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Presidential Prediction's

Congratulations Republicans,
This was a close race and I thought it would be more of a slant towards the Democrats.
We all exorcised our rights and the majority won. I hope we can get over the nastiness. There was enough of that during the campange.

If nothing else Bush mimiced some of Kerry's ideas so maybe they will vote on these issues and get some stuff accomplished. We are all going to need some good luck in the next four years and then we get a chance to do it all again.
Flash from CNN:

> BREAKING NEWS Sen. John Kerry calls President Bush to concede presidential election, CNN has learned. Details soon.

The Fat lady has sung.
whlinder said:
Yup. The saddest part is that when the next terrorist attack comes, it will hit people who didn't vote to re-elect this loser, since the major metro areas are all Democratic.
spoken like a true "COWARD", why dont you run live in spain since they cowed down to the terrorist, or perhaps france where they like to appease the f..kers. THIS IS AMERICA we are who we are because we back down from no one! we were attacked on 09/11/2001, why have we not been attacked since? perhaps OSAMA was just waiting to see who got elected? yea we probably will get hit again, but they the (terrorist) know when they do its gonna be one bad nightmare for them.......your remark turns my stomach and i hope to god one of our soldiers never has the misfortune of sharing a foxhole with you!
Remember, the 9/11 attacks were planned during the Clinton administration. I am not blaming Clinton for 9/11, but I am saying that hatred for America began long before Bust became president.
local 12 proud said:
spoken like a true "COWARD", why dont you run live in spain since they cowed down to the terrorist, or perhaps france where they like to appease the f..kers. THIS IS AMERICA we are who we are because we back down from no one! we were attacked on 09/11/2001, why have we not been attacked since? perhaps OSAMA was just waiting to see who got elected? yea we probably will get hit again, but they the (terrorist) know when they do its gonna be one bad nightmare for them.......your remark turns my stomach and i hope to god one of our soldiers never has the misfortune of sharing a foxhole with you!

So everyone who opposes the President is a coward? 🙄

I thought that we don't back down from anyone? How is the war in Afghanistan going? Did we catch Osama? Did we eliminate al Qaeda? Oh wait, we decided to attack Iraq instead. Boy aren't we tough.

Spoken like a true Bush supporter.
I hope you don't have children or young relatives who are going to be dying in that quagmire in Iraq over the next 4 years. I do.

Most Bush supporters don't. At work last week, one of my coworkers came by while I was working on a computer at another employees desk. She went on about how great GWB was and said what swung it for her was that the bill to reinstitute the draft had been drafted by the democrats and voted down. After hearing enough of this sickening bantering about what a great guy Bush was, I looked up and said "the draft is coming back, no matter who is elected". She said "I don't want to hear that, my boys are 17 and 19". It will be interesting when the draft is reinstituted (and I strongly believe it WILL be) how strong this gal's support for Bush is. To me, it only summed up the "as long as it's not MY kid" attitude that is more prevalent than many in this country want to believe.

The vote was close, to be sure, but once again the ideals of the modern Democratic party have been soundly defeated at the polls.

How can a vote be close, yet the ideals be "soundly defeated"? My fear is that Bush won't take a moment to think "gee, almost half the voters disagreed with me - perhaps I should reach out to them". Instead, he'll head to Crawford and turn over the running of the country to his "advisors".
"OK kiddies, take a deep breath, and count to ten" !!!

As the "author" of this thread, I MUST say, that the election is OVER.
The "other side" won fair and square !!!!!!

I got the numbers (approximately) right, (51.5%-47.5% and 2.0%), I just had the wrong people assigned to the numbers.

The prospect of seeing 3 MORE SC judges like Clarence Thomas, Antonin Scalia, and William Rhenquist sitting on the bench, is scary, beyond belief.(Especially Scalia, and Thomas)

Grandma had an ol' saying, that went like this............. "Be very careful, what you wish for" !!!!!!!!!

God help the working stiff, in this country.

The exec's from Wal-mart, Burger King, Mc Donalds and the Insurance companys(HMO's) are dancing in the streets, in a state of delirium !!!!!!!!!!!

I asked my CREATOR, in prayer this morning, to keep the death's and be-headings of people in Iraq, as low as possible !!!

Well, as the saying goes(the movie, The Perfect Storm),

"It IS what it IS" !!!!!!!!!!!!



Was it just me, or did anyone else see Osama Bin Laden, "looking as fit as a fiddle" ????
Hopeful said:
Remember, the 9/11 attacks were planned during the Clinton administration. I am not blaming Clinton for 9/11, but I am saying that hatred for America began long before Bust became president.

Excellent point.

Sadly, the hatred for the US that is common in many middle-eastern countries (and other parts of the world) transcends the political party of our President.

al Qaeda attacked the WTC in 1993 (only failed because they underestimated how much explosive the job would take) and blew up the USS Cole a few years later, both when President Clinton held office. Although I was not a fan of President Clinton, it would be grossly unfair of fellow conservatives to blame him for our nation's tragedies.
Hopeful said:
Remember, the 9/11 attacks were planned during the Clinton administration. I am not blaming Clinton for 9/11, but I am saying that hatred for America began long before Bust became president.

Actually they begun planing before Clinton. And the attacks in Spain were planned before 9/11. The only time we ever "got along" was when we helped them Kick russias as in Afganistan.
You also forgot the embassy bombings in kenya and tanzania, which killed about 1,000 people.
local 12 proud said:
spoken like a true "COWARD", why dont you run live in spain since they cowed down to the terrorist, or perhaps france where they like to appease the f..kers. THIS IS AMERICA we are who we are because we back down from no one! we were attacked on 09/11/2001, why have we not been attacked since? perhaps OSAMA was just waiting to see who got elected? yea we probably will get hit again, but they the (terrorist) know when they do its gonna be one bad nightmare for them.......your remark turns my stomach and i hope to god one of our soldiers never has the misfortune of sharing a foxhole with you!

I think your going to far when you say "coward" but this was the main reason I was hoping Kerry would lose. Why did the Dems nominate a guy that's so soft? Kerry comes off as tough as my grandma! If the Dems want to win they're going to need a guy who can deliver their message and look like he won't take any S--T from anyone or any foreign country!
AAmech said:
If the Dems want to win they're going to need a guy who can deliver their message and look like he won't take any S--T from anyone or any foreign country!

The problem is...in "not taking any S--T from anyone or any foreign country" is that when (not if) Iran steps up it's anti-American efforts...when (not if) the N Korea nuke talks reach a stalemate, we won't have anyone or any foreign country signing up to help us out. Alienation has that effect on people.
Tecumseh's Curse

William Henry Harrison won the presidency in 1840 with the slogan, "Tippecanoe and Tyler Too." This refers to his participation in the Battle of Tippecanoe in 1811. He was seen as a hero when Tecumseh's forces were defeated at this battle. Harrison's presidency never really had a chance to begin. He delivered a very long inaugural address on a cold, windy day. Then he was caught in a rainstorm. He caught a cold which turned for the worse and led to his death. He 'served' as president from March 4 - April 4, 1841. His death would be seen as the first in a long series of what became known as Tecumseh's Curse: Presidents elected in a year ending in a zero would die in office.

1860, Abraham Lincoln

1880, James Garfield

1900, William McKinley

1920, Warren G. Harding

1940, Franklin Roosevelt

1960, John F. Kennedy

1980, Ronald Reagan

Tecumseh's Curse

So the question is this: Did Ron stop the curse by only getting shot and not dying? And YES, it would be sad.....because then we'd have President Cheney! (you know, the one with the lesbian daughter) :shock:
Come on guy's Bush won fair and square. While I did not vote for him, I will support him as OUR President. I can't believe all the hate coming from my fellow liberals. Actually makes me sick..Sounds like some of you are hoping for another attack on our country, you all should be ashamed of yourselves.
Imagolfer said:
Come on guy's Bush won fair and square. While I did not vote for him, I will support him as OUR President. I can't believe all the hate coming from my fellow liberals. Actually makes me sick..Sounds like some of you are hoping for another attack on our country, you all should be ashamed of yourselves.

I'm not hoping...but I expect one. There is a difference.

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