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Pit Fab To Close

Funny I have seen no heavy maintenance jobs move west, only your planes being overhauled by vendors and not HP AMTs.

Also the IAM contract has no loopholes unlike your IBT HP contract, I guess you have a reading comprehension problem.
Well put Calibrator!
We all must remember whom we are dealing with here.
A Frequent Flyer.
It amazes me to think how much time this individual must have on his hands.
Get a life PineyBob, and don’t worry about ours!
Don’t try to tell me how committed you are to travel LCC you would jump ship if it was convenient and cost affective.
How about going and stirring the Shxt somewhere else!
The QEC is still part of the scope language it will have to be performed in-house.

Hey 700,

Obviously by your post you aren't a bit surprised they are closing FAB. I would guess the IAM new it all along and kept feeding the company lies to the membership. Hanger 5 is next right? Oh BTW which one of you won the lottery to be the first under Dougs desk? The End
Why don't you get real.

The IAM does not tell the company how to run its business, they can only ensure the company adheres to the CBA, they can close the FAB shop, but the work has to be done in-house and under US' FAA certificate.

And no it does not surprise me, everyone can see the writing on the wall the US wants to rid itself of PIT.

I heard you were all ready there.
. I've sworn off commentary on the IAM as a result of a PM from someone I respect immensely.

Well Bob,

If your posts in this thread are any indication of what your sworn oath is all about? Maybe those that are telling you to mind your own damn business are right about you.

Your concerns as a FF are only about you....so don't worry about how we as AMT's and the alike handle our problems with the Company or our Representation. We will vote our collective mindset....and without your input.

I don't see anyone telling you how to fleece your employer...or how to do anything reagrding your job , so we would appreciate your butting the hell out...and let the IAM and IBT Members and the combined Companies settle this all among ourselves. This is after all our lives and our business...Not that of a FF with no Dog in the Race. You will afterall be accomodated regardless of where the work is done..or by whom?

Spare me a response....I've read your crap enough to know that your function is to stir the pot out of pure boredom and little more.
What was the topic again????? :blink:

The Topic was the FAB Being closed in PIT.

The rumor of the FAB Closing started roughly 60 days ago...and when that rumor started it was supposed to take place within a 120 timeframe. 60 days in and the rumor is still floating about...with no tangible evidence to support it.

The rumor has taken many degrees of seperation.....as the FAB assests have been rumored here again to be consolidated into the Hangar 6 Rockwell Building (PIT Distribution Center)....or possibly being moved "Lock Stock and Barrel" back to CLT where the Off-Site Warehouse and former CLT Engine Shop is still in exhistance structurally and un-abrogated in either BK proceedings.

The TIMCO rumors are obviously gaining momentum in regards to their moving into the current FAB in PIT...and still no concrete news on where or if this work will remain "In-House" has seen the light of day.

The work seems to be covered plainly in the IAM's current CBA....its just a manner of where? , as this issue in not covered in any concrete manner.

The best case scenario , should the PIT FAB become closed in its present form...is to return this work to CLT , based solely on the fact that CLT as the largest Hub and stocking station provides the greatest system wide reach in regards to how the majority of the fleet is distributed on a daily basis. The only hitch is the deployments of the A330-300's and the B767-200ER's which are no better served from PIT today.

IMHO....The HP QEC work needs to remain in PHX for a sound West Coast presence and the differences between engine types on the A320 Family of acft that we have. A CLT based support mechanism can handle the East and any possible situations that may arrise in the Carribean.

The name of the game is "System Wide Coverage and Support"...PIT due to its pull-down of Hub-Status , lease abrogations and the alike is serving this need less and less in the grand scheme of things. This is not to discredit the calibre of work done there...its just a matter being able to distribute the needed end product in a timely manner , and the lack of Mainline flying from PIT is now hampering that capability.
So what you are saying is its a "rumor "with no official word from the company or union?
So what you are saying is its a "rumor "with no official word from the company or union?

Essentailly Yes !

I have friends in the FAB...and nobody their has been alerted as to what the future may or may not bring. If the U of old Management style remains the order of the day?....look for a last minute information and marching orders either way. The usual hopes on the part of the Old U is to create "Shock and Awe" so they can get enough or as many as possible to simply retire , or accept furlough via the bumping process.

The case of the FAB with its combined senority at present will simply create a situation of retirements and people exercising bumping rights to PIT Base Maintenance. This will likely send some to PHL , if and when the bumping starts?
In my opinion Jerry Glass & co. is just a weapon. The person(s) targeting this weapon must have a mission goal or plan for an end result. I remain confounded as to what that may be, relative to the maintenance operation. Thus far, we have only witnessed the destruction produced by this weapon. Glass's purpose is to break unions, period, not run any business or technical operation. I do not understand the secrecy, misinformation and subterfuge as far as the big picture is concerned. From both the company and union management for that matter. Most in the operations department are reasonable, intellegent people who can adapt and innovate as required to achieve a clear sensible goal. Most could contribute much to a team effort in an open environment, but the direction and goal must be clear. If not to be a part of the operation is the end result, most would appreciate that information and could plan accordingly while still being a productive part of the team. Treat people profesionally and they usually react profesionally I believe. The first step in gaining respect is to show respect. Many things appear to be in motion here with no apparent logical, efficient, or economical outcome. At least that's how it looks from the bottom, as usual.
Remember the former SR VP of Maintenance was at CO before US, and CO over 10 years ago farmed out all their heavy mtc.

That is all Presti knew how to do, besides using the "F" word with every sentence he spoke.

US did not want to manage people is the bottom line, that is apparent.

The IAM Negotiating Committee came up with ways to match the cost of MROs and still the company was not interested.

There was a plan offered to the company on how to get the checks out on time with safegaurds built-in, once again the company was not interested.

They just wanted out of the maintenance business and managing people.
I think you are spot on. However, with this company, there has never been a productive integration of the business aspect with the technical aspect with a real common sense underpinning to the whole process. I think we've experienced too many short sighted reactions to iron fisted, but generalized, mandates from above. Perhaps that's why changes never seem to work out as planned, or maybe the plan just doesn't work. I try to remain optomistic with the new situation, but I've heard a rumor that our new VP spent some time at Lorenzo's Texas outfit. Not inspiring information if true.
Well Presti did not care and you are right, US has never had a real plan to run mtc efficently.

They ignored the employees ideas for years and it took the employees going right to Rakesh to get the things needed to operate.

For example when they closed GSO and moved all the engine changes on the 737s to CLT, there was not line hangar to accomplish the work and the Base Hangar was maxed out. The employees were forced to do engines changes outside in freezing temps.

The employees presented a plan to Rakesh and within less then a year the line hangar was built.

This company never plans and reacts instead of making the necessary things happen before changing where or how the work is done.

The MTC dept has always been treated like a red headed stepchild, and the company does not realize it is one of the only departments that could produce a profit without one passenger being involved, but instead they outsource everything and someone is getting kickbacks as the vendors cannot produce the same quality and never meet the timelines.

Pennywise and pound foolish comes to mind.
I'm glad you remember, and you are right.........I'm afraid things aren't much different now. I hope they are, but only time will tell. I must be off to work, take care.

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