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Presidential Prediction's

Face the music my friends. America has almost reached a critical mass of "citizens" who believe that it is the role of government to smooth every bump on the road and to solve every personal problem. These people believe that it is the government's responsibility, not their own, to get them a job. It's the government's job to monitor and take care of their health. It's the government's job to provide for their retirement, take care of their children, find them a place to live, and feed them.

I guess you can say that the dependency class came by it honestly. What do you expect of people who are educated by the government? Doesn't it make perfect sense that people who are educated by the government would come away with that experience believing that government is the solution to all their problems?

Know this: The people who inhabit this country today could never pull off what our forefathers did in discovering and settling this country and in fighting for its independence. Independence is the last thing the average American wants today
The Dissident said:
Lets just hope BUSH wins for the sake of and security of this country. What I find intresting is that in his latest video OBL endorsed thats right endorsed kerry. So its a simple for you to understand. OBL wants kerry in office, Kin Jung Il of north korea wants kerry in office.Therefore the democrats have the same goal in common with the terrorists and north korea. The destruction of america. If kerry does succeed in getting elected you can pat yourself on your back for helping to weaken America and give strength to her enemies.

I have never heard of anything so twisted in my life. Give me a break! OBL endorsed neither Kerry nor Bush - that is a LIE! I read it and watched it on T.V.

If you are so concerned with security - why is it that Kerry wants the belly of the plane x-rayed while Bush does not.

If Bush wins then you can pat yourself on the back for being a follower just like the Jones followers that drank the poison koolaid. The only hope we have is to get rid of Bush.
Hey wake up. OBL said in his video that if kerry wins his orginazation would not attack us. That is an endorsement of kerry plain and simple. OBl desires to have kerry in office and stated so in his video. Therefore it is an endorsement of kerry by a terrorist. Also That little communist gargoyl from north korea Kim Jung Il stated his desire to have kerry in office as well. Another endorsement but this time by a communist regime. So if you voted for keryy you are on the same side as the communists and terrorists and you cannot deny it.
Well, I got right off of my plane from Brussels and hopped on another plane to WI just to go vote. I stood in line for over 3 hours at city hall just to vote. But it didn't seem like a long time. We just made friends in line and started chatting for hours. Next thing you know you were voting. With Bush and Kerry in WI about twice a week for the past month or so, I hope WI makes the right decision and votes DEM like we have for the past few elections. Unfortunately I think Bush will win. Americans are still pumped up from the war and are not looking at other factors like all the people layed off and how horrible our industry is. I mean just look at how the oil prices went down over a dollar a barrel when analysts said that they think Kerry might win.
The Dissident said:
Hey wake up. OBL said in his video that if kerry wins his orginazation would not attack us. That is an endorsement of kerry plain and simple. OBl desires to have kerry in office and stated so in his video. Therefore it is an endorsement of kerry by a terrorist. Also That little communist gargoyl from north korea Kim Jung Il stated his desire to have kerry in office as well. Another endorsement but this time by a communist regime. So if you voted for keryy you are on the same side as the communists and terrorists and you cannot deny it.

You have to be kidding.....tons of explosives are missing and most likely being used against our troops and possibly eventually here at home. Read the news - most polls in foreign countries support Kerry by a large margin. We need our allies in the fight against terror. Bush has made us less safe.
The exit polls show Kerry winning by 1 percent nationally so far and leading in all the key states. But remember that the polls are not 100% accurate.
BLAH BLAH BLAH. The explosives are old news. They were missing before we even got there. IF you would pay attention to the news. I find it intresting that the left wing communist leaning media would put a story on the front page if its bad for Bush but if it is good for Bush its buried on page 17. Case in point the false national guard memos fabricated by a democrat operative. You liberals just cannot stand the fact that you have the same agenda as terrorists and communists which is to elect kerry and I called you on it. I will put in simpler terms for you goverment educated individuals.

OBL doesent want Bush as president.

Kim Jung Il doesent want Bush as president

Liberal democrats do not want Bush as president

Therefore OBL, Kim Jung Il, and Liberal Democrats all have the same goal- to prevent Bush from getting reelected.

Therefore you all have the same agenda :shock:

Terrorists-Communists-Democrats- All on the same side.

You are just mad because you cannot refute this logic.
I hate to say it Dis, but your logic wouldn't get by a fifth grader. "Terrorists-Communists-Democrats- All on the same side." ???
The beauty of it is in its simplicty. Back in WWII the pacifists in England did not want England to fight Hitler. Goerge Orwell wrote an essay that was published in their papers which stated simply that the pacifists in England did not want to fight Hitler and Hitler did not want to have england fighting him. Therefore they shared the same agenda and therefore they were on the same side working toward the same goal. Needlees to say the pacifists howled with indignation that they were associated with the same goals as Hitler when it came to the defense of England but they could not refute what Orwell wrote in his essay. Same thing with the democrats and the terrorists as I have posted previously. Hter bueaty of this logic lies in its simplicity and cannot be refuted.
The Dissident said:
Liberal democrats do not want Bush as president

Conservative Democrats don't want the shrub to win either . . .

But I digress!

The only ones that want shrub to win are reactionist republicans . . . and rednecks!

A vote for shrub is a vote for Karl Rove! You know who he is . . . he's the puppet master with his fist up shrubs backside pulling the strings.
The Dissident said:
BLAH BLAH BLAH. The explosives are old news. They were missing before we even got there.

I don't know what news your looking at but they have video of the explosives after the invasion.
Fly said:
Don't let the facts get in your way, Dis!

Which facts are you referring to. The ones put out by your democrat communistic terrorist loving media and DNC or the one I have researched by myself and know to be true and accurate. It must be tough living life through rose colored glasses.

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