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Pit Closing- IT Effects Everyone-- Voice your opinion

I am one of the employees who will probably bump some junior flight attendant out of a position that they hold dear. For this I am sorry, however, it isn't my doing that caused this. It lands soley on the company and it's inablility to properly manage it. It is ironic that the day after the company states they will close PIT, SW says they will triple the amount of flights out of here. If the company states they loose 40 million a year on PIT, they why are they in a position to do the same unless there is inherant value in this city.

Just my opinion...
What does closing a money losing base have to do with poor management? We are still going to be serving PIT to the larger destinations, similar to Southwest and AirTran. Will they open a base for ~25 flights?

And, would someone please post this article where WN states they will be "tripling the amount of flights" in PIT? I have searched everywhere and I cannot find it. You think it would be on the WN board as well....
Note to self:

  1. I will not develop a sense of entitlement.
  2. I am not a victim.
  3. I will not blame others for, whine, or complain about the decisions that I make - It will make me sound like a BIG BABY.
There are only three things to remember about anything this company does that affects your life:

A. This company does not care about you.
B. This company does not care about you.
C. This company does not care about you.

Take it from there.
Note to self:
  1. I will not develop a sense of entitlement.
  2. I am not a victim.
  3. I will not blame others for, whine, or complain about the decisions that I make - It will make me sound like a BIG BABY.
If this comment was directed to me, then you are sorely miscued. You see I am intitled to the protection placed in the contract. This is exactly why it was written. I am truly sorry for those this will affect, however, this again is not my doing. I am however intitled to my protection under the COB. Period.

We are ALL victims.... So don't point your finger just at me or the others in PIT...

What would make you think I am putting the blame on this other than the single person(s) who controls the button on this airline...Management... If I sound like a big baby to you, it is because, probably unlike you I have been down this road already. Seniority has its long list of laundry... Something you probably wouldn't understand...

Note to self.....

I am always entitled to "Just my opinion"
And, would someone please post this article where WN states they will be "tripling the amount of flights" in PIT? I have searched everywhere and I cannot find it. You think it would be on the WN board as well....

Hmm, these are the same city/county officials that recently went to Virgin America and asked them to fly from PIT to Europe? Virgin America is a Domestic LCC flying A-320's to only a 5-6 cities right now. 🙄 If indeed this is true, it's fantastic news for PIT, but right now I'm a bit skeptical......I guess we'll all have to wait and see if it truly happens. :huh:
If this comment was directed to me, then you are sorely miscued. You see I am intitled to the protection placed in the contract. This is exactly why it was written. I am truly sorry for those this will affect, however, this again is not my doing. I am however intitled to my protection under the COB. Period.
Does the contract forbid management from reducing flights to PIT or closing the PIT crew base?

Are you being denied your rights to transfer / bump (or whatever your CBA calls the process) when you get displaced out of PIT?

No. Not at all. It was directed toward post #14. Apologizes for the confusion. I totally concur with the points of your posting. You are only using the options that are available to you in your CBA and I have no problem with that whatsoever. You are merely exercising your contractual rights. Who wouldn't do that? The problem I am having is with the OP whose tone wants to blame current management for decades (not years) of mismanagement at USAir (ways) and not take any responsibility for their life and/or lifestyle choices. Business decisions, while very unfortunate to those impacted, aren't about ruining employees' lives. That's totally giving one's power away. My pension has been dumped, my pay has been cut, my quality of working life has deminished as well, but it does not define who I am. At the end of the day, I've decided that there's still enough value in the job, so I continue to show up, call my best from within, and not complain, and whine and blame others because I have chosen to stay employed in this industry.

Note to self: I did not italicize in the above posting.
What are your expectations? This management didn't cause all of the downsizing that affected PIT, it was a differenttime and different leadership. All of the PIT pullback in the previous years, left US in a position to end up leaving while others were able to take advantage of PIT's pullback BEFORE THE MERGER.

Why shift the flying to DCA or CLT? You don't run the business based on more convenience, it has to be a solid business decision.

With all due respect, UW Cactus, this management team wouldn't know a solid business decision if it dropped in their laps and bit them. They are all into managing by spreadsheet, and fail to realize the far reaching implications of what to date have been their mostly disastrous operational decisions.

I think it is fair to say that almost all of the major decisions made to date have been intended to provide short term gain (on the balance sheet) and have ignored long term implications, as well as the fact that they almost always cost much more than they save in the long run.

If only you could see the forest through the trees.........
With all due respect, the reason we have 20+ year RSV's at this company is our contract, which, obviously, favors the senior members of our group. The West contract is inherently different, thus allowing for 3 year lineholders. No need to go into the details about why this is, but we know it is....

Now, do these things need to be changed? Yes. Will it require people getting involved and voicing their opinions? Yes. Will that happen? I am not so sure.

Are you referring to closing PIT as a stupid decision? Come on, the writing has been on the wall, and you cannot support a base with ~20 flights per day. One could say that the stupid decision was keeping PIT open for so long, stringing those people along with glimmers of hope.

It's a difficult time now. Good luck to all of us. It's going to be one he!! of a holiday season, I'm afraid. 😱
How ironic that PIT is the ONLY base that voted NO for every contract that we have seen over the last 20 years...the were/are a STRONG union base (until 03/08) and knew the present contract should not pass...hence the NO vote....and now they are the ones benefitting from what was written regarding base closures and the ability to seniority bump......guess you all should have thought twice when you cast your vote....
I remember when PIT started downsizing.

There was someone on this board that said something to this effect: Look out PHL the PitBulls are coming and we are going to show you(PHL) how it's done in PIT.

We all are living with what we voted for (for better or worse).

Welcome to PHL, but remember-it's not the 'burgh.
Why would someone commute for a job that only pays "average" compared to other jobs in the outside world? How difficult would it be to find a comparably-paying job in PIT?
Why would someone commute for a job that only pays "average" compared to other jobs in the outside world? How difficult would it be to find a comparably-paying job in PIT?
...and considering the cost of living in PIT(one guy said his mortgage was $400 a month!!!!).

You could live in the burbs of PA,MD and NJ but it would take longer and cost more in gas then it would to fly.

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