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(marco90821 @ Sep 22 2007, 08:12 AM)
As much as I disagree with this management team, and I use that term loosely, if you want to stay home maybe you should consider a different career, or even question if you want a career. You are employed and given a paycheck for your time and hopefully efforts to make the customers happy. You can disagree as much as you wish, but in reality this isn't your only option in life.
Here we are again with the "If you don't like it, quit" mantra. Well we all know what side of the fence that is coming from.

I know. I am so sick and tired of hearing that. Everytime someone posts a frustration with the company someone else has to chime in with that mantra.

To Marco90821 and anybody else who thinks that anybody unhappy should quit, have you thought about this:

1. Some people love this career and just want things better for themselves and for their fellow employees. They vent here but are great on the job.

2. Some people do plan on leaving one day but they are looking for other jobs, taking classes, and coming up with a plan B. They aren't going to just blindly leave without having all of their ducks in a row. They also are enjoying the free flying (well, if they can get on the airplane).

3. Some people are going through a difficult period in their lives or have family issues to take care of and just need some time off to take care of things. You don't know who has dying parents, sick kids, or anything else that would require a full time parent or adult for a temporary period of time.

You should not be judging the OP. You don't know the situation. Just because iwantout wants some time off doesn't not mean he/she should quit or wants to quit.
Ask people around here UWCactus. I don't loose it often. But I know you. Everyone with a clue knows you on the East. Your Mr. Brown nose West PHX F/A. You love Sherri Shamblin and everything AW. I have met you.
Do you ever just shut the heck up and listen to yourself? Just STOP! Close the mouth and listen to yourself. If you really believe what you say then gees your a freaking mess!

ZZZZZZZZZZZZZt...STOP and listen in that head of yours before you start spewing the coolaid.
"I am about this close from getting in a tower and hurting some people!" (to quote Ms. Sugerbaker)
View attachment 6440

Disclaim: No not for real as it was a figure of speech. I just know how people work on here.
3. Some people are going through a difficult period in their lives or have family issues to take care of and just need some time off to take care of things. You don't know who has dying parents, sick kids, or anything else that would require a full time parent or adult for a temporary period of time.

Is anyone else as pissed as I am with the few vploa's that were offered for the month of Nov. I am based in PHL and I think they only issued like 10 for PHL and 10 for CLT. Keep in mind that PHL lost tons of t/a time and a good chuck of 757 time. I was so pissed off when I saw that they only gave 10 people a leaves for Nov. I went back on reserve for Oct and many, many more people will be following in the months to come, once all the 757 time gets put down to CLT, who knows how far back it will go. Management could give two sh_its about what this does to our lives. The fact that we have kids, lives, and most importantly how this affects our paycheck. A lot of this could be avoided if they just gave out more Leaves of Absences. With all the time lost for November, they could have been very generous with them but no they just want to cover their asses and only give out a few. Management talks a good game on how they want to help us and make our lives and jobs easier but here is a perfect example of how that is just lip service. They could have put their money where their mouths are and helped us out but no they did not. I commute and have two kids. There are a lot of people in the same position. They could have shown that they really are interested in making our lives better by issuing more leaves but they would rahter just say they want to do this rather than actually doing it.

If you are as mad as I am about this. Email the following people and insist they give more leaves for the upcoming months. Let them know that you are human beings with lives and that they talk a good game about listening to us and improving out lives but when push comes to shove, they don't deliver.


Your direct representative is NOT Mike Flores. After all, he is not elected by the membership. He is the voice of the collective MEC. You need to get your LECP involved making alot of noise and threaten him/her with NOT be reelected. Mike has no fear of f/as. As long as he kisses the azzz of the MEC, he keeps his job, because they are the ones who vote for him for any reeclections. Mike's seat is up this January and the elections for his seat and the other MEC officers is during the BOD. They will have their meeting in October for the new term reps to start January 2008.


Otherwise, there will be NO change for any one. The LECP in PHL has appointed the biggest staff i've ever witnessed. He's using your dues $$ and anyone who has an issue, he just sends it over to his appointed local Chair to handle while he sits on his huge, white.....__ __ __!

I spit my drink out on your last line! :lol: The whole post is dead on. No true words have been spoken.
Last year out west they offered VLOA in October and November. This year NONE. It is my belief that the manager/director of scheduling has the ultimate goal of keeping at LEAST 50% of this airline on reserve so he can cover his own inabilities when it comes to being unable to do his job!

Break away from the pilots. Put in a pref bid system. Just some ideas. Anyone have others? Maybe our limitations hampers him/her from doing their job. Maybe our union to to blame for part of this.
As much as I disagree with this management team, and I use that term loosely, if you want to stay home maybe you should consider a different career, or even question if you want a career. You are employed and given a paycheck for your time and hopefully efforts to make the customers happy. You can disagree as much as you wish, but in reality this isn't your only option in life.
Where did I ever say I wanted to stay home. Quite the contraray. As a single mom with kids, I want to earn money. I can only earn money when I am not on reserve. My point was to give the leaves to the senior people who want to stay home so more people can come off reserve that want to earn money.
Instead of bashing one another on this board, why don't all of you with strong opinions on this subject write to the emails in the original post. Let them know how you feel. Let them know what this does to your life, your paycheck etc. I can hear me now ,sorry kids mom won't be home for while as she sits on reserve in her crash pad in PHL not flying, sorry kids that you have to eat macaroni and cheese again for dinner tonight because mommy is not breaking guarentee and can't afford anything else. I bet those people in Inflight Management are eating well.
Instead of bashing one another on this board, why don't all of you with strong opinions on this subject write to the emails in the original post. Let them know how you feel. Let them know what this does to your life, your paycheck etc. I can hear me now ,sorry kids mom won't be home for while as she sits on reserve in her crash pad in PHL not flying, sorry kids that you have to eat macaroni and cheese again for dinner tonight because mommy is not breaking guarentee and can't afford anything else. I bet those people in Inflight Management are eating well.
My suggestion to you is that you take back control of your life. Go to your local community college and look into getting a two year degree or look into a certificate program. They offer a ton of financial aid to single moms plus scholarships that pay for everything including your books. Start off w/ one class a semester or look into their on-line courses. When you are sitting in your crash pad, is there a computer you can use or is there a local library nearby? I know, you're thinking "yeah right, easy for you to say." Well no, I can tell you honestly, it's not been easy but that's what I have been doing for the last 2.5 years. I bid my off days to go to school. I get out of class at 3pm and go on duty at midnight that night. My suitcase is loaded down with books and heavy as heck. School is my priority because it means there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Time has NOT flown by and my family has made a lot of sacrifices but I will graduate in less than a year and be an R.N.
As I said in my original post, I wish you luck when e-mailing all those in Tempe but the bottom line is that they don't care if you put mac-n-cheese on your table at night. As a matter of fact, I don't think they care if you put anything on your table.
Look in to being in control of your life and at least try a class or two at your local community college...even though I already had my Bachelors when I got hired here, it's not something I want to do anymore so I took that first step and tried just one class in health care... not to sound like a rah-rah here but anyone of us here could do that if we are willing to work at it. I think you'll find that your kids and coworkers will be your biggest supporters. Good Luck !
Seriously, do other airlines operate like US?

Some of us like the job and have no interest in going to school or already have that degree and would rather be a flight attendant.

There is more than one way to take control of your life. Improvements to the current system that improve productivity can only benfit the company and employees.

Your direct representative is NOT Mike Flores. After all, he is not elected by the membership. He is the voice of the collective MEC. You need to get your LECP involved making alot of noise and threaten him/her with NOT be reelected. Mike has no fear of f/as. As long as he kisses the azzz of the MEC, he keeps his job, because they are the ones who vote for him for any reeclections. Mike's seat is up this January and the elections for his seat and the other MEC officers is during the BOD. They will have their meeting in October for the new term reps to start January 2008.


Otherwise, there will be NO change for any one. The LECP in PHL has appointed the biggest staff i've ever witnessed. He's using your dues $$ and anyone who has an issue, he just sends it over to his appointed local Chair to handle while he sits on his huge, white.....__ __ __!
Ok, well, since the MEC seat is up in Jan, who else is running? Or is MF just a shoe in?
I think it's a forgone conclusion he will run uncontested. It would be nice if our LECP's would send us out the list of candidates before the vote. Anyone know someone who is going to apply for any of the MEC positions?
It would take 3-4 LECPs getting together to elect a person. I am not really sure of the internal politics right now on what LECP's are cozy with one another.
My question is with 6 bases each getting one vote, am I correct that the MECP (Mike Flores) breaks the tie? :glare: Pitbull? AFA Bylaws states: "A Master Executive Council President who is not also a Local Council President shall vote only in the
event of a tie."

B. Master Executive Council Officers

1. The representative of each Local Council on the Master Executive Council shall have the privilege of nominating one (1) candidate for the office of President, Vice President, and Secretary-Treasurer of the Master Executive Council.

2. A majority vote shall be required for the election of Officers with each member of the Master Executive Council having one (1) vote. The Secretary-Treasurer of the Master Executive Council shall notify the International Secretary-Treasurer of the Union of the names of newly elected Officers and the date upon which their terms of office commenced.
Actually, it takes 4 LECP's to elect someone, but only 2 -- CLT & PHL -- to recall someone on a roll-call vote.
Thanks BWI. So what would happen if the vote were 3 for one person and 3 for Mike Flores? I mean it could happen. The way I read it Mike would step in and cast the tie break vote. Wonder how that would go :lol:
I say at that point there should be a roll call in the event of a tie.

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