Wieviele sprachen sollten wir erlernen?(SP?)
Sie sind senseless argumentative. 🙄
Dummkopf 😛
How much should we learn? Enough to be fluent in another language. Again...this is nothing new. The Eurpoeans and Asian countries have practiced this for decades b/c they realized they would need to communicate in the USA to do business. Now that we are globalizing, we are dealing much more with India, China, Saudi Arabia, even the old W. European countries and developing E. Europe.
Yes...you're an dummkopf, too if you think that suggesting that we learn a language is a senseless argument. This ain't the 50's anymore and our "global economic domination" is becoming more of a memory and less of a reality of the coming decade. Time to stop being arrogant, ignorant jackarses and start being proactive in getting ready for the change. Instead, many like you want to see the same fate as the Roman and British empires...rest on our laurels and pretend that the future will be status quo rather than recognizing that we are in for big changes and we can maintain our position if we change as well.