The govt says around 10 days, but that is not the point. Most pilots think they are gods gift to everything and deserve to make more than the CEO. Problem is that outside of the airline industry, good luck. You with your college degree will go as far as we would with our college degree. Except I won't have to sell my "captain's" house. I would most likely be able to afford a nicer car. I could be a pilot also if I went to the military and earned a living while being trained to fly planes on someone else's dime. That doesn't make you special. You are still just a number around here just like everyone else. I know that is what makes most pilots the most irritated. Equal treatment. I know it sucks. I also find pilots complaining about not being treated like god annoying tripe.
You say things like
"Most pilots think they are gods gift to everything and deserve to make more than the CEO" and then you seem to expect people outside your clique to take you seriously? I would wager that you've never once in your career heard a pilot voice the opinion that he deserves to make more than the CEO.. You're irrational, you hate pilots because your envy blinds you, and you have a sense of self-worth that is phenomenally over exaggerated. If you think you deserve pilot money, negotiate for it...
Typical of the know-it-all soothsayers, you've also jumped to a wrong conclusion and gotten my background wrong. I'm one of the 30%ers who actually scraped my way through flight school after graduating with a Masters Degree in Biochemical Engineering. The dime I trained on was my own. I'm also an F/O and the husband of 15 year flight attendant, so I won't be selling my "captain's house" if I lose my job. We have managed to live within our means for the past 13 years and we drive modest cars and have cats instead of kids. I can guarantee you that I would have a job inside of a week paying equal or greater wages than I currently earn. I would have to work 9-5 for it, but I'm not above doing what it takes to provide for the ones I love.
As far as being a number around here, you're absolutely right. In fact, as Don Carty put it, I'm a "cost unit". I don't have a problem with it. It doesn't annoy me at all, in fact, I like the annonymity it provides. I come to work and do my job, then go home and be myself. Being a pilot for American Airlines is not
who I am, it's
what I do to allow me to be who I am the other 10-15 days a month.
I don't know what your story is, but I can tell from your rantings here that you are bitter and unsatisfied with your life. Rather than making things work for yourself, you sit and stew over things you can't control. You act like ignoring the pilots is hurting our feelings... It isn't.
Finally, I'm not sure what you were referring to when you said "The govt says around 10 days, but that is not the point", but if you were inferring that a pilot can be replaced in 10 days, you're misinformed...