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Presidential Prediction's

I expect one as well, though I sincerely hope there isn't one. Bush certainly won fair and square.

Kerry does appear to be "softer" than Bush, even though he is a superior athlete and actually fought in a war. I'm not sure who the democrats could have come up with who would be tougher. However, the problem is that these terrorists hate us. They passionately hate us. They are willing to die to show how much they hate us. Since they are willing to die, a security policy of "not taking any S--T from anyone or any foreign country" doesn't fly as well with me as a policy of "we'd prefer that you don't hate and kill us, but if you try we'll respond, and so will our allies." I guess I would prefer that we try to cooperate with the world instead of being hard-headed when it comes to foreign policy.

I hope that Bush's will govern his 2nd term in a better manner than his first. After his win in 2000 when he didn't have the popular vote, he governed as if he had won a landslide, with policies far to the right. Now that he has won by 3+ million votes, I wonder if he will be even further to the right. Nothing scares me more than the people on the extreme ends of the political spectrum.
AAStew said:
America has Spoken:up:

Hey, W used my line in his Victory speech. It was nice that he was finallyt able to give this speech.
KCFlyer said:
I'm not hoping...but I expect one. There is a difference.
and i would have expected one had kerry won the election. look folks we are all americans and with that title comes hatred from a group of extremist murderer's simply because of our ideaologies and the simple fact we are the supreme peace keeper's. it would not and will not matter who occupies the white house, it did not matter when clinton held office nor would it have if kerry did. it really disturbs me that some posters on here think that we are going to become popular with the "TERRORIST" had kerry won and therefore less likely be attacked, we will always be hated and a target as long as we show any support to any country of that region of the world. i fully expect another hit and God forbid when it comes, but we must stand together as one nation, im not implying blind support for our leaders because thats not what this NATION was founded on but we were attacked on 9/11 without provocation and that was not "BUSH's" doing.
local 12 proud said:
and i would have expected one had kerry won the election.

So would I. But I also expect one with Bush being elected. Bush was running on the fear factor...that it's better to fight over there than over here. But I guess he never noticed that those guys have no problem finding recruits to run suicide missions here. Our ports are not secure. Our borders are not secure. And America bought Bush's implied promise that we are safe from an attack with him in power. God help us all.
whlinder said:
I expect one as well, though I sincerely hope there isn't one. Bush certainly won fair and square.

Kerry does appear to be "softer" than Bush, even though he is a superior athlete and actually fought in a war. I'm not sure who the democrats could have come up with who would be tougher. However, the problem is that these terrorists hate us. They passionately hate us. They are willing to die to show how much they hate us. Since they are willing to die, a security policy of "not taking any S--T from anyone or any foreign country" doesn't fly as well with me as a policy of "we'd prefer that you don't hate and kill us, but if you try we'll respond, and so will our allies." I guess I would prefer that we try to cooperate with the world instead of being hard-headed when it comes to foreign policy.


The problem with your statement is we've been there, done that and lots of Americans died. We have a long history of "Please Like Us" foreign policy where we tended to blame ourselfs anytime something bad happens. Being the worlds Wimp generated a lot of Contemp and disrespect. Never forget the 9/11 attacks happend after 8yrs of the Clinton admin foreign policy. And after the attacks most polls taken around the world said WE caused the attacks because of our foreign policy. Now tell me, what in the world did Bill Clinton do that was so horrible that would make so many people hate us? Answer: NOTHING!!! Most of the world is just insanely jelous of our success and loves to see us get knocked down a few notches. This is why I want a pres who wont take "S--t" from ANYONE!!! If a country wants to be friends, Fine, Lets be friends. Lets have normal respectful relations But when foreign leaders spew venom and hatred at our gov and and country THEY ARE NOT OUR FRIENDS and most certainly NOT OUR ALLIES!!! We need a leader to let others know there will be diplomatic and economic penalties for this kind of hate. Right now we're like the Wimp who runs back time and again after being slapped and kicked saying "Please Like Us"!
America has Spoken:up:

AAStew said:
Hey, W used my line in his Victory speech. It was nice that he was finallyt able to give this speech.

Actually, half of America has spoken.
MiAAmi said:
I do pay attention to the news, this is what I found.


Wow thats some detective work there sparky. I espically like all those unnamed(which really means fake)sources that the article refrences. We all know that cnn is a bastion of objectivity and honesty dont we!!!! Here are some links from indenpendnat news sources that refute everything in that one article.







So while you are digesting that information why dont you go drink yourself into a stupor so you can deal with the fact that not only Bush won but he also won with a pluraity of the popular vote as well as the electoral college. Something Clinton never did!!!!!!
The Dissident said:
We all know that cnn is a bastion of objectivity and honesty dont we!!!!

CNN is about as objective and honest as the following sources:


Or are they "fair and balanced" because they "usually" express your point of view?
Actually, half of America has spoken.

A little more than half, as it turns out. But don't be a sore loser. Support your country and let's all move FORWARD.
In the words of John Kerry:

"...in an American election, there are no losers, because whether or not our candidates are successful, the next morning we all wake up as Americans. And that -- that is the greatest privilege and the most remarkable good fortune that can come to us on earth.

With that gift also comes obligation. We are required now to work together for the good of our country. In the days ahead, we must find common cause. We must join in common effort without remorse or recrimination, without anger or rancor. America is in need of unity and longing for a larger measure of compassion."

Let's keep this in mind!
The Dissident said:
Wow thats some detective work there sparky. I espically like all those unnamed(which really means fake)sources that the article refrences.

Thanks Spark-ette!

And what were the sources for WMD's.... And what about the outing of the CIA agent who happened to be married to the Ambassador to that African country that Bush insisted Iraq was getting uranium from? You know I used to really respect Republicans for being fiscally responsible. This country is going bankrupt with the wealthiest of Americans getting a tax cut. Republicans seem more apt to leave the rest of us behind. Bush's legacy will be the great divider. I'll have that drink now, are you buying?
MiAAmi said:
The Dissident said:
Wow thats some detective work there sparky. I espically like all those unnamed(which really means fake)sources that the article refrences.

Thanks Spark-ette!

And what were the sources for WMD's.... And what about the outing of the CIA agent who happened to be married to the Ambassador to that African country that Bush insisted Iraq was getting uranium from? You know I used to really respect Republicans for being fiscally responsible. This country is going bankrupt with the wealthiest of Americans getting a tax cut. Republicans seem more apt to leave the rest of us behind. Bush's legacy will be the great divider. I'll have that drink now, are you buying?

I dont know if you have been filling your taxes out properly but since the tax cuts have been enacted I have paid an average of almost $2500 less in taxes. So they are not just for your so called rich people.You obviously went to public school so let me give you a little math lesson.

Rich guy paid 30,000 in taxes last year.

working stiff paid 3000 in taxes last year

10% rebate in taxes

rich guy 3000

working stiff 300

Is it fair

You betcha its fair since the working guy and the rich guy got the same percentage of rebates, the rich guy PAID MORE IN TAXES. Therefore he gets more back. I bet you probably dont pay hardly any taxes at all by the way you complain and by the way your wannabe first lady only paid an average of 12% taxes on her money.

Buy the way its the wealthy people who create jobs and produce goods and services to gain wealth not the goverment . The goverment only consumes wealth.

50% of the population of the US pays almost no income taxes. therefore it is up to the other 50% to pay for everybody is that fair?

The top 2% of income earners pay 37% of all taxes is that fair?

Weather you want to admit it or not you indirectly owe your job to the wealthy people that you despise so much :shock:
The Dissident said:
Weather you want to admit it or not you indirectly owe your job to the wealthy people that you despise so much :shock:

Maybe in the old days, when the "rich guy" actually had a hand in founding the company. Even today, those that founded a company (albeit there are exceptions like Larry Ellison) pay themselves a salary well below the "going rate" of pay. Herb Kellher and Bill Gates come to mind. But tell me...What did Jack Welch do to actually deserve a pay package like he got? Seems his strategy was to lay folks off...how did that provide a job? Why should he have earned a salary that was several times the salary paid to the guy who founded Microsoft? How come Walt Disney made a fraction (even in inflation adjusted dollars) of what Micheal Eisner makes? How many people at USAirways owe their jobs (or lack thereof) to Steven Wolf? How come he got paid several hundred times what the average employee made? Look at just about every exec these days....how come they are paid so much? IT's their cost cutting talents. And cost cutting equals layoffs.

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