Pit F/a Send Message !

pitguy said:

I do realize the situation some may be in. I know most are very hard working people who do not deserve to be in the situation that they are in. The PIT F/A's voted not to negotiate even it means closing the company down. For years now it has been somewhat apparent that this company may cease to exist. I think people should have been making some kind of plans at that time for a possible job change in the future. I do understand that some folks are single parents and cash and time are tight, but one should not be surprised if they are downsized, relocated, or if the company ceases to operate. Now with odds of that being significant one must plan for a future without U. I truly pray for the best outcome for all.

p.s.- Teddy or whom ever may be withholding the results so that the company can not use the information to tweak their cost cutting package for the F/A's. Knowledge is power.

The least the company knows about the f/as thinking, the more it disadvantages them at the table.

The PIT pres has learned much about this management from previous negotiations.

I agree with the thinking of withholding the results. I feel it is prudent to do so.
You will have to wait and see what the rest of the results are. I wish the Mechanics had Xidas on their team. She is a true leader and has great character to lead the masses during these difficult times. I would follow her to the end of the earth and one step further.
firstamendment said:
I agree with the above post.

I feel highly uncomfortable with ANY leader who has another career to turn to, giving an impression that if it all goes under, they have another job, Unfortunately, not all the 5800 f/a's are there to say screw it, I have another job. This isn't a cut to the PIT LEC or any other. All conscentration must be on preserving jobs, not being cavalier about taking the big stand.

Yes, we ARE backed in a corner. I really am confused. Part of me wants to say screw it and the other part wants to do whatever I can to save the company...even though we have done so already.

I hate this. :(

What you don't quite understand from your perch, is that the PIT Pres. takes the "stand" of her members.

If the polling results were different, and the majority said go to the table and open up the contract, the PIT Pres. would represent THAT sentiment.

This is the Democratic process using democratic principles. This is how the PIT Pres operates, and this is why she occupies that seat. Those views maybe different than yours, and different then some in PIT, but, MAJORITY RULES THE DAY. B)
whats it matter pit is done and we will all have 3 options move, commute or find another job. I will go with the third option jane also jane many of us have college degrees and will either go back to school or find other work. Not saying it will be easy at all but i wont be the first nor the last person to lose a job. Im already working two other jobs to make up the lost income from this place thats life. Luckily my wife works in a totally different industry and is doing well. Heard a great line 8-9 years ago when ABQ was closing down, a agent summed it up this way "I had a job when I found this job."
jack mama said:
So, PITBULL, does that mean the AFA is going to negotiate changes?

That has NOT been discussed at length or voted on. AFA is still gathering information from the membership and the hired airline financial specialists and pension actuarial.

Just have to wait and see.
firstamendment said:
Unfortunately, not all the 5800 f/a's are there to say screw it, I have another job...All conscentration must be on preserving jobs, not being cavalier about taking the big stand.
These actions by union reps are nothing more than leading the labor groups to slaughter...very sad.

What is happening right now is industry wide, we are just he airline with the lowest cash balance. Unfortunately, many round here think its "cool" to pound ones chest and "show um." US Airways employees "holding the line" will do nothing to change what is happening to our industry, the quality of our jobs, except to put many here out of work...a 100% pay cut, starting over at the bottom elsewhere...if you even get an interview.

This is very sad when at the end of the day, we should all be pulling in the same direction. New management attempting to change is being met by the same old crap, a steeltown attitude with similar results to follow if PitBull and the like do not get religion....

Oh, but that would be weak, right?

This would be funny if it wasn't all of your futures....
pitguy said:

I wish the Mechanics had Xidas on their team. I would follow her to the end of the earth and one step further.
Anyone is better than the clowns that are running the current IAM Dog and Pony show. You can't be serious that you would want Ms. Xidas to lead the mechanics. I guess the younger guys don't care about their futures and don't mind a leader that won't negotiate with the company. The company will have the last say with the AFA group if they don't open the contracts.

I expect the IAM to stike a deal with the company even though the all wise 700uw states that his inside sources advise him that this won't happen and the concession stand will remain closed. 700UW and Cavalier have drunk too much of the IAM kool-aid. Pitguy, I enjoy your postings and don't allow the IAM to take you down the wrong path. Wake up and smell the coffee! Working with the company is the best choice for everyone involved. Bronner and Lakefield are doing their best to save as many jobs as possible. Lets give them a chance with the needed concessions. I want to publically give kudos to Hawk for clarifying a few details in a pm that I sent requesting information that made me see the true picture. I believe you that the company is bargaining in good faith. I agree that any sacrifice will be worth it to each employee. I am not pro-company by any standards. But I want to see the company flourish and I will join Bronner's team to fix this company.

To the IAM leaders that read this board, allow ME to decide if I want the concession stand remain closed or not. I support any concessions that will save this company. The younger guys don't understand what is at stake. They will allow their fearless IAM leaders to lead them to destruction with their hardline stance. These misguided mechanics need to realize that the grass is not greener on the other side.
PITbull said:

What you don't quite understand from your perch, is that the PIT Pres. takes the "stand" of her members.

If the polling results were different, and the majority said go to the table and open up the contract, the PIT Pres. would represent THAT sentiment.

This is the Democratic process using democratic principles. This is how the PIT Pres operates, and this is why she occupies that seat. Those views maybe different than yours, and different then some in PIT, but, MAJORITY RULES THE DAY. B)
So Pitbull,

Are you saying the majority infact does not want to go back to the table?

Believe me, I AM glad the PIT LEC is out there with her saviness. I just hope if majority does rule that that majority has stepped back from the justified anger and thought about this thoroughly.

From my perch I am really trying to understand the Pit perch.
UseYour Head,

All of OUR futures?..you mean YOURS!

This has nothing to do with "chest pounding", it has to do with what the f/as can do for this co. AGAIN, and still sustain themselves in the process, kapeesh!

Hell, why didn't management just give the f/as a number like $300 million, what the hey? Its all the same...$116 million, $200 million, $300 million. You would still be on here saying, "ah, what's a matter with these f/as"? Why would they ever complain about unavordable health care, shucks, health care OFFER is better than no health care;and forget pension, what f/as need pension, its not that kinda job, and a wage that escalates your personal debt is better than no wage; and if you don't want the job, leave, cause there is a poor sucker out there every day that will take the job, desolutioned, and help keep my butt in a cockpit seat"....

Yea, I can hear you now. :angry:
Industry Observer,

Oh boy, more threats in the mix... :rolleyes:


The stance, by majority, is PIT's views. Like it, or lump it.

I do mean all of OUR futures!

Lets not waste our time morphing the issues by attempting to divide labor groups. WE are all in this together, and the there is far more pain than victims to go around.

Things are changing here at US Airways, AND the entire industry...it is much bigger than our airline. Our choice is that we find a way to capitalize on this trend, or we all look for new employment...that is a no brainer.

Finger pointing at other labor groups, management, customers, or other airlines will not change that.

And the PIT FAs "just saying no" hangs a BIG coward sign around your neck...yes, it is the easy way out, the spineless thing to do.
UseYourHead said:

I do mean all of OUR futures!

Lets not waste our time morphing the issues by attempting to divide labor groups. WE are all in this together, and the there is far more pain than victims to go around.

Things are changing here at US Airways, AND the entire industry...it is much bigger than our airline. Our choice is that we find a way to capitalize on this trend, or we all look for new employment...that is a no brainer.

Finger pointing at other labor groups, management, customers, or other airlines will not change that.

And the PIT FAs "just saying no" hangs a BIG coward sign around your neck...yes, it is the easy way out, the spineless thing to do.
LOL....cowardly? You're cute... :lol: Hmm, I hear a tinge of desperation, "the USA320 syndrome abounds".

There IS no future for f/as, if they can not sustain themselves or their families. If left to management, it would be the demise of a profession, and reduced to a supplemental employment "just for kicks".

Its one thing when a mangement team brings forward a rational proposal that's attainable, (especially round #3 in 18 months); its an entirely different matter when they bring forward an expectation that would literally abrogate agreements WITHOUT BK. So, what's the difference?

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