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Pit Closing- IT Effects Everyone-- Voice your opinion

To paraphrase the great Warner Brothers orator Fog Horn Leghorn, "This gang is about as sharp as a bowling ball".

I want someone from Tempe to explain to me just how CO can not only operate CLE at a profit, but grow and expand it, while a few hours to the southeast US Airways can manage to wring a profit out of PIT despite VERY similar demographics.

Where is the proof that Continental operates CLE at a profit? Financial reporting does not break down profits/losses per city. They do make an overall profit, but CLE may not be the powehouse you think.
Where is the proof that Continental operates CLE at a profit? Financial reporting does not break down profits/losses per city. They do make an overall profit, but CLE may not be the powehouse you think.
Proof is in the pudding
Strange as it may sound I do really like my job. I love the people I work with. They are what makes all the BS from management bareable. I had other options but chose to work in this industry. Like someone said its in my blood. My father was an ATC, so I have been around airports all my life.
I'm right there with you. This is a GREAT job!

Love the job...

Just don't trust the company....
As we are well aware, management rarely tells the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Perhaps the real reason for the PIT drawdown is the next round of consolidation is just around the corner, and PIT simply is not part of the plan.

While I am empathetic for the plight of the displaced PIT employees and the impact this has on their lifestyles, it will work out for them in the long run, stay or go.

A recent trip through PIT reminded me that PIT has some of the finest customer service agents at the company. Quite a contrast to the new hires staffing the PHL hub. Even with training and experience they will never match their predecessors level of customer care.
Express or mainline

sky high states: They were working an Express flight.
It looks like the "perfect storm" may be brewing this holiday season. Agents laid off right after the holidays.....hmmmm, you think they may spite the company and call off for their last holiday? Another issue, how are hundreds and hundreds of PIT commuters going to travel to PHL on Southwest during the holidays? Wont all those flights be FULL? Did WN have the same frequency last year on this route?
Wonder if the company has any ferry flights scheduled around that time? Would certainly help ALOT of workers make their trips.

only stating opinions
Ok, we know management lurks on these boards. So I am going to ask YOU (someone in management) directly, "Do you seriously think that you are not going to have an operational meltdown over the holiday season due to the issue at hand"? With the way MOST of the employees of this company have been treated WHAT in hell would be an incentive for them to NOT call off right before being shown the door? I mean SERIOUSLY? Give it your all people and oh by the way your outta here. Thanks for playing the Usairways game. We are ALL going to be in trouble. We have folks in Pittsburgh being let go and flight attendants/pilots that won't be able to get to Philly. While I don't expect the company to make any improvements for the Pittsburgh commuters the FACT of the matter is that you DO have many that commute and MANY more to follow. Even if they decided to move and not have to commute it's most likely not going to happen over the holiday. BAD MOVE folks. Thats all I have to say....BAD MOVE! ! ! ! The company just :mf_boff: themselves. Just wait and see.
Even thought PIT MTC has been repeatedly raped in the past, where do the old farts stand in all this. Have they announced anymore MTC cuts there?
Even if every mainline flight out of Pittsburgh canceled (all 22 of them) it wouldn't cause too much of a ripple. Customers would just be reaccomodated on Express flights which vastly outnumber mainline flights, and operate most of the flights to other hubs/focus cities for rebooked connections. Even if all the Express flights canceled as well for lack of ground handling, the amount of flights is so small it wouldn't be any major catastrophe as there are very few connections through there, and none that can't be handled through either of the two hubs.

As for the commuting issue what does that have to do with the holiday? The base closes in January. Even then, all that is happening is throwing 300 more people into the mix. Assuming variables such as number of flights and open seats remain the same, the same amount of people get to work as would have were there no upcoming base closure. The same accountabilty for being in base exists that everyone else is held to, and has been. One can choose to go by car, train, or bus, or go a few days early. Not getting to work only results in putting one's own job in jeopardy, and justifies Philly's reserves who are traditionally underutilized in January.

The company is NOT on your side as far as commuting. They do not care if we get to work. In fact, they would prefer that we don't make it to work to a point that our employment is terminated either by them or by us. They'd be thrilled to replace all of us with lower paid, less drama new hires who can pour a Coke and close a door as well as any of us for a third of the cost.

I commuted from a notoriously tough place to commute from... it sucked, made me hate the job I normally love, but it was the smartest choice for me financially at the time. Commuting is an entirely different lifestyle, and it's a lonely, costly, risky and time-consuming one. If I could offer any advice, know all of your options, including multiple stop Zed fares on other carriers, and ground transportation. Start early. Befriend other commuters, and befriend locals in your new base. Do not expect any sympathy from the company, even though they put us in positions where we feel we have no choice (I was once in three bases in under a year), ultimately, it is a choice.

That's just reality.
As for the commuting issue what does that have to do with the holiday? The base closes in January.
Well for the flight attendants that don't plan on commuting will most likely call out sick. If you planned on leaving or were getting the boot in the case or ground workers and could get a doctors note why not? You can't take the sick time with you as you can't cash it out. What I meant was intended for most of the express/mainline agents that will get the ax. Why take time away from YOUR family to work the holiday after they have been treated so badly? Maybe it comes down to morals but with that being said, does management have any? I see problems here in the winter. The reality is NOBODY is going to commute TWO days early due to tight flights. TRUE commuting is a CHOICE but the fact remains that NOBODY is going to uproot their lives at that time of year to accommodate a company. If they fired everyone are they going to replace the workers to fly the holidays? Uhhhh NO. The company is going to screw themselves and rely on the PHL reserves to step up to the plate. You know what you'll see? I'll tell ya....cough, cough.......I'm SICK! If you were in PIT not just flight attendants/pilots as this won't effect you until January, would you work a holiday knowing you were toast after. Hmmmm.
The company is NOT on your side as far as commuting. They do not care if we get to work.

sky high states: But, dont they occasionally POSITIVE SPACE a Pilot into base to work a trip? And, have no problem if they sign in late, arrive late? What we have here, is a DOUBLE STANDARD.

ONLY Stating opinions
Well for the flight attendants that don't plan on commuting will most likely call out sick.

I'll tell ya....cough, cough.......I'm SICK! If you were in PIT not just flight attendants/pilots as this won't effect you until January, would you work a holiday knowing you were toast after. Hmmmm.
Yup, of course I would, but that's just my work ethic.

While I feel badly for the PIT people, PIT is not the first base to close. Ask around.
Regardless, a storm is a brewin'. Trust me. When the #### hits the fan though, never fear as you have all the Philly reserves just sitting around in crashpads to get the airline through the holidays. AS ALWAYS. 🙄
Yup, of course I would, but that's just my work ethic.

Plus, you don't really work when you are at work. Didn't I see you reading a TV Guide a few months ago on the jumpseat? And, with no service on US flights, you have plenty of time to study for the real estate exam.

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