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The Dissident said:
I dont know if you have been filling your taxes out properly but since the tax cuts have been enacted I have paid an average of almost $2500 less in taxes. So they are not just for your so called rich people.You obviously went to public school so let me give you a little math lesson.
Rich guy paid 30,000 in taxes last year.
working stiff paid 3000 in taxes last year
10% rebate in taxes

rich guy 3000

working stiff 300
Is it fair

You betcha its fair since the working guy and the rich guy got the same percentage of rebates, the rich guy PAID MORE IN TAXES. Therefore he gets more back. I bet you probably dont pay hardly any taxes at all by the way you complain and by the way your wannabe first lady only paid an average of 12% taxes on her money.
Buy the way its the wealthy people who create jobs and produce goods and services to gain wealth not the goverment . The goverment only consumes wealth.
50% of the population of the US pays almost no income taxes. therefore it is up to the other 50% to pay for everybody is that fair?

The top 2% of income earners pay 37% of all taxes is that fair?

Weather you want to admit it or not you indirectly owe your job to the wealthy people that you despise so much :shock:

You only have to travel to Venezuela to see where your logic ends people up. The rich and the poor. Venezuela (an OPEC nation) does not share the wealth. That $300 - $3000 comparison you speak of is great if you want to live like a 3rd world country. That $300 doesnt go far for the poor but lets just leave them behind, after all this is America where Republicans rule. I do agree that we need to adjust and improve the tax code but not to reward the wealthiest and give tax breaks to companies that ship jobs out of the country. How far did that $300 refund that we all got in AUG 2001 go to boost the economy? Do you have children? Should they be saving $2500 a year to off set your refund in taxes to help pay off the national debt that you will be leaving them?
tkelly911 said:
You must admit NHBB's prediction about the winner's mandate was accurate (and then some)!

Only missed it by choosing the the wrong candidate. He must be psychic!

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