Nightwatch said:
Care to make a little wager Bob and who has been in more frontline strike battles, TWAers or AAers? Care to wager Bob on who has a stronger union floor, TWAers or AAers? We have been in more strikes, fought with other unions in their strikes, and responded when asked without hesitation, than you have even been aware of.
What's the matter? You again area beaten man.
Whether you like the road we took or not, bottomline is , we are still employed.
As bad as the TWU is, how much of a raise did you guys get when you were brought up to our scale?
That said I'll admit that the IAM is a better union than the TWU, but you guys in MCI were a liability to the rest of the TWA system, thats at least what the TWA guys here tell me. They say it was MCI that would fold everytime, that they were all pig farmers out there who worked the airline as a side job. Thats what they say, feel free to correct me .
By the way if you ever wanted to try and get back into the IAM then you would have to go AMFA first.
"You speak of the TWAers as if they are spineless, come to KC and and speak to the floor as you type here Bob."
I dont think that all TWAers are spineless, in fact I dont think that all in MCI are spineless, I just think that the people you have as leaders there are. I saw it firsthand when I was there. Spineless leaders can make a whole group look bad because they tend to give bad information. Members then make poor decisions based upon the poor information that their spineless weak leaders give them.
I've been there. I went to speak but your board would not let me.
"What you might do Bob is go out and get you some business, and stay out of ours."
Well I'll tell you what, if you get overhaul on a seperate contract from the line I will stay out of your business. But as long as we are under the same contract brother, it is my business.