Just looked at my refund and it appears I'm pretty close on my estimate of $50,000.00 if the Section 1114 is successful for someone of the age of 45 meeting the 15 years of service decided to leave AA. Not bad traveling money while beating the path for new employment.
If,If,If, Btw a person with the age of 45 and 15 years of service would no way have $ 25,000 in there prefunding. I should know, I am 43 with 23 years of service and I barely have $3,500 in my prefunding. There you go again trying to sell this POS T/A with your AA math. Lies, Lies and more Lies. Vote No!
Just looked at my refund and it appears I'm pretty close on my estimate of $50,000.00 if the Section 1114 is successful for someone of the age of 45 meeting the 15 years of service decided to leave AA. Not bad traveling money while beating the path for new employment...
And it only took $500 to sell your integrity Ken. Give the money back and stop selling out the overhaul bases!Wow, all it takes is $50,000.00 to sell your integrity? You hiding behind an alias while indicating you are willing to sell out your craft and those who will be coming into our proud craft is disgusting. Your possession of principles is so inadequate as to be laughable and contemptible.
Vote No!
And it only took $500 to sell your integrity Ken. Give the money back and stop selling out the overhaul bases!
Would you leave for $50,000?Just looked at my refund and it appears I'm pretty close on my estimate of $50,000.00 if the Section 1114 is successful for someone of the age of 45 meeting the 15 years of service decided to leave AA. Not bad traveling money while beating the path for new employment...
There's no doubt that those who choose to leave
Would you leave for $50,000?
Thats not Dave Corbet said???If the right situation presented itself then yes I would consider it. There will be many who will take advantage of this if the TA passes, count on it.... B)
Once again, I work on the floor. I do not have an Int'l job and the only free car I got was the beat up Mustang I got when I turned 16. I should have kept that car BTW.And your integrity sells for what, $180k a year plus the free car?
Just looked at my refund and it appears I'm pretty close on my estimate of $50,000.00 if the Section 1114 is successful for someone of the age of 45 meeting the 15 years of service decided to leave AA. Not bad traveling money while beating the path for new employment...
Wrong. I'm 50 and exceed the years of service requirement and my prefunding including interest is just over $6,300.00 so add that to the Early Out offer and the estimated walk away would exceed $45,500.00 before receiving the companies prefunding portion if it comes to fruitation...
If the right situation presented itself then yes I would consider it. There will be many who will take advantage of this if the TA passes, count on it.... B)
Either way the company will offer an Early out, they need new blood in Maint, The average age in our department is 54, so by next year the average worker will be elligible for early retirement. I agree that many will take advantage of it if they have a wife that works and has Health Benefits from her job. The question is after the screwing that the company has given us do you want your last act to be to help the company screw the people you have worked along side of for decades? I can guess your answer but I hope more mechanics have more integrity than you.