Prater Road Shows

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BOS F/O Rep. Update on John Prater Meeting - August 22, 2007

BOS Pilots,

I spent the entire day with John Prater and his group (members of the Rice Committee and the Executive Council) as they discussed the issues with our pilots in the BOS crewroom, and here are my observations:


1. The BOS, and other pilots who stopped in from other bases (PHL, DCA and LGA), were superb ambassadors for our pilot group. To a man, they expressed their dissatisfaction with both ALPA's merger policy and ALPA's supervision of it, and informed Prater and his group of how high the bar would have to be in order for them to be interested in anything coming out of the Rice Committee.

2. Most pilots were extremely skeptical that the West would support what it would take to make any "consensual approach" acceptable to the East.

3. Our pilots, over and over, emphasized that we didn't want anything from the West but to be left alone with all that we had left after 2 bankruptcies, and that was our seniority.

4. Several pilots drew a line in the sand, and told Prater that they simply would not share a cockpit with a pilot from the West, period, end of story, because this award was not just unfair, but immoral. Almost every pilot said that ALPA merger policy must change so that this situation never happens again under the ALPA umbrella.

5. I believe it fair to say that the sentiment of most was best summed up by one of our BOS Pilots when he said to Prater, "if you can't do anything about this award, what good are you to me?"

John Prater and his group:

1. Said that they recognize they have a problem, and that is why the award is neither overturned nor released. To do either, according to Prater, would not be solving the problem, but creating a bigger one.

2. Believes that the answer lies in the Rice Committee, that progress, however slow, is being made, and that eventually they will be able to come up with a solution that will pass muster on both East and West. They acknowledge, however, that no matter what that solution is, it won't please everybody, but that is simply a reality of all mergers.

3. Believes that a single contract with both operations being eventually put together is in the best interest of both pilot groups, both in terms of what we can jointly negotiate now in the JNC process, as well as providing both longer term job and future merger security.

4. Believes that ALPA offers the best alternative to East pilots as their bargaining agent, and doesn't believe that an independent union (several of them, including Prater, had been there and back) would be able to solve these issues any better than ALPA.

5. Believes that Doug Parker has been getting a free ride through all of this, and want to see that end now.

In summary, you would have been as proud of our pilots as I was in that, unrehearsed and uncoached, they delivered the message that you would have wanted them to deliver.

I also believe that John Prater, the Executive Council, the Rice Committee, and ALPA National staff are sincerely attempting to find a solution that both East and West can find acceptable, and fully intend to support us in our fight at the bargaining table for a contract that they too can be proud of.

Finally, let me close with what I personally emphasized to John Prater and his group, which is that separate operations with equivalent contracts immediately solves most, if not all, of this problem, and for them to consider lending their support to the direction that the East MEC has decided to take.

(After all, if there is no windfall to either side, then either side would, by definition, be happy staying on their respective sides, right? And if that's not the case, then there is a windfall, and a windfall award will not see the light of day on the East, no matter how much the Rice Committee pretties it up).




The sniping and personal attacks will stop here and now. If this childish behavior continues threads will be closed and those responsible will get 2 weeks off.

The two parties in question know who they are......

Keep on topic and stop the nonsense.

The sniping and personal attacks will stop here and now. If this childish behavior continues threads will be closed and those responsible will get 2 weeks off.

The two parties in question know who they are......

Keep on topic and stop the nonsense.

Understood..but: I've no problem with two weeks off, nor even eternal banishment...and I'll always keep my own counsel as to what constitutes "nonsense" comrade.
ALPA MEC BOS F/O Rep. said, "Our pilots, over and over, emphasized (to ALPA President John Prater) that we didn't want anything from the West but to be left alone with all that we had left after 2 bankruptcies, and that was our seniority."

USA320Pilot comments: The majority of East pilots do not want the ability to bid PHX, LAS, or any other AWA Crew Base. The East pilots want to maintain all of their current East Coast based flying and not share it with the AWA pilots, but in my opinion, the West pilots want it all.


You've seriously got to be kidding me. What is this, jr. high?

Nope...not "junior high" much as your BS seems fitting for such. Would you care to have your sorry, EDITED BY MOD PM's made public?....I loved the ones wherein you were braying like an ass/bleating like a sheep,...but always declining confrontation. YOU are a true "warior", and full credit to the pathetic "pilots" on the west: ROTFLMAO.

MOD NOTE Use of profanity is prohibited by terms of service.
You've seriously got to be kidding me. What is this, jr. high?

Nope...not "junior high" much as your BS seems fitting for such. Would you care to have your sorry, EDITED BY MOD PM's made public?....I loved the ones wherein you were braying like an ass/bleating like a sheep,...but always declining wagered confrontation. YOU are a true "warrior", and an "honorable", and full credit to the pathetic "pilots" on the west: ROTFLMAO. Can/Do any of you out west wonder at the utter lack of "respect" given your sorry sorts?.

This precious moron of yours first began his PM's with notions of didn't even occur to this idiot to consider sky based fighting....such are the "pilots" out west....and; given the drunkard tendancies of AWA....I supose that such was a fitting notiong for an AWA "Warrior".

Hmmm...did I mention that you punks out west just pretty much make me wanna' puke?

MOD NOTE: Enjoy your time off.
2. Most pilots were extremely skeptical that the West would support what it would take to make any "consensual approach" acceptable to the East.

Ya think? Since most guys are still "demanding" DOH or "war", how could you not think the west isn't lined up to cut their own throats.

Finally, let me close with what I personally emphasized to John Prater and his group, which is that separate operations with equivalent contracts immediately solves most, if not all, of this problem, and for them to consider lending their support to the direction that the East MEC has decided to take.

Unfortunately, that is a blatant breach of the agreement you signed before arbitration. Personally, I think you'll be spending any extra money you get from that "equivalent contract" defending yourself in court (and surely losing).

(After all, if there is no windfall to either side, then either side would, by definition, be happy staying on their respective sides, right? And if that's not the case, then there is a windfall, and a windfall award will not see the light of day on the East, no matter how much the Rice Committee pretties it up).

Prior to the merge, east was shrinking and the west was expanding. "seperate" operations that give the east the growth that would have gone to the west prior to the merge (in the form of the east no longer shrinking) is a windfall at the expense of the other group. There is no problem with a windfall, it just can't come at the other group's expense.
ALPA MEC BOS F/O Rep. said, "Our pilots, over and over, emphasized (to ALPA President John Prater) that we didn't want anything from the West but to be left alone with all that we had left after 2 bankruptcies, and that was our seniority."

USA320Pilot comments: The majority of East pilots do not want the ability to bid PHX, LAS, or any other AWA Crew Base. The East pilots want to maintain all of their current East Coast based flying and not share it with the AWA pilots, but in my opinion, the West pilots want it all.



So does that mean 49% want to come west?

Not share? To some degree that is laughable.

West pilots "want it all"? I'll bet you that a minimum of 75% of them wish the merger with what was U never occurred.

BTW, how did you like your letter from Doug that was posted on these forums? Was he factually incorrect in addressing your (factual) errors?
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Unfortunately, that is a blatant breach of the agreement you signed before arbitration. Personally, I think you'll be spending any extra money you get from that "equivalent contract" defending yourself in court (and surely losing).

Prior to the merge, east was shrinking and the west was expanding. "seperate" operations that give the east the growth that would have gone to the west prior to the merge (in the form of the east no longer shrinking) is a windfall at the expense of the other group. There is no problem with a windfall, it just can't come at the other group's expense.

Interesting observations.

First. You just made a great case for USAPA. Like our esteemed leaders Doug and Scott said "We have to get all 3 sides to the table". Then what? More of the same BS? It would seem to me it would be better to start afresh with a new union and 2 sides bargaing for an agreement. I know, I know the award stays. Well let that play out on its own merits or lack thereof, but you at least solve a myriad of problems without outside interference. i.e. ALPA and the Rice Cmte. One single group of pilots represented by a union!! Not an association whose members would like nothing better than to see us disappear.

Second, pre merge US. 279 aircraft, post merge US 220 something. Pre merge AWA "Operation Zanzibar". Post merge AWA new found opportunities. Don't think for one moment Doug and Scott won't move aircraft to the more higher yielding routes. Which by the way are on the east coast. A strong and growing west operation? Maybe, but in my opinion I think just holding their own.

Finally, there must have been a lot of perceived value left in the east hence the outside investment dollars coming in to finance the merger. Since neither party could accomplish it on their own.
In summary, you would have been as proud of our pilots as I was in that, unrehearsed and uncoached, they delivered the message that you would have wanted them to deliver.



I love this part. Anyone else see an admission that everything the East MEC wants the pilot population to see and hear is generally "rehearsed" and "coached"???

So this is standard ops, and they are surprised they got the message they wanted delivered even without the usual coaching??? Unbelievable!
"Regardless of what you think about me or anyone else, you guys know as well as everyone that you (most of the East pilots) can achieve almost everything you desire (attrition protection, furlough protection, domicile protection, work rule changes, vacation changes, raises beyond what is available in the short term or long term by moving from reserve to block holder etc, and immediate quality of life improvement for your family) through the JNC. The ONLY thing you can't do is reorder the list. If you want to throw away all the benefits available to you and your families in order to make a stand and possibly die on the DOH hill, then so be it. No one is going to be able to talk you out of it anyway. If that is your ultimate goal, the get on with it already and stop the threats."

This is an interesting thought. How can you, as a UA pilot, tell us what we can get from the JNC process? I have seen nothing from the west MEC that they are willing to give us anything. I believe their stance is "we won't talk until the list is forwared to the company and accepted by the east". Tell us how the world can be perfect if we go along with the west.

Another question. If UA and US merged now and used Nic as a template, how would you see the lst coming out? Top 2000 UA pilots on top of the combined list?

It is no surprise that your MEC is not using these as talking points because it doesn't support their singular agenda... and that is DOH. If you find these thoughts interesting then you should press them for more information, talk to your fellow pilots to put pressure on your MEC to pursue these ideas and put a Joint Contract out for a membership vote. If you read these forums, and talk to Prater and his committee members individually, you will hear a very different message than the one your MEC is feeding you. What I walked away with in LGA is a sense that ALPA national (and Doug Parker) see the solution in a joint contract with all the protections I mentioned... not in overturning a binding award or calling for a "do-over." It also seems that the list can't be forwarded without a joint contract. So the two go hand in hand.

As for your UA/US scenario, that would be a long discussion. My views have been consistent and posted many times over the years. Let's just say I don't see DOH, long fences or complicated bidding restrictions. If the list is slotted properly, based relative position and what you bring to the table, then there is no need for all the restrictions and conditions. I suppose there would be a number of senior UA pilots on the 747/777 that would be on top, just like the 500 or so East pilots that were on top of the Nicolau award to account for equipment and seats that were not brought to the table by one side. But I doubt it would be 2000. (see Busdrvr's comments here

and my comments here .)
I'm utterly fine with meeting your smarmy ### in "real life". Name your terms of wager. I like to make it interesting....punk :lol:

PS: I hate to "get smarmy" on the keyboard...but I've sufficient decorations to put off a metal detector....Let's rumble :lol:

Toss a PM if at all interested in backing up your punk mouth :lol:

As you've noted...anyone can be "tough" on the internet..let's take it to reality Bozo.

You're clearly assigning your own cowardly "virtues"/BS to an unknown on the net= Me...If you aren't a pathetic wimp..then back it up. PM for starters.

PS: You have my PM = "you've a big mouth. What terms and type of fight would you like?"

Was the "excuse me A---hole" opener a bit much for your "tender sensibilites"? ROTFLMAO

Umm..sent three PM messages to you..."surprisingly"? = no response.

Ah well..another AWA "Tiger" at their best it seems.

It's been some goodly time got your tounge punk?
Back to your Meds East!!!
Understood..but: I've no problem with two weeks off, nor even eternal banishment...and I'll always keep my own counsel as to what constitutes "nonsense" comrade.

Enjoy your time off. Would anyone else like to join EastUS in the Cornfield?
Finally, let me close with what I personally emphasized to John Prater and his group, which is that separate operations with equivalent contracts immediately solves most, if not all, of this problem, and for them to consider lending their support to the direction that the East MEC has decided to take.
Great idea! Now if you can just get management to ignore the agreement you made to negotiate for a combined operation and to go along with such an inefficient set-up, you're all set.

Good luck.
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