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Pilots Sue Airlines And Thier Union

Just what legal theory would be used to countersue, Mr. Gloom-and-Doom? The fact that one is sued is not a legal basis for a countersuit.
You all at HP are in for a real treat when you meet Mr. 320 and his friends..... Maybe he'll invite you into the "circle of trust" and send you emails from "pilot action". Best advise I can give to the HP folks is to clean out the unions in the same manor which U managment has been cleaned out, and we may have a fighting chance.

Glad to see you all over here....

USA320Pilot said:
I'm not going to get into a legal discussion in a public forum, which would not be smart. Let me say this. It's my understanding that the 270 MDA pilots who filed the lawsuit could have a counter suit filed against them by organizations (plural) that have very "deep pockets."

Do I like this? No, of course not, but do not "shoot the messenger." It is what it is and there is nothing that I (or the MDA pilots for that matter) can do about it.

I believe any good lawyer would have warned their client about this potential before filing a lawsuit, right?



You have been spending way too much time hanging out with the BOS F/O REP and his cronies. If the USAirways Mainline pilot group had half the moxie of the MDA pilots that are banding together to fight for their rights..........

The MEC has opened a can of worms that will affect every USAirways pilot going forward, not just the MDA'ers. If you think the outsourcing of Mainline pilot jobs has ended you must have smoked one too many pine cones.
SoldWholeSale said:
Maybe he'll invite you into the "circle of trust" and send you emails from "pilot action". 
:lol: :lol: That is too funny! Join my club, I need friends & need to feel important! :lol: :lol: So that must be where the super-secret-handshake originated?! 😉 I wonder if they schedule playdates? 🙄
Incredible. A group of employees bands together in solidarity unheard of in these times to protect ALL mainline jobs from outsourcing, to prevent what's happened to them from happening to others, and THIS is the response?

USA320, you should be supporting them. You should be opening your wallet and sending them a couple of bucks because they are doing more to help your ungrateful self than anyone has.

All you veterans on here, remember USA320 demanding that everyone take concessions? He basically told gate agents they were worth as much as supermarket cashiers and flight attendants waiters. His attitude towards maintenace outsourcing was his usual "Do I like it? No, but it must be done."

Then, when his pension was taken, he went batshit and wanted to burn the place down. He is a caricature of himself. He's acting like he himself is being sued. Let's see what happens when they decide to cut a deal for someone like Mesa or Republic to fly A320s, or take over the Shuttle. So self-serving it reeks off the computer.
320 wrote:What many people simply will not accept is the fact the marketplace is beyond the control of any union and is the driving force that's brought the MDA situation to this point.

There is no question the MDA pilots have been dealt a very bad hand, however, they have no business holding ALPA responsible for what's happened to them.

I'm sorry, but have you lost your f'in mind? If the marketplace is beyond ALPA's control, AND pilots shouldn't hold their union responsible for selling them down the river...why keep ALPA? Can you proffer a reasonable explanation for their existence then? No..it is the charge of none other than ALPA to see to it that this never happens...why are they here? Whats the goal? You can't have it both ways, either, you have a union, or you dont.
USA320Pilot said:
Meanwhile, I understand that even though the MDA pilots created a Limited Liability Corporation (LLC), the MDA pilots can be individually counter sued and could be personally subject to millions of dollars in damages and tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees. The MDA pilots have decided to take on a $10 billion per year corporation, two financially strong companies, and a very strong union, all of which has their own legal counsel. All of these entities have very deep pockets, but it is doubtful the MDA pilots do, especially when legal fees spiral out of control after the three companies and ALPA contemplate their reaction to the MDA lawsuit.      

Thought you weren't going to engage in a legal discussion on a public forum?

But since you still choose to do so ...

Let's try again. ON WHAT LEGAL GROUNDS would these pilots be sued? What have they done "wrong" (what statute / contract / etc. have they violated; how have they been negligent and who have they harmed; etc.)?

Just because you "can" sue someone, you still have to be able to articulate a basis for it. I "can" sue my next door neighbors if I could think of a reason. But they haven't done anything wrong, so it is rather pointless to talk about how "sue-able" they are.

What favorite (and obviously false) excuse of yours will you use to ignore the question this time? "I won't engage in a legal discussion on a public forum"? "I don't have time to read other peoples' threads"? "Don't shoot the messenger"?
Bear96 said:
What favorite (and obviously flase) excuse of yours will you use to ignore the question this time? "I won't engage in a legal discussion on a public forum"? "I don't have time to read other peoples' threads"? "Don't shoot the messenger"?

You hit the nail on the head, Bear96. One thing he is very good at is avoiding direct answers to direct questions that could expose his lack of understanding or prove that he is wrong.

Those are most certainly his favorite excuses, and the same ones he has used to avoid questions and rebuttal posted HERE.

Hey USA320pilot, what are you afraid of? It is understandable that you fear the truth posed by many people on these threads and simply don't like what people tell you, which is why you emotionally attack and discredit everyone who rebuts you.

I find it interesting that once your arguments hold no more water, you quietly slip away and hope people will eventually forget that you were wrong.
So, I get up this morning and USA320Pilot wants to know who I am... Why? Because then instead of wondering which member of the 1800 pilots on furlough he can't look in the eye, he would have it narrowed down to just one. The following private message was from him to me after demanding to know who I was. I of coarse have too much fun leaving him to question for the rest of his career, who he may or may not be able to look in the eye.

So now, I feel threatened.....



I had to remove the quote as per USAviation rules..... But it was good, and passed along to the appropriate folks complete with signature.

He wants to sue you wholesale!

I think each and every one of us has gotten that PM at one point or another. He likes to ask for your phone number as well. Give him the number to the city morgue where he'll have a captive audience.

SoldWholeSale said:
Personal Message
USA320Pilot You're a liar, Today, 09:00 AM
Group: Registered Member
Posts: 5,081
Member No.: 2,293
Joined: 18-May 03
You are a coward and a liar. If you had courage you would indicate your identity, but you do not. It's easier to hind behind a computer screen and insult people. Bbut do not worry, you are in for big, big trouble over your lawsuit and if you ever return to US Airways, your identity will be known as one of 270 pilots.



Welcome to the club. I received a "liar" PM from him a while ago as well, when I reported talking to several US pilots on seperate occasions, (one on my jumpseat, another on the employee bus at LGA) who rolled their eyes at the mention of his name.

He doesn't like the truth. I also received this PM from him in May:

"Your smar-aleck comment in the bankruptcy thread is interesting, but when you hear what is going tohappen to your company I bet you will not be a smar-aleck then.


Of course he was wrong then, and he will continue to be wrong now. He has the nerve to call others "emotional". :lol: :lol: :lol: This is status quo for his personality. Act smug and above everyone in public, but attack and threaten in private. Very interesting indeed. 🙄

If you really want to be amazed, do a web search on narcissistic personality disorder.

He is NOT a member of the MEC, thus for him to have any confidential information would be contrary to ALPA by-laws and would further discredit those who have shared such information with him.. I would also suggest that for a potential Captain Rep to be threatening active member in good standing and ending said threat with a signature would damage his chances of winning said position. He would just have to be recalled anyway.... How are the reps in DC doing anyway?

