more tired union ranting that is very very old.

if anyone ever worked gates you would know people fib the # alot (esp. management who want to keep their jobs)