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Looks at these elected morons

Wieviele sprachen sollten wir erlernen?(SP?)
Sie sind senseless argumentative. 🙄

Dummkopf 😛

How much should we learn? Enough to be fluent in another language. Again...this is nothing new. The Eurpoeans and Asian countries have practiced this for decades b/c they realized they would need to communicate in the USA to do business. Now that we are globalizing, we are dealing much more with India, China, Saudi Arabia, even the old W. European countries and developing E. Europe.

Yes...you're an dummkopf, too if you think that suggesting that we learn a language is a senseless argument. This ain't the 50's anymore and our "global economic domination" is becoming more of a memory and less of a reality of the coming decade. Time to stop being arrogant, ignorant jackarses and start being proactive in getting ready for the change. Instead, many like you want to see the same fate as the Roman and British empires...rest on our laurels and pretend that the future will be status quo rather than recognizing that we are in for big changes and we can maintain our position if we change as well.
Ok,but it is unmitigated bullshit to have to learn a new language just to accomodate a bunch of illegal/legal immigrants who haven't been here as long as you or me.They wan leev here they learn de langwage..... no eef ans or butts. 😉

Any chance I can get a copy of the Bill of Rights in,say,Spanish? :lol:
Ok,but it is unmitigated bullshit to have to learn a new language just to accomodate a bunch of illegal/legal immigrants who haven't been here as long as you or me.They wan leev here they learn de langwage..... no eef ans or butts. 😉

Any chance I can get a copy of the Bill of Rights in,say,Spanish? :lol:

Speaking of being needlessly argumentative...why don't you READ hombre? I said we shouldn't have to learn Spanish...we SHOULD have to learn a language that will help us with globalization. Since Latin America is part of globalization, there should be some that learn it, of course...but we should be learning Hindi, various Chinese dialects, Japanese, French, etc. You know my argument b/c you have read it so don't be obtuse and go back to square one when that isn't even my position.
Speaking of being needlessly argumentative...why don't you READ hombre? I said we shouldn't have to learn Spanish...we SHOULD have to learn a language that will help us with globalization. Since Latin America is part of globalization, there should be some that learn it, of course...but we should be learning Hindi, various Chinese dialects, Japanese, French, etc. You know my argument b/c you have read it so don't be obtuse and go back to square one when that isn't even my position.

English is already the international language, it is spoken in just about every major country worldwide and We have translators to bridge the gap.

there is nothing wrong with learning another(language) for recreation etc...but to imply we are being left behind because we dont speak another language is really quite rediculous.
English is already the international language, it is spoken in just about every major country worldwide and We have translators to bridge the gap.

there is nothing wrong with learning another(language) for recreation etc...but to imply we are being left behind because we dont speak another language is really quite rediculous.

And your mindset thqt the world will never change is truly ridiculous. Ask colonial Britain in the late 1800s if they think things will change. The ones that said "no" were dead wrong.

Ignorance = having no forsight
Sustained success = recognizing what is going on in the world and reacting accordingly.

As more ane more business goes to China and India through globalization, there will be a point where they have the clout to say "we are only dealing in our own language" just as we did in the US during our rise in the post-WWI era. As the rest of the world persuades its citizens to learn these critical languages, we will fall behind b/c the arrogance and ignorance of people like you will assure that is the case.

And to bring this back to your world and reinforce a point I brought up earlier...don't you think it would have been nice had we trained ANYONE to learn Arabic before 9/11?! Dealing with our largest vice (oil) for decades but not learning the languages of the suppliers helped us to (supposedly) have no idea what warning messages actually meant and we were caught with our pants down.

I, for one, don't want to fall behind in the world economy and don't want to have excuses in the future on why we couldn't anticipate events that were for-warned so why not get off our arses and learn a language? B/C you would feel uncomfortable? B/C it isn't important? Open your eyes already...can you not recognize that the world is changing? That's right...we've been down this road numerous times before...you can't recognize this fact. Again...your thinking will make us the next Rome or Britain...though those empires lasted much longer than 200 years.
Speaking of being needlessly argumentative...why don't you READ hombre? I said we shouldn't have to learn Spanish...we SHOULD have to learn a language that will help us with globalization. Since Latin America is part of globalization, there should be some that learn it, of course...but we should be learning Hindi, various Chinese dialects, Japanese, French, etc. You know my argument b/c you have read it so don't be obtuse and go back to square one when that isn't even my position.
Just making a cyber ststement dude....'scusa...senor....no need to get excited....
don't be so sensitive...lets all do a cyber hug session...lib and conservative alike...

That statement is ridiculous, as well as ignorant and xenophobic.

explain please, just because I challenge the speaking of a different language that makes me (fearful)?

We live in the most diversified nation in the world with more languages spoken here than you could imagine.

oh my God, we're about to be tossed aside because we dont speak Cherokee. :lol: :lol: :lol:
That statement is ridiculous, as well as ignorant and xenophobic.

Waiting for that 'label' to pop it's ugly head.
How dare you call this Mic 😛 a xenophobe?
Are you 'another' enabler?
😛 UT
How much should we learn? Enough to be fluent in another language. Again...this is nothing new. The Eurpoeans and Asian countries have practiced this for decades b/c they realized they would need to communicate in the USA to do business. Now that we are globalizing, we are dealing much more with India, China, Saudi Arabia, even the old W. European countries and developing E. Europe.

Yes...you're an dummkopf, too if you think that suggesting that we learn a language is a senseless argument. This ain't the 50's anymore and our "global economic domination" is becoming more of a memory and less of a reality of the coming decade. Time to stop being arrogant, ignorant jackarses and start being proactive in getting ready for the change. Instead, many like you want to see the same fate as the Roman and British empires...rest on our laurels and pretend that the future will be status quo rather than recognizing that we are in for big changes and we can maintain our position if we change as well.

So 'WHAT' is your point?
Do you advocate that 'everone' learn 'a' language or more than one? Should I have to learn Italian to order a Pizza? Greek to order a Gryo? Arabic to order a Goat?
In your 'home' country, one should not 'have' to learn anything other than their native language.

😛 UT
And your mindset thqt the world will never change is truly ridiculous.

There you go ASSuming again.

Ignorance = having no forsight
Sustained success = recognizing what is going on in the world and reacting accordingly.

Wow thats some heavy sh!t, thanks for that profound tid bit of philosophical wisdom. :up:

As more ane more business goes to China and India through globalization, there will be a point where they have the clout to say "we are only dealing in our own language"

Since you seem to be an expert on globalization these days which languages do you suggest we learn? China has (4) main languages, chinese, mandarin, cantonese, hakka with many varying dialects, and India has (18) languages...yep thats right EIGHTEEN native tongues!, hindi in the north, tamil in the south, pradesh in the east, gujarat in the west with (14) more in all points between.
Get the point?
Thats alot to learn in order to have much 'clout' :lol:

...Hmmmm you think maybe English is an international language for a reason? :huh:

As the rest of the world persuades its citizens to learn these critical languages, we will fall behind b/c the arrogance and ignorance of people like you will assure that is the case.

coming from the boards self proclaimed expert on world affairs and events you dont know how much that statement crushes me...Im border line suicidal I tell ya! :bleh:

And to bring this back to your world and reinforce a point I brought up earlier...don't you think it would have been nice had we trained ANYONE to learn Arabic before 9/11?! Dealing with our largest vice (oil) for decades but not learning the languages of the suppliers helped us to (supposedly) have no idea what warning messages actually meant and we were caught with our pants down.

So your saying we had 'NO ONE' trained in Arabic pre 9/11?...and you have the audacity to call me Ignorant. :lol:

I, for one, don't want to fall behind in the world economy and don't want to have excuses in the future on why we couldn't anticipate events that were for-warned so why not get off our arses and learn a language?

So go learn a language already...Geeeezzzz

B/C you would feel uncomfortable?

NOPE...quite comfortable in my own skin.

B/C it isn't important?

ding..ding..ding 😀

Open your eyes already...can you not recognize that the world is changing?


That's right...we've been down this road numerous times before...you can't recognize this fact. Again...your thinking will make us the next Rome or Britain...though those empires lasted much longer than 200 years.

Hmmmm...Last I checked Great Britain and Italy are both still players in the worlds scheme of things, and just in case your confused...Were a 'Republic' not an 'Empire'!
There you go ASSuming again.
Wow thats some heavy sh!t, thanks for that profound tid bit of philosophical wisdom. :up:
Since you seem to be an expert on globalization these days which languages do you suggest we learn? China has (4) main languages, chinese, mandarin, cantonese, hakka with many varying dialects, and India has (18) languages...yep thats right EIGHTEEN native tongues!, hindi in the north, tamil in the south, pradesh in the east, gujarat in the west with (14) more in all points between.
Get the point?
Thats alot to learn in order to have much 'clout' :lol:

...Hmmmm you think maybe English is an international language for a reason? :huh:

coming from the boards self proclaimed expert on world affairs and events you dont know how much that statement crushes me...Im border line suicidal I tell ya! :bleh:
So your saying we had 'NO ONE' trained in Arabic pre 9/11?...and you have the audacity to call me Ignorant. :lol:
So go learn a language already...Geeeezzzz

NOPE...quite comfortable in my own skin.

ding..ding..ding 😀


Hmmmm...Last I checked Great Britain and Italy are both still players in the worlds scheme of things, and just in case your confused...Were a 'Republic' not an 'Empire'!

There you go ASSuming again.

Yes...my "assumption" that the world is changing is based on the mere theory (not fact...just like cigarettes leading to lung cancer is also a theory) of globalization. Give me a break! Don't buy into my propaganda b/c we clearly do not need to do business with the rest of the world.

Wow thats some heavy sh!t, thanks for that profound tid bit of philosophical wisdom. :up:

No problem. I wasn't even referring to you in my post so that is nice that you feel grouped in with the "ignorant". You can sit back with that group and watch the world pass you by while you reminisce about the good ol' days.

Since you seem to be an expert on globalization these days which languages do you suggest we learn? China has (4) main languages, chinese, mandarin, cantonese, hakka with many varying dialects, and India has (18) languages...yep thats right EIGHTEEN native tongues!, hindi in the north, tamil in the south, pradesh in the east, gujarat in the west with (14) more in all points between.

Nice use of wikipedia...only took you several days to come up with a fact that pretty much anyone else already knew. Luckily for us you can throw out most of the sub-languages and dialects b/c most of the business dealings with these countries are in very specific regions (the industrialized north in China and Mumbai/Chennai in India). The fact that people can communicate with each other in these regions I would say that we could narrow down the specific dialects we need to learn to just a few. Sorry that issue was so perplexing for you to think through.

...Hmmmm you think maybe English is an international language for a reason? :huh:

Yes...people just randomly picked a country that had a single language and said "that will be what we use in our business dealings". Do you even listen to your crap? Try this one on...and it's just a theory...but I would say that English has been used b/c the most recent world economic powers were/are Britain and the US. Just like merchants and traders from other regions learned Greek long ago. And so it went with every major economic power throughout time. If you wanted to trade with them (hence ensuring your own viability), you would learn their language. Sorry that is also too profound for you to grasp.

coming from the boards self proclaimed expert on world affairs and events you dont know how much that statement crushes me...Im border line suicidal I tell ya! :bleh:
Shame that my yet-unproven theory of globalization has sparked such depression in you.

So your saying we had 'NO ONE' trained in Arabic pre 9/11?...and you have the audacity to call me Ignorant. :lol:

Bushie and the CIA have both said that we had no adequate resources within our own country to translate the pre-9/11 warnings and to run operations in post-9/11 Iraq/Afghanistan. THAT is what I refer to when I say that we didn't have anyone trained. I'm sure there were a handful but the CIA and prez say that it wasn't sufficient to protect the American people. If you're going to use an excuse, you have to stick with it the whole way through.

So go learn a language already...Geeeezzzz

Don't mind if I do. Already learned two b/c I'm not closed-minded. Of course I learned them before the Internet and globalization. It sure would be nice if our schools would teach them now...and not Spanish to appease immigrants...but worthwhile languages that will help us going forward.

NOPE...quite comfortable in my own skin.

your insecurities would say otherwise.


No kidding? You just refuted it further up in your post where you said that I was ASSuming that the world was changing.

Hmmmm...Last I checked Great Britain and Italy are both still players in the worlds scheme of things, and just in case your confused...Were a 'Republic' not an 'Empire'!

GB and Italy are still players...nice work! But which countries have the most rapidly growing economies and are poised to overtake our own within the next couple of decades. Tick...tick...tick... Well...I won't spoil it for you. I'll let you check via your internet references.

And call our status whatever you want. When it comes down to it in the span of world history, we are an Empire. We have global reach and dominate the world politically and economically. THAT is an empire (don't get caught up in your semanitcal games b/c you don't have to call yourself something to actually be it). Of course our "empire" is still far less of a legacy than those of Rome, Egypt, China, Mongolia, Assyria, and Byzantine to name a few. Even Britain/Spain/France/Portugal's legacy was "short-lived" vs. the other greats...but like it or not...we are an "empire".

Now I've probably kept you out of your bomb shelter long enough so go tuck yourself away again and enjoy the global domination of the US that will last forever.
name='Ch. 12' date='Feb 8 2007, 05:20 AM' post='454696'
Yes...my "assumption" that the world is changing is based on the mere theory (not fact...just like cigarettes leading to lung cancer is also a theory) of globalization. Give me a break! Don't buy into my propaganda b/c we clearly do not need to do business with the rest of the world.

NO... your 'ASSumption was this.
And your mindset thqt the world will never change is truly ridiculous.
I never said 'the world will never change' in fact I said 'THE WORLD IS IN CONSTANT CHANGE'...nice try! BTW lung cancer from cigarettes is a proven medical fact.

No problem. I wasn't even referring to you in my post so that is nice that you feel grouped in with the "ignorant". You can sit back with that group and watch the world pass you by while you reminisce about the good ol' days.

Really...Is someone else now posting under your screen name?
we will fall behind b/c the arrogance and ignorance of people like you will assure that is the case.
...Hmmmm seems pretty evident to whom you were referring, nice try.

Nice use of wikipedia...only took you several days to come up with a fact that pretty much anyone else already knew.

Don't let your self absorbed over inflated ego fool you. 😉

Luckily for us you can throw out most of the sub-languages and dialects b/c most of the business dealings with these countries are in very specific regions (the industrialized north in China and Mumbai/Chennai in India). The fact that people can communicate with each other in these regions I would say that we could narrow down the specific dialects we need to learn to just a few.

Oh so its only 'very specific regions' in China and India that are leaving us in the dust globally? :lol:

how do you suppose were already doing business in those regions without communication genius?...hieroglyphs?

Sorry that issue was so perplexing for you to think through.

ASSuming again?

Yes...people just randomly picked a country that had a single language and said "that will be what we use in our business dealings". Do you even listen to your crap? Try this one on...and it's just a theory...but I would say that English has been used b/c the most recent world economic powers were/are Britain and the US. Just like merchants and traders from other regions learned Greek long ago. And so it went with every major economic power throughout time. If you wanted to trade with them (hence ensuring your own viability), you would learn their language.

...and english is 'STILL' the international language, reaching around the globe. Now who is it that is getting left behind again?

Sorry that is also too profound for you to grasp.

Yes your superior intellect truly confounds us simpletons.

Shame that my yet-unproven theory of globalization has sparked such depression in you.

Its called 'Sarcasam'...good grief 🙄

Bushie and the CIA have both said that we had no adequate resources within our own country to translate the pre-9/11 warnings and to run operations in post-9/11 Iraq/Afghanistan. THAT is what I refer to when I say that we didn't have anyone trained. I'm sure there were a handful but the CIA and prez say that it wasn't sufficient to protect the American people. If you're going to use an excuse, you have to stick with it the whole way through.

Hey Professor, The warnings were translated alright, they were just ignored...something about arab pilots being trained in the US with the desire to learn the flying capabilities of a wide body, yet no interest in learning to land :huh: is just 'ONE' instance... not much translation needed there.

Don't mind if I do. Already learned two b/c I'm not closed-minded. Of course I learned them before the Internet and globalization.

Wowwwww...your so special, perhaps you could be the worlds translator.

It sure would be nice if our schools would teach them now...and not Spanish to appease immigrants...but worthwhile languages that will help us going forward.

They already do!

your insecurities would say otherwise.

Im not the one wringing my hands about 'getting left behind' :shock:

No kidding? You just refuted it further up in your post where you said that I was ASSuming that the world was changing.

More twisting of words.

GB and Italy are still players...nice work! But which countries have the most rapidly growing economies and are poised to overtake our own within the next couple of decades. Tick...tick...tick... Well...I won't spoil it for you. I'll let you check via your internet references.

...Hmmmm where is it that English is spoken again?

And call our status whatever you want. When it comes down to it in the span of world history, we are an Empire. We have global reach and dominate the world politically and economically. THAT is an empire (don't get caught up in your semanitcal games b/c you don't have to call yourself something to actually be it). Of course our "empire" is still far less of a legacy than those of Rome, Egypt, China, Mongolia, Assyria, and Byzantine to name a few. Even Britain/Spain/France/Portugal's legacy was "short-lived" vs. the other greats...but like it or not...we are an "empire".

republic n. A political order whose head of state is not a monarch and in modern times is usually a president.

democracy: a political system in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who can elect people to represent them

empire ( ) n. A political unit having an extensive territory or comprising a number of territories or nations and ruled by a single supreme authority.

the domain ruled by an emperor or empress; the region over which imperial dominion is exercised

Now you have no excuse.

Now I've probably kept you out of your bomb shelter long enough so go tuck yourself away again and enjoy the global domination of the US that will last forever.

If my safety is ever put into the hands by the likes of you a bomb shelter will be tantamount, you might wish to pull your head out of your arse and take cover as well.. 😀

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