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Pilots at "standstill"

Why is it everytime someone disagrees with a pilot, you are now envious of them? If I wanted to be a pilot, I would have followed that path. I have no desire to sit on my butt for hours on end talking to another possibly uninteresting person passing gas in a small enclosed space. Plus I would have to downgrade my wardrobe, I can't do that. The 10 day comment was for winglet, since you don't read all posts on here. So I take it that you approve of your union trying to stroke your ego at your wifes' expense? Maybe you and Miss Cleo should get together on a new project, since you think you know about me and my mental state. I love my life, I love my family and I love my job. At work, I only ignore the arrogant pilots and still don't hate any of them. I just think it is ridiculous to think that we are not going to notice actions like these and listen to people like you tell me it is all AA's fault. You really do think we are all dumb.

I am done talking about this. Anyone paying attention sees it for what it is. Go after AA, not your fellow co-workers!!

Your disagreeing with me doesn't lead me to believe you're envious, your whole stinking demeanor does. And in case you didn't finish the 6th grade I'll make it a little simpler for you: You don't have to want to BE someone to be ENVIOUS of what they have. I know it's a gramattical technicality, but try to keep up. Your blathering comments about pilots only serve to solidify the general consensus that loud mouth know-it-alls who think they should be compensated above what they are generally don't have the skill or dedication to achieve said compensation. You try to make yourself feel superior by cracking on someones wardrobe when in reality it makes you look petty and insecure.

My wife is secure in the knowledge that any gain APA makes toward providing a better life for me will absolutely benefit her immediately. She knows too that since the APFA has been riding our coattails for DECADES, whatever we get, you'll most likely get too. She is also a reasonable human being who doesn't hate for the sake of hating and she knows when to pick her battles. All-in-all, I'd say she is the anti-you. I found this website by accident, and after reading YOUR vitriol, I decided to join. True to your character, it took one post for you to attack me and here we are arguing over your ignorance and name-calling.

You may say that I'm arrogant, but you ooze with arrogance, stubborness, and utter idiocy. You said in an earlier post that there are pilots out there who'd do our job for less and that it's time for a reality check. Well sister, I'd say you should be taking your own advice. When AMR gets finished with us, they're coming after you. Even after all of this BS, I'm pulling for you to get everything you can, I want you (and my wife) to be the highest paid, most envied flight attendants in the country...

PS. I did read ALL the posts in this thread. You responded to two different posts without quoting, so I didn't jump to conclusions, I asked... See how easy it was?
Apparantly you do have some trouble reading. I NEVER commented on how much you do or do not make. Nor did I make any comments about me (F/A's) needing to make more. I just have a problem with the arrogant attitude APA has and you perpetuate regarding wanting access to the cabin J/S over existing users of that seat. Also requests to have priority deadheading which would screw all F/A's Just because APA says you are better than everyone else. How that makes me envious of you or any other pilot is beyond me. What ever makes you sleep at night, by all means. I just don't participate in a class driven society. You apparantly subscribe to that ideal. By your comments on here, do you make your wife work around "your" schedule because you are more important? Just curious.
Apparantly you do have some trouble reading. I NEVER commented on how much you do or do not make. Nor did I make any comments about me (F/A's) needing to make more. I just have a problem with the arrogant attitude APA has and you perpetuate regarding wanting access to the cabin J/S over existing users of that seat. Also requests to have priority deadheading which would screw all F/A's Just because APA says you are better than everyone else. How that makes me envious of you or any other pilot is beyond me. What ever makes you sleep at night, by all means. I just don't participate in a class driven society. You apparantly subscribe to that ideal. By your comments on here, do you make your wife work around "your" schedule because you are more important? Just curious.

Apparantly you have trouble remembering what you wrote in previous posts... Go review your rantings in post #51 where you specifically imply that pilots don't deserve to make more than "other working crewmembers".

If the APA is negotiating something you think they don't deserve, tough. If you want to have priority equal-to or better than pilots, tell hutto-blake to put it on her wish list, otherwise, deal with the fact that life doesn't revolve around what you think is fair. If someone has something you want and can't have, you're envious...

This is a democratic republic. You get what you bargain for, if you wanna construe that as me wanting a class-driven society, that's your prerogative.

Again, you're parroting hutto-blakes warcry re: the JS... APA wasn't asking for access to it over existing users.. You are simply being obstinate for the sake of it. No matter how many times you repeat it here, it isn't going to change the fact that you are wrong.

My wife and I don't have the type of marriage where either of us makes one another do anything. I'm on reserve and some months I bid my days off to suit her line, and others she bids her days off to coincide with mine... All in all, I'd say we do it her way 70/30. Hope that satisfies your curiosity...
First, post 51 was to someone else claiming just because they make more money than me, thus they are entitled to priority deadhead. I was trying to say that just because they said it didn't make it so. They equated their higher pay as reason enough for priority seating. Second, I never said or implied I wanted anything that APA asked for. Thus as I will say for the umteenth time. I am NOT envious of you or any pilot, according to your many definitions. Apparantly your only response to my opinion that APA was being arrogant and promoting elitist ideas while trying to screw the F/A's is tough. I tried to copy and post on here your unions LOA regarding what we are talking about. Why don't you read it and see if I am being obstinent regarding use of the J/S. LOA 06-04 dated Nov 16, 1006 Page 3 part D. Somewhere in the middle. The way it is written, it makes no mention of existing J/S agreements with any airline and specifically doesn't mention AE. Which as you should know can ride our J/S's. So keep yourself in the dark and telling me I have no idea what I am talking about. There is no use trying to debate someone if they won't read the supporting facts.

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