It did not comply with ALPA policy
Yes it did. Both National and the company accepted it.
... federal judge is already leaning towards finding the list Nicolau used as being incorrect.
Who? Judge Gershon? Total BS. You guys seem to bite at anything your leadership tells you.
we have been resisting for years a dysfunctional MEC, but ALPA is structured to keep those in power in power and to disempower the line pilot.
More BS. You guys could have recalled them at any point but were led around like sheep by your PHL reps telling you what you wanted to hear. Not one of your reps had the stones to tell you DOH was DOA and they purposefully kept transcripts of the arbitration away from your pilots.
Even our totally moronic MEC decided to file suit in an inappropriate venue against the AWA MEC as a red herring to distract us until it was too late to do anything about it.
Amazing how we in the west were briefed on how baseless the suit was yet no one it the east seemed to be able to see through it "until it was too late to do anything about it."
"It did not comply with ALPA policy"
"Yes it did. Both National and the company accepted it." Whatever else can be said, assumed, stated, or postured and posted regarding that "policy".; It's sure "helped" all of us here a whole heckuva' lot...hasn't it?
"You guys could have recalled them at any point but were led around like sheep..." Standard Alpoid hype..and utterly without substance in reality. Kindly, just note how effective intended recall proved with the CLT in; the wishes of the pilots were completely ignored, and the issue wasn't even set on calender by good old Alpa's finest. your point's well taken as far as active participation in Union affairs being a very reasonable notion. It's a pity that you'e no such thoughts concerning your current union though.....interesting philosophy.
"Amazing how we in the west were briefed on how baseless the suit was.." Well "Duh!"...that was, I believe, the poster's intended point = The suit was just an obvious Alpoid-attempted smoke-screen, initiated to confuse and baffle the "poor, stupid east line pilots" into hopefully, actually believing that Alpa was doing..well... ANYTHING surprise that even your circle eventually figured that one out...apparently, only after being properly "briefed" of course :blink: ...."yet no one it the east seemed to be able to see through it".Ummm...sure...if you say so.
🙄 In was fine meat for commonly found anti-alpa discussion, in that it WAS such an obvious scam. Alpa was clearly just playing for time, and desperately attempting to hold on to the pilot dues money from all of us. Why Alpa's anythng "heroic" out west is a complete mystery to a great many.
That Nic/"Totally Fair" - "No Windfall" must have some serious power to cloud minds, dull perceptions, and generally serve to produce little in the way of reasoned thought. It's powerful magic apparently even goes so far as to completely remove any associations with actual reality. Case in point from the above posting = "Please stop with this decertification threat. The only thing you guys in the east have been able to do collectively is vote in LOA 93."
"You will never, ever decertify ALPA. Guaranteed." Well..ya' can't blame us for "trying"
😉 Seriously though: "never, ever" is a long time, and I'd caution against "ever" making any blanket assumptions as to what's to be seen and experienced, within even the tiniest fractions of future time.