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Pit Closing- IT Effects Everyone-- Voice your opinion

Sounds like it's Dan Onorato doing all of the talking about the expansion of SWA in PIT. I think it's great if they do indeed expand service there but, on the other hand it deal a blow to the other carriers that fly in and out of PIT too. :huh: Too much LCC could hinder flights!
I think it's a moot point at this stage---truth is US handed WN their monopoly market they enjoyed in PIT on a silver platter.....

It really makes no difference now, I believe that US will continue its whining and crying about LCC competition and further downsize PIT!
Boy how do I love all these kool-aid drinking america' worst people on here saying how much they support management's good decision. Please this management could not make a good decision if they had a guy pointed to their head. You all sit nice in PHX where you can have a block after 3 years. Trying being on reserve for as long as all of us have been. Soon, PHL will have a 20 year reserves. That is not fair.

Also I know that I am not the only single mother out here with kids, I was just pointing out that there is a fae to the stupid decisions these people make.
W'ell my dear, nobody is safe. The Phoenix hub, whether anyone wants to admit, including mgmt, is shrinking. Don't you think for a moment all of us on the West aren't worried either, or sitting pretty. When the contract is finally voted on you better believe now then ever, there will be major transfers into PHX. And even in the end, there will be reserves misplaced, or out of job out here too. And many of us who have held a line for many years will be on relief, secondary block, or reserve.

The smartest thing for this mgmt to do is offer a generous buy out package in the next contract. And it is not too late to get hired at Southwest. I am sure they will take you with open arms, and your pay will still remain the same or higher in only a few years. I think the commute would be far better to BWI then PHL??! We have many fa's out west that have been here a long time that have shipped to WN, and are way happier. And every new hire I fly with, or newer RSV, I say run as fast as you can to CO or WN, Virgin, if you really love this job. US is not the place to be. We are all in danger, and more roller coaster rides. NOBODY IS SAFE IN PHOENIX!!! So get that out of your head. :mellow:
The smartest thing for this mgmt to do is offer a generous buy out package in the next contract.
You may as well forget any kind of a buyout with this management team....The very small number of Fleet Service agents in PIT, maybe 40-60 would love to get out of here, but with our deflated pension and extremely high health care cost after retirement they just cannot afford to leave...

When Doug was asked about giving anything at all for an incentive his response was "it would just cost too much money and we just can't afford to do that at this time."

What, we are making like 300-400 million a quarter and we can't even spare mere pennies to help some of us younger workers keep our jobs.....but the million dollar bonus packages for management are never an issue...

So don't expect any incentives from this group.....
Whereas I certainly DO NOT take pleasure in the closing of the PIT base, if anyone can honestly say they didn't see it coming........where in the hell have you been hiding? Tempe gets blamed for a lot (Lord knows I never get tired slinging grenades at the Sandcastle every chance I get) but this is a decision that should have been made long ago. I have many friends that are based in PIT and even more that commute from there.......the industry has changed, everyone needs to realize that. Tempe did the "unthinkable" (as far as some of you would like to believe) but obviously the numbers justified the decision. There have been MANY employees (and I am not just referring to Pilots and F/A's) that have had jobs shifted to other locations and individuals have found a way to make it work for them or have MOVED ON. Personally, I feel the TIMING of this announcement is very suspect (what is really going on here) but then again, there really isn't a good time to deliver bad news. For the people affected, I hope they make decisions that are liveable.......commuting is NOT easy, many of you have never done it and will struggle doing so. (I hated it and made the move years ago). All I can say is Do what is the best for you and your family and Good Luck!
Allow me to take a stab if I may at answering your question.

Folks work where they work for many many reasons. Pay being among them. Salespeople exchange a greater risk (no Guaranteed Paycheck) for a greater reward ($$$$). Some like the Rush of working in the ER or as an EMT or firefighter. Some are on power trips and work for TSA.

Hard as this may seem to fathom, some actually LOVE working for an airline. It's true, I know because I've asked. Fact is many can get a job as the Middle School Janitor and make better pay & benefits, but the whole airline "Thing" gets in their blood. As someone who I believe to be a pilot you should know this more than most.
I would have to agre with Bob on this one. I worked for the Airlines because that is what I wanted to do since I was a kid. My Dad worked for the Airlines his entire career, so I was around it from day one. I actually used to enjoy coming to work each day prior to the days of endless concessions. I have been out of the industry for over 2 years now, and I would go back in a second if the opportunity became availabe to me. I have a decent job now, but it can't comapare to my Airline career at all. The environment is totally different, and so are the people. I still keep in touch with people that I worked with over 20 years ago, and I miss those times greatly.
Allow me to take a stab if I may at answering your question.

Folks work where they work for many many reasons. Pay being among them. Salespeople exchange a greater risk (no Guaranteed Paycheck) for a greater reward ($$$$). Some like the Rush of working in the ER or as an EMT or firefighter. Some are on power trips and work for TSA.

Hard as this may seem to fathom, some actually LOVE working for an airline. It's true, I know because I've asked. Fact is many can get a job as the Middle School Janitor and make better pay & benefits, but the whole airline "Thing" gets in their blood. As someone who I believe to be a pilot you should know this more than most.
So true Piney!!! along with the fear of the unkown. Maybe this is the last kick I need to find something else and give up a career that is in my blood!! Iv lost what very little faith Iv had in this managment team. The DRUNK is nothing but a LIAR!!
Sounds like it's Dan Onorato doing all of the talking about the expansion of SWA in PIT. I think it's great if they do indeed expand service there but, on the other hand it deal a blow to the other carriers that fly in and out of PIT too. :huh: Too much LCC could hinder flights!

......Dan passes the crack pipe to Luke.....
Hard as this may seem to fathom, some actually LOVE working for an airline. It's true, I know because I've asked. Fact is many can get a job as the Middle School Janitor and make better pay & benefits, but the whole airline "Thing" gets in their blood. As someone who I believe to be a pilot you should know this more than most.

Pilots stay because they still earn a wage far above the average in the working world. Aside from management (who can easily move laterally to a higher paying job) every other employee makes a wage roughly on average or less than what is available in other industries.

I haven't heard anyone talk about how much they love their job here. And with management focused on squeezing more out of each employee, what refills that love resevoir? Why be miserable?
Strange as it may sound I do really like my job. I love the people I work with. They are what makes all the BS from management bareable. I had other options but chose to work in this industry. Like someone said its in my blood. My father was an ATC, so I have been around airports all my life.
With all due respect, UW Cactus, this management team wouldn't know a solid business decision if it dropped in their laps and bit them. They are all into managing by spreadsheet, and fail to realize the far reaching implications of what to date have been their mostly disastrous operational decisions.

I think it is fair to say that almost all of the major decisions made to date have been intended to provide short term gain (on the balance sheet) and have ignored long term implications, as well as the fact that they almost always cost much more than they save in the long run.

If only you could see the forest through the trees.........

sky high states: THOSE FAR REACHING IMPLICATIONS are just around the corner. It's called the HOLIDAY SEASON. The decision to close PIT as a base and furlough AGENTS in PIT (22 year agents were told, you're laid off) can guarantee a MELTDOWN this holiday season. Seriously, who cant get a doctors note?

:down: :down: This ranks up there with the SHARES implementation. SPRING BREAK. :down:

when we they learn................it's how you treat your employees and passengers!!!!

only stating opinions
The decision to close PIT as a base and furlough AGENTS in PIT (22 year agents were told, you're laid off)
Express or mainline

Hate to see anybody lose his or her job. But the express vs. mainline and who works what is dangerous this used to be mainline work then express took over and layoffs accrue now it’s back to mainline. Meanwhile agents get put on a roller coaster and management plays the two groups. PSA teamster negotiates a new contract that took years to achieve and 6 months latter management lays them off.CWA should go after this work with no if’s ands buts (MDA, Mainline express classification, union drives)

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