It's coming just be patient. Consider those discussions laying the frame work for what we expect from the representing unions to do for us. It's not just about the company screwing us its also about the union screwing us. 🙂
PS get some sleep tokerboy. 🙂
Patience is a virtue, true but..........what is the time frame for all this? With that being known, maybe we all, East and West, will know how to be patient or when to start freaking out.
As I purused the IAM contract I have questions and concerns.
Sorry but I cannot copy and paste the references.
1. Reference Pg. 8, lines 22 though 25 and Pg. 156 lines 31 through 33. These are conflicting statements (and I didn't search for any more) regarding "Supervisory" personnel and performing work or not performing work covered under the agreement.
2. Reference Pg. 9 & 10, beginning with line 45. Can anyone explain that?
3. Reference Pg. 18. IAM Contract with less paid holidays. A number were lost with no provisions to reinstate the loss.
4. Reference Pg. 34, lines 8 through 11. There are people on furlough accrueing seniority for 5 years. That's a long time.
5. Referrence Pg. 51, beginning with line 35. Vacation time lost, again, with no provisions to reinstate the loss.
6. Reference Pg. 56, beginning with line 15. Sick time lost, again, with no provisions to reinstate the loss.
7. Reference Pg. 58, beginning with line 18. Involuntary furloughed employees have travel benefits for themselves and eligible family members for 3 years. Nice for them but how will that affect current employees from both sides?? This would be a great argument for first come, first served.
8. Reference Pg. 67, lines 24 through 34. Rented uniforms? Pay to rent and launder?? Rented uniforms and someone else launder them, sure wouldn't be my choice.
9. Reference Pg. 72, lines 1 through 5. Sounds like the "guarantee" of insourcing work is no such thing. Think about it, as noted before, there was a HUGE auction in PIT and CLT, of US Airways assets. I'm sure that the auction process did not pay the cost to repurchase this equipment in the future. So based Pg. 72, lines 1 through 5, there isn't any guarantee of's a huge loop hole for the company.
10. Reference Pgs. 74 through 76. Hourly base rates...........steps? What is the criteria for moving from one step to another? Time with the company? Time in the position? Based on performance reviews? Based on one's relationship with the boss? Someone please explain? And based on this scale, the wages are lower in some areas and higher in others.
11. Reference Pg. 85, lines 11 through 13. Pension Plan? Is that true?? Who manages that? Who holds the combo to that safe?
12. Reference Pg. 88, lines 1 through 14. This contract is and shall remain in force until December 31, 2009 unless and until reopened in accordance with the Railway Labor Act. Seems to be a good way to better both contracts.
13. Reference Pg. 92, lines 17 through 26. Doesn't seem to be all that great since there are statements such as "the company may..........." Another open door. And going back to my Item 9. reference. Please reference back to Item 9.
And these were just a few questions/concern that came to my mind. I have not analyzed either contract. But I feel that this is, should be, could be, must be a wake up for ALL employees. This is why the vote should happen. Maybe, just maybe, if everyone who is a "worker-bee" at this now combined airline, would calm down and really, really read the contracts, push the unions and the company for factual information, we all would be better informed. And only an informed employee can make an informed decision. There are good things and bad things in both contracts. This would appear to be the opportune time to take the best from both and press ahead. Just like everyone is told that the "company" is trying to do........take the best from US Airways and the best from America West and make the new airline, better.