Prater Road Shows

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  • #107
Great idea! Now if you can just get management to ignore the agreement you made to negotiate for a combined operation and to go along with such an inefficient set-up, you're all set.

Good luck.

Agreement or not, I think what USA320 was refering to is the current mess we have operationally. Separate contracts / operations would solve a myriad of problems short term. So would a single CBA except one will never pass with the current situation, hence the status quo. Which is unacceptable. You might even get some of the east pilots to start caring about the company and operations again. Amazing how bad things got when our pilots just did our "own" job.

Or on the other hand we could have further meltdown ala NWA. Not a very pretty thought either. But effective. SAP down for quality of life and fly your block plus no POTA either. Maybe just maybe it will get Team Tempe's attention. They are just laughing all the way to the bank anyway. What do we have? $3.5B cash and $260M last quarterly proffit? Not bad for an operationally POS company that came out of BK 2 years ago.

Until we start losing money hand over fist again Doug and the boys will continue as is. It doesn't matter what is publicly said, the bottom line is money. And what they offer is totally unacceptable and inadequate.
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I wouldn't be too sure of that one.

Even your reps are afraid to put a TA on the table because they know there is a very good chance it would be voted in.

I am sure about that.

Your assumption is that one would ever be agreed to. Dougs on record as offering $122m. Parity and 3% raises. Totally inadequate. Will Doug move higher? I don't know. Will ALPA and Prater sign off on a still substandard contract? If it's under the "Taking it Back Campaign" I hope he wouldn't consider it, but who knows? It's ALPA.

And what will Jerry Glass do? Union busting at its best. He knows the dis-unity. He'll probably ask for concessions. And get them!!

So why not new company, NEW UNION, NEW CONTRACT, Later Prater is what comes to mind.
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Now I'm bad getting off topic. Hope someone will post a CLT briefing later on tonight. Thanks
I am sure about that.

Your assumption is that one would ever be agreed to. Dougs on record as offering $122m. Parity and 3% raises. Totally inadequate. Will Doug move higher? I don't know. Will ALPA and Prater sign off on a still substandard contract? If it's under the "Taking it Back Campaign" I hope he wouldn't consider it, but who knows? It's ALPA.

And what will Jerry Glass do? Union busting at its best. He knows the dis-unity. He'll probably ask for concessions. And get them!!

So why not new company, NEW UNION, NEW CONTRACT, Later Prater is what comes to mind.
100% with you on the "Later Prater." Probably for a different reason though, but in agreement none the less.
Don't quite know what happened to Grampy last night. He rambled and became a bit incoherent at times (had trouble with the slash/slash/slash stuff).

I think he hit his limits and I came in on top of that.

Oh well, he probably fixed everything with that Pitts ride.

I hope he doesn't find out that the Nic award puts me in his Pitts ahead of him. That would set him off again.
Agreement or not, I think what USA320 was refering to is the current mess we have operationally.
So before May (or whenever it was the seniority arbitration decision was announced) LCC was the model of operational efficiency and punctuality?

Junebug said: "Even your reps are afraid to put a TA on the table because they know there is a very good chance it would be voted in."

USA320Pilot comments: You have seen post after post on this message board indicating the East will not approve a Joint contract TA. You have seen comments from Doug Parker and John Prater that a joint contract would be difficult if not impossible to approve if the Nicolau Award is implemented.

Let me tell you this again...there will be no joint contract and nobody can force the East pilots to accept one until there is a "realistic solution" to the Nicolau Award.

The East pilots are more than willing to let the West have all of the PHX/LAS and flying. The East pilots have no interest in taking anything away from the West. The East pilots just want to keep their flying, but the West wants to take the East flying and have the West flying too.

It's not going to happen and John Prater, Paul Rice, and the rest of the EC know that more today than ever.

There have been two EC resolutions seeking some sort of a settlement, ALPA has established a Committee of VP's to offer solutions, the East MEC has filed a lawsuit over the Award, the East and the Company held initial conversations on a the separate contract/separate operation concept, and the East has pulled out of joint talks.

Each one of these options has failed because the West pilots refused to be a party to a solution. The West position is the Nicolau Award only, which is a non-starter for the East.

Therefore, more-and-more East pilots believe the only viable option may be to remove ALPA from the East and West property, have Lee Seham seek to have the Nicolau Award vacated, a new seniority integration process completed, and "imposition" to occur to the West pilots as the minority party.

Finally, maybe you should contact John Prater or go to next week's PHL meeting to see the true sentiment of the East pilots to fully understand the situation.


USA320Pilot comments: You have seen post after post on this message board indicating the East will not approve a Joint contract TA.
Prove it! Let's negotiate a Joint Contract and put it out for a vote. If you're correct you have nothing to worry about, right?
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