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Raptorman back off!! while Vortilon may have hurt your feelings, and may have violated the board rules, that is for the moderators to decide, not you. By seeking a release of one's identity, is just as grievous as any other violation of the rules.
I will back off but it really does make me physically sick when someone uses the fact that he is safe to harass someone from behind a keyboard, once again the fact that we use aliases & are behind a keyboard is the epitome of the reason why we should be civil to each other, I think everyone should act as if you were standing right in front of that person, don't say anything to the person from behind an Alias & a keyboard that you wouldn't say to his face because you think he might kick your ass, it's a good rule to live by.
I'm trying very hard to live by that rule ..... as a former soldier though cowards really get under my skin more than anything else I admit it.
It's not that he hurt my feelings it doing cowardly acts from behind a keyboard & an Alias that bothers me.
I'm cooling off & will get back to being civil, your right two wrongs don't make a right.