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Presidential Prediction's

AAStew said:
I understand the airline industry (craft) is a democrat leaning, but the vote was fair and square. America has spoken, Kerry just was not in sync with what America wanted. Can't we just stand together as a nation and quit the whining?
Oh BTW 4 MORE YEARS!!!! :up:

Just how will Bush help bring this nation together now? Any suggestions for him? And I don't think being concerned about our countrys future is neccesarily "whining."

I would like nothing more than to see the country clasp hands and sing Kumbaya right now but realistically I don't think that's gonna happen.

Four more years? Actually the last four years haven't exactly been a Sunday drive through Napa Valley for all of us.
Fly said:
You must be kidding me. As a jew, I'd have to say you have no clue what you are talking about. After polling my friends, I can tell you that it runs about 80% Kerry (actually, it's 100% Kerry....but there must be someone dumb enough to vote for Bush)

All I can is this....if Bush wins (which looks to me like he will), and you voted for him, don't come crying when your kids get blown up in another one of his Personal Wars.

Ever notice that all the Bubba States, loaded with blue collar good ole boys are the ones that vote Republican? Even breaks down by county. Go to the higher educated, better funded counties.....Kerry! Go to Ma and Pa Ville....Bush (look, Jimmy Joe took the time to get off his sister and go vote)

You couldnt be more wrong on the education issue. I happen to be very well educated and I vote republican. Its that very same elitest attitude that you ,the democrats, know whats best for the rest of us, and if we dont listen to you were all just a bunch of uneducated morons that cannot see the big picture. Well I got news for you the people of America are alot smarter than you think and we also have a long memory. Espically when the democrats held up the senate and prevented business from getting done and then bragged about it. You have gotten your just reward. Not only have you lost the election but you have also lost 4 seats in the senate and more in the house. The American people do not want your type of leadership. So go curl up with your well worn copies of Mao's little red book and Marx's communist manifesto and come to the realization that you lost. :shock:
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
(IMHO),I predict tomorrows presidential outcome to be;

John Kerry - 50.5% (a mandate)
G W Bush - 47.5%
Ralph Nader - 2.0%

I base this on 2 facts. "A" + "B"

B. (first),

A very large number of "first time" young (18-29) voters who are being seen as voting for Kerry, approximately 75%.

A. (Native) American Indians.

In a number of swing states (MN, WI, NM) this group of Americans, who are Never mentioned, and don't usually vote in large numbers, are reported to be coming out in Large numbers for Kerry.

Also, in a very close and important Senate race in hard core GOP state South Dakota, Indians will save (D)Tom Daschle's "bacon", by coming off of the 4 big reservations, and vote for Daschle.

Mr Moderator, I realize that this topic, is OFF TOPIC, but seeing that election day only occurs once every 4 years, mabey you'll permit this thread "some life" for a little while.

Thank You !

I think you need to stick to throwing bags and not make predictions in the political arena. :shock:
"you have also lost 4 seats in the senate and more in the house"...OK, you got three green then...No excuses.
AAStew said:
Can't we just stand together as a nation and quit the whining?
Oh BTW 4 MORE YEARS!!!! :up:

Oh, you mean the way that the Republicans I know are STILL getting their panties in a wad on a daily basis about Clinton who has been gone for 4 years now?

I hope you don't have children or young relatives who are going to be dying in that quagmire in Iraq over the next 4 years. I do.

Oh yeah, and four more years of tax cuts for billionaires while your children and grandchildren inherit a national debt they will never be able to pay off.
As if the president's victory wasn't enough, Democrats were soundly defeated all over the country. Right at the top was Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle getting knocked off by John Thune. The Republican edge in the Senate now stands at 53. The Republican majority in the House also remained.

I take special pleasure in the defeat of Tom Daschle. This is the man who engineered a Senate filibuster of a judicial nominee that had the majority vote needed for confirmation. This has never happened before. Hopefully Bush will place those names in the hopper again and see if the Democrats are still in a filibustering mood.

The vote was close, to be sure, but once again the ideals of the modern Democratic party have been soundly defeated at the polls. Tom Daschle, the symbol of liberal obstructionism in Washington DC has gotten the boot. The Republicans picked up seats in the Senate.

The Democratic party is the party of Michael Moore, George Soros and a bevy of disgruntled movie and rock stars. Now they see their politics soundly rejected. The terrorist-appeasing, Bush-bashing, lie-telling Democratic party is being sent to the showers.
In reply to a few statements here. I am better off than I was a few years ago. The economy is NOT hurting. The airline industry is. I have said this over and over, if you want to have security and make any kind of decent income, do not work for the airline industry.
If jobs are not available in your area, for goodness sake, move. My husband has had an ad running in the Washington Post EVERY weekend for the past 6months, looking for carpenters and job foremen. On Monday's we check the newspaper to double check that it ran as we get no phone calls. We start our foreman off at 45,000 with a raise to 60,000 at 90 days if they work out. Carpenters are equally well paid.
Yes I do have a teenage son who will be of draft age in a few short years. No I do not want him going off to war, but if you remember correctly the MAJORITY of the American public supported this war. It was the vocal minority that made headlines.
If Kerry had won yesterday, I would have been fine with that as we live in a democracy and this would have been the choice of the PEOPLE, just as I was fine with Bill Clinton even though I did not agree with his ticket. This is what is so wonderful about the United States of America. Our forefathers came up with the wonderful concept of checks and balances so that no one party could be in absolute power, but the will of the people would be served instead.
If people would start thinking logically instead of emotionally, they might be able to see this great democratic system that we have running our country.
AAStew said:
I understand the airline industry (craft) is a democrat leaning, but the vote was fair and square. America has spoken, Kerry just was not in sync with what America wanted. Can't we just stand together as a nation and quit the whining?
Oh BTW 4 MORE YEARS!!!! :up:

I agree that America has spoken. However, I think that they don't really know what they are speaking for. Everything is slanted, by the campaigns and the media. You get the idea from the Bush campaign that Kerry is the most liberal politician of all time and thus is evil. Kerry would like everyone to believe that Bush is going to outlaw abortion and take over every country that produces oil after he drafts all the laid off workers whose jobs were outsourced. And of course the truth is somewhere in the middle. But with Bush already being in office and all the radical conservatives hanging on his every word like it is the absolute truth, he was able to win more votes. A successful campaign from his point of view, but IMHO bad for the country.

I wish we could stand as a nation, but it seems to be more polarized than ever. And that also seemed to be the goal of the Bush campaign.
whlinder said:
Yup. The saddest part is that when the next terrorist attack comes, it will hit people who didn't vote to re-elect this loser, since the major metro areas are all Democratic.

Houston is republican.
Dallas is republican.
San Diego is republican.
Los Angeles was pretty much split this time.

Stop with the generalities.

You're just angry because,

1) your boy got waxed by 3.5 million votes,
2) got waxed buy a guy who received more votes than any other candidtate in U.S. history,
3) had star power, union power, and minority power - but still failed, and
4) now gets to sit on the sidelines as W gets to appoint 3, count 'em, 3 Supreme Court justices.
AAStew said:
I understand the airline industry (craft) is a democrat leaning, but the vote was fair and square. America has spoken, Kerry just was not in sync with what America wanted. Can't we just stand together as a nation and quit the whining?
Oh BTW 4 MORE YEARS!!!! :up:

It just goes to show that FEAR works. Bush/Cheney are our Domestic Terrorists. Divided we stand. 1/2 America voted against Bush. Are you better off today then you were 4 yrs ago? I know that I make less and pay more than I did 4 yrs ago. God help us if 4 yrs from now things are even worse. Union members who voted Republican have just shot themselves in the foot.
Just read that EVERY president ever elected in his first term ending in the number 0 (ie- 2000) was shot at and/or died. Whoa! I wonder if anyone will try that. That would be sad.
The curse of Tecumsah. But you've got it a little off.

Reagan was shot in 1981, but survived.
Warren Harding died of a heart attack in 1923.

Harrison died of pneumonia in 1841.
Lincoln was assassinated in 1865.
Garfield was assassinated in 1881.
McKinley was assassinated in 1903.
Roosevelt died of a stroke in 1945.
Kennedy was assassinated in 1963.
ITRADE said:
Houston is republican.
Dallas is republican.
San Diego is republican.
Los Angeles was pretty much split this time.

Stop with the generalities.

You're just angry because,

1) your boy got waxed by 3.5 million votes,
2) got waxed buy a guy who received more votes than any other candidtate in U.S. history,
3) had star power, union power, and minority power - but still failed, and
4) now gets to sit on the sidelines as W gets to appoint 3, count 'em, 3 Supreme Court justices.

You're right, I am generalizing. I forgot to exclude the Texas cities, obviously, and haven't checked up on the exact results for every single metro area in the country.

I'm not angry at those things, they are all true. Its not worth anyone's time to get angry at something that is a fact. You can't do anything about it. Kerry wasn't exactly the greatest candidate. I don't care about star power either, people shouldn't vote for who celebrities tell them to vote for. Using that as a the reason you vote for someone is worse than the crap people used to justify voting for Bush. I'm upset and disappointed that this country couldn't see through the farce that Bush is. His ability to market and spin himself is unbelievable (well its not his ability, but his advisor's) and I had more faith in the American people to be able to see through that. I guess I gave them and you more credit than I should have.
Fly said:
Just read that EVERY president ever elected in his first term ending in the number 0 (ie- 2000) was assassinated. Whoa! I wonder if anyone will try that. That would be sad.

Is this thought process indicative of the Democrats in our nation? Yes it most certainly would be sad. What iis even sadder but indicative of emotitional, irrational thinking is the undertone of your post. Please get help.

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