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Looks at these elected morons

Go to Switzerland and they are proficient in German, Italian, French, and English. Do they lack science and math skills? No.
When I pulled out my trusty Rand-o McNally-o world atlas, I noticed that Switzerland (and Germany, Italy and France) were considerably smaller than the US, and they bordered countries that spoke a different languages. To drive from Bern to Rome is shorter than driving from El Paso to New Orleans. And that's just 1/25 of the US. Does Switzerland offer their drivers tests in a variety of languages? If I were to move to Germany, It would behoove me to learn German. If I were to move to France, it would behoove me to learn French. But if a person from Mexico moves to the US, I guess it would still behoove me to learn Spanish. Go figure. I see it many times in the course of my work...one phrase many understand is "Do you speak English"...the answer in the vast majority of cases is "No". And somehow WE are wrong by not learning THEIR language?
It would be fun to learn another language or two...maybe i'll put it on the list.I still think if you're going to become a citizen you should be required to learn the language because like I pointed out...how can one effectively function in this society then.

Look up on the columns at Sears the next time you're there...Si?
When I pulled out my trusty Rand-o McNally-o world atlas, I noticed that Switzerland (and Germany, Italy and France) were considerably smaller than the US, and they bordered countries that spoke a different languages. To drive from Bern to Rome is shorter than driving from El Paso to New Orleans. And that's just 1/25 of the US. Does Switzerland offer their drivers tests in a variety of languages? If I were to move to Germany, It would behoove me to learn German. If I were to move to France, it would behoove me to learn French. But if a person from Mexico moves to the US, I guess it would still behoove me to learn Spanish. Go figure. I see it many times in the course of my work...one phrase many understand is "Do you speak English"...the answer in the vast majority of cases is "No". And somehow WE are wrong by not learning THEIR language?

KC- Why do you have trouble this week reading my posts? I AGREE that immigrants should be forced to learn English as I have stated time and time again. Read first and then respond.

Now...as far as not wanting to learn other languages (and I specifically said in my last post that we shouldn't have to learn Spanish to appease the immigrants...don't put words in my mouth), true...Switzerland is much closer to other countries than we are. However...and I can't figure out how to get this idea through...the world is globalizing. What that means is that borders are virtually much closer than ever before. Due to technology we essentially "border" every advanced or advancing country. China is our "neighbor". France is our "neighbor". Brazil is our "neighbor". You get the idea. What the Swiss did to learn other languages due to the need to be viable in business we need to do now. Our borders are much closer to every other country than they ever were. Time to get smart and throw away the "go it alone" mentality in this country. We will need the world in the not-so-distant future to have a viable economy and we will need to be able to adapt and communicate with other cultures. Time to start learning is now.
Nope. Immigrants should take English. Period. But we should take A language...choose one. I would go for Chinese, some Indian language, or maybe Japanese if I were in school now and not too dumb/old to proficiently learn a new language. But our students should be forced to learn a language...but not forced to learn a specific language.

As far as lacking in some subjects to learn others...as I said before, I don't buy it. Other countries have been doing it for a couple hundred years. Go to Switzerland and they are proficient in German, Italian, French, and English. Do they lack science and math skills? No. I'd say that they are pretty darn proficient in Math seeing as they are a banking (THE) center. It is hogwash to say that we are tapped out in what we are learning in our schools. With the slashed education budget, I'd say that we aren't learning enough right now. But we shouldn't wait until HS to learn a language...then it does take alot more energy to learn and it is much more difficult to become proficient. We should start immediately after entering grade school.

Do I think we should all have to learn English? Hell no...and that has never been the topic of this thread. Do I think we should be humble (ignorant) enough to think that we should only know English b/c we are too proud to learn another language? Also hell no.

You are being unreasonably argumentative. :blink:
Nope. Immigrants should take English. Period. But we should take A language...choose one. I would go for Chinese, some Indian language, or maybe Japanese if I were in school now and not too dumb/old to proficiently learn a new language.

I think we should secretly learn several languages...maybe even be required by law.You'd have to learn the languages most used by workers in hotels,convienence stores and pizza shops so you would secretly know what they were saying about you when you place an order.
You are being unreasonably argumentative. :blink:

Huh? I say that I support making immigrants learn English but I also support Americans learning another language and that is argumentative? If you'll actually read this thread you'll see that the reply to my first post had nothing to do with what I said in my post and made false accusations about my position in this matter. I dispelled an ASSumption...that is not argumentative. I'd say that starting a thread and titling it "elected morons" is about as unreasonably argumentative as you can get.

Now...if that was your only counter to my thought-out thread then I suppose we are in agreement that we should actually learn another language/culture in this country to compete in a rapidly globalizing economy?

And I'll just ignore your facetious response, Dell...I know that you got my point but are just trying to evade a good point by posting obnoxiousness (you?! :shock: )
And I'll just ignore your facetious response, Dell...I know that you got my point but are just trying to evade a good point by posting obnoxiousness (you?! )

You never wondered what they were laughing about? :lol:

Thought we were going to work on that.... :blink:
Huh? I say that I support making immigrants learn English but I also support Americans learning another language and that is argumentative? If you'll actually read this thread you'll see that the reply to my first post had nothing to do with what I said in my post and made false accusations about my position in this matter. I dispelled an ASSumption...that is not argumentative. I'd say that starting a thread and titling it "elected morons" is about as unreasonably argumentative as you can get.

Now...if that was your only counter to my thought-out thread then I suppose we are in agreement that we should actually learn another language/culture in this country to compete in a rapidly globalizing economy?

Wieviele sprachen sollten wir erlernen?(SP?)
Sie sind senseless argumentative. 🙄

Dummkopf 😛

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