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PTO's NWA Scab Career...

Have to admit that when I read this I could not help but chuckle.

PTO I remember last year when we had our discussion on how companies handle terminations. You had this idea of equal numbers of management and workers sitting on a board deciding someones fate. I tried to tell you that this would never work since personal relationships and emotions would cloud ones judgement. And that while it's easy to say you can be impartial no matter what once you are faced with a "situation" the reality can be quite different. The way you handled your own situation proves me right.

The way you handled this makes you look somewhat naive. Did you honestly think that management was just going to let this drop? If so you need to wake up and pull your head out of the sand. Anytime you have a conflict between people managment has an SOP to follow. By following SOP they do two things. One is to hopefully resolve the issue. Second is CYOA(Cover Your Own Ass). If they follow SOP and there's still no resolution it moves up the food chain so it's no longer in their hands. If they were to have ignored it and the situation were to escalate they could find themselves in trouble with HR. I have seen it happen where managers tried to ignore personality conflicts and have it blow up in their face.

By the way what exactly is a "Ninth Ward Houstonian"? Since I'm not from Texas the term has little meaning to me.
I can see the whole problem with you 'Cods, its your arrogance and attitude..... You have no right to act like your some kind of manager.....The fact that you didn't use your "superior" 'Cods negotiating skills and stop the threat of a discipline tells me your a not as astute as you believe you are.

Exactly. Where's the part in this story about "flipping an ace?"
...as well as your most likely not forthcoming with the whole story.
Lot'sa luck "at will" scab !!!! 😀
Oh, Hackman comes out of his shell for a peek around. I'm still waiting on those stats you like to brag about all the time. The truth is here Hackman, somewhat in a nutshell but there is enough.
You must have me confused as an IAM member....
Guess you weren't paying attention the day I told you YOU scabbed MY job. :down:
I guess I missed that one. You have my sincerest apologies. So tell me something groundcontrol, what’s keeping you from scabbing your job back? As comical as I thought it was it seems to be the AMFA Scabs mission, with or with out the blessing of AMFA. They seem to be doing a better job than the AMFA leadership getting back into NWA. They are indeed returning in force. At this rate it will not be long before they out number the Scabs. There will be a card drive and a new union will be voted in. I see you are going to just go ahead and sit on the sidelines. Yep, I can see you ridiculing your brothers as they try to win back what they lost and then when this is over with you will take the easy road back in. Till then, good luck fighting for your unemployment benefits. Your on the wrong side of the fence groundcontrol get with the program.
FIRST off, you have ZERO right to "direct the workforce', since your not a Supervisor !!
I do not direct the work force but I do expect anyone I am assigned to work with to pull their weight. Working line is a team effort and communication between that team is everything for a successful out come of the given goal.
SECOND, your reference of "9th ward person" leads me to believe that he/she may very well be a minority !!
Why would that be?
Third, and this is where you have cut your "JUGULAR VEIN",
You stated before Management that "YOU did NOT want to work with this person". Unless it was because of "proveable" saftey reasons, "YOUR FU**ING TOAST" !!!
Maybe, maybe not we will see. I received many congratulations and handshakes for my actions very little ridicule from my co-Scabs. I am not the only one that has been dragging this dead weight around I am just the only one that has been vocal about it.
PTO I remember last year when we had our discussion on how companies handle terminations. You had this idea of equal numbers of management and workers sitting on a board deciding someones fate. I tried to tell you that this would never work since personal relationships and emotions would cloud ones judgement. And that while it's easy to say you can be impartial no matter what once you are faced with a "situation" the reality can be quite different. The way you handled your own situation proves me right.

I still stand by my convictions. The way I handled this situation though a bit unorthodox has proven to be quit ingenious. This was done in front of management and the entire crew. Two shifts of men I might add. Yes it was risky and probably did put management in an uncomfortable situation but they recovered nicely I think. I opened up a Pandora’s Box for all to see instead of sneaking behind closed doors and telling nasty little secrets. Now I have to deal with that box but I think it is better than the later. Also more members of the crew have come forward with their dislike of carrying the same dead weight.

The way you handled this makes you look somewhat naive. Did you honestly think that management was just going to let this drop? If so you need to wake up and pull your head out of the sand. Anytime you have a conflict between people managment has an SOP to follow. By following SOP they do two things. One is to hopefully resolve the issue. Second is CYOA(Cover Your Own Ass). If they follow SOP and there's still no resolution it moves up the food chain so it's no longer in their hands. If they were to have ignored it and the situation were to escalate they could find themselves in trouble with HR. I have seen it happen where managers tried to ignore personality conflicts and have it blow up in their face.

Naive? I think not. No I did not expect it to be just dropped I did hope that it would be taken care of on a local level, but once a statement was requested I knew then that once it was in black and white the march to HR was on. I guess you could say I just chanced pissing on the electric fence.

By the way what exactly is a "Ninth Ward Houstonian"? Since I'm not from Texas the term has little meaning to me.

I think I will leave it at that.
You stand by your convictions? You mean that fantasy world of yours where everybody is treated the same regardless personal relatioship and emotions? After this negative experince even you should realize the folly of those beliefs.

Why can't you answer a simple question as to what a "ninth ward Houstonian" is? If you are not going to answer why did you bring it up in the first place? Is the fact that this person a "ninth ward Houstonian" somehow relavant to the situation?

I'm going to take a stab as to what a "ninth ward Houstonian" is. Let me guess, it's a reference to a minority group. Whether the minority group is black, Hispanic or something else I don't know.

Now you really are naive if you think that this hornets nest would be handled at the local level. Managers, and companies, are scared to death of anything that might have a "race issue" involved. Even when it's not a "race issue" all it takes is for one of the individuals to play the race card and then all of a sudden you have a big mess. So here's what your manager was probably thinking. He might have wanted to walk that other guy out. However he knows that all it would take is for that guy to get a lawyer who makes a living suing companies over such matters. At which point he might be the one being walked out. That's my guess on why HR got involved so quickly.
Why can't you answer a simple question as to what a "ninth ward Houstonian" is? If you are not going to answer why did you bring it up in the first place? Is the fact that this person a "ninth ward Houstonian" somehow relavant to the situation?

I'm going to take a stab as to what a "ninth ward Houstonian" is. Let me guess, it's a reference to a minority group. Whether the minority group is black, Hispanic or something else I don't know.
The ninth ward is a section in lower New Orleans that was heavily damaged by huricanes katrina and rita. It is predominately an African-American populace that resides in that poverty stricken region.

Just google "the ninth ward" and read on, I think you will get the meaning behind PTOs remarks!
The ninth ward is a section in lower New Orleans that was heavily damaged by huricanes katrina and rita. It is predominately an African-American populace that resides in that poverty stricken region.

Just google "the ninth ward" and read on, I think you will get the meaning behind PTOs remarks!

I figured that's what he was trying to get at. Why he did'nt answer my question is anybodys guess.
In my eyes this is the ironic part of all this. If PTO would have just kept posting as he normally does, and not bring this subject to the public light he may have had a chance. The simple fact that he brought this topic up and posted what is considered a demeaning term toward a group of people based on race/creed/culture has all but shot any hope for him getting a ruling based strictly on the actions of his co-worker.

PTO, did you stop to think that HR or NWA management might read these boards? Take a look at the bottom of the Forum Home page and pay attention to the “Guestâ€￾ visitors. They outnumber the registered members 2-1 (sometimes 3-1). What are the odds that one or twenty of those belong to the people that hold your “SCAB careerâ€￾ in their hands? The very fact that there are (as you stated) only two people involved in this makes it easy for HR and others to know who you really are. Not to mention the fact that if the other person involved reads this, they can file civil charges against you.

Stupid is as stupid does. Play those odds.
You stand by your convictions? You mean that fantasy world of yours where everybody is treated the same regardless personal relatioship and emotions? After this negative experince even you should realize the folly of those beliefs.

My personal issues have nothing to do with the people coming down for this inquiry. This is apparently being done per SOP just as Kev suggested. Now HR being able to be objectional without personal relations with the local management and being able to follow their own SOP is another story. That is what was being discussed in our previous argument (HR and management being in bed together). As of right now NWA has performed flawlessly in the handling of this situation for all parties involved. Now lets see what NWA's HR department is capable of before we start passing judgment on them, for no folly has been committed here.

I'm going to take a stab as to what a "ninth ward Houstonian" is. Let me guess, it's a reference to a minority group. Whether the minority group is black, Hispanic or something else I don't know.

It is a reference to attitude. Geographically induced attitude. It’s as simple as that.

Now you really are naive if you think that this hornets nest would be handled at the local level. Managers, and companies, are scared to death of anything that might have a "race issue" involved. Even when it's not a "race issue" all it takes is for one of the individuals to play the race card and then all of a sudden you have a big mess. So here's what your manager was probably thinking. He might have wanted to walk that other guy out. However he knows that all it would take is for that guy to get a lawyer who makes a living suing companies over such matters. At which point he might be the one being walked out. That's my guess on why HR got involved so quickly.

There is no race issue here. It is a simple case of personality conflicts between me and another co-Scab. He also has issues with other co-Scabs as well to the point they do not wish to work with him either. As I was told today by another co-Scab, "He isn't worth the trouble trying to keep up with, you're better off doing the work yourself." This has been going on for some time now, it has just come to a head. He simply crossed the line with the wrong person. I have also learned had another run in with another Scab. Threatened to steal the mans medication and watch him die. This was reported to management behind a closed door and brushed off as a joke. The man being threatened didn't seem to think it was a joke.

There is no race issue here. It is a simple case of personality conflicts between me and another co-Scab. He also has issues with other co-Scabs as well to the point they do not wish to work with him either. As I was told today by another co-Scab, "He isn't worth the trouble trying to keep up with, you're better off doing the work yourself." This has been going on for some time now, it has just come to a head. He simply crossed the line with the wrong person. I have also learned had another run in with another Scab. Threatened to steal the mans medication and watch him die. This was reported to management behind a closed door and brushed off as a joke. The man being threatened didn't seem to think it was a joke.

That may be the case in your eyes. I gather you didn't pay attention to the required EO classes while you were in the military. Perception is king. Whether you meant it that way or not, it is the way it is perceived by the involved parties. Believe me the company will want to wash it's hands of anything perceived to be racial or cultural discrimination.
The simple fact that he brought this topic up and posted what is considered a demeaning term toward a group of people based on race/creed/culture has all but shot any hope for him getting a ruling based strictly on the actions of his co-worker.

I spent quite a few years where this guy comes from. I know the area very well. I very much know their viloent attitudes especilly after the sun goes down. I know how this man grew up and I can see the attitude. This man is a wildcard.

PTO, did you stop to think that HR or NWA management might read these boards? Take a look at the bottom of the Forum Home page and pay attention to the “Guestâ€￾ visitors. They outnumber the registered members 2-1 (sometimes 3-1). What are the odds that one or twenty of those belong to the people that hold your “SCAB careerâ€￾ in their hands? The very fact that there are (as you stated) only two people involved in this makes it easy for HR and others to know who you really are. Not to mention the fact that if the other person involved reads this, they can file civil charges against you.

Yes I did it took me hours to initiate this thread, but I have reported everything that has happened during this strike as objectionally as possible, for me not to have made this post would have meant the job I have assigned myself here would have been severely compromised in integrity. (You guys should get a laugh out of that.) In a case like this you have to post the good with the bad that’s just life. If NWA does indeed follow these boards then so be it. My personal reflections on a public board under an alias should have no bearing at all on this matter. So we shall see as to whether NWA HR is a real HR department or not and whether or not one is really stupid to work for NWA without a union to support them. I guess I am pissing on that fence again. How about them apples Dea?

Also I might add that there are a bunch of cities with Ninth Wards. :lol:

That may be the case in your eyes. I gather you didn't pay attention to the required EO classes while you were in the military. Perception is king. Whether you meant it that way or not, it is the way it is perceived by the involved parties. Believe me the company will want to wash it's hands of anything perceived to be racial or cultural discrimination.
Oh yes the power of perception and speculation combined with rumor and you have a nasty untruth that has magically become Proven Fact that is indisputable in the court of law. I know it well. It lives on these very boards.
"My personal issues have nothing to do with the people coming down for this inquiry. This is apparently being done per SOP just as Kev suggested. Now HR being able to be objectional without personal relations with the local management and being able to follow their own SOP is another story. That is what was being discussed in our previous argument (HR and management being in bed together). As of right now NWA has performed flawlessly in the handling of this situation for all parties involved. Now lets see what NWA's HR department is capable of before we start passing judgment on them, for no folly has been committed here."

Where did I say that this had to do with your "personal issues"?

"It is a reference to attitude. Geographically induced attitude. It’s as simple as that."

How hard is it to answer a simple question? If you were not prepared for people to ask this question then you should have never brought this up. One last thing what sort of attitude are you refering to? Could you elaborate a bit more?

There is no race issue here. It is a simple case of personality conflicts between me and another co-Scab. He also has issues with other co-Scabs as well to the point they do not wish to work with him either. As I was told today by another co-Scab, "He isn't worth the trouble trying to keep up with, you're better off doing the work yourself." This has been going on for some time now, it has just come to a head. He simply crossed the line with the wrong person. I have also learned had another run in with another Scab. Threatened to steal the mans medication and watch him die. This was reported to management behind a closed door and brushed off as a joke. The man being threatened didn't seem to think it was a joke.

You don't seem to get it do you. It does not matter if there is no issue of race involved. All this guy has to do is say that there is and guess what? It then does become a "race" issue because he made it one. My guess is that NWA will be hesitant to fire him for that very reason.