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To Our Union Membership

firstamendment said:
Ever watched the movie "What's Love Got To Do With It" about Tina Turner and Ike? Ike would beat the crap out of Tina over and over and then throw a gift at her with a this is the last time...But guess what? There was never a last time. It repeated itself over and over and over until Tina had ENOUGH!! She lost everything but her namesake, but rose back as one of the all time greats.


"Eat the cake Anna Mae! Eat the cake!" :afro: :rant:

"Nam yo ho ren gya quo nam yo ho ren gyey quo..." :groovy:
Being in this business has been fun and rewarding. I have enjoyed it, and looked forward to working a few more years. I am of the age that I can take early retirement. I didn't want to. I wanted to work. I also wanted to earn a decent wage and be secure in retirement. I have planned and saved towards this means.
Year after year, leader after leader, this company has gotten worse and worse. Work conditions, pay, the rewards, the leadership....all gone down hill, and in my opinion at a very fast pace. Several months ago, if my failing memory recalls correctly, we were told in order to have medical coverage after retirement, you must retire by 1-5-05. Reluctantly, I sent in my papers. Then, along with so many other things, management flip-floped the plan. Now the proposed plan is, if you retire before 1-1-05 you will not be able to have medical coverage (unless you are a pilot). It's a never ending "changing of the minds" with U management. Nothing is ever enough. You can't count on anything from one day to the next.
It's almost as if they realize many employees may leave, and there is the threat from some that they might walk. How to deal with that? Benefits were changed to force those who were going to retire to re-think and possibly delay. That way, maybe there will be enough people to get U thru the holidays. IF some group(s) do walk, they may just shut the place down...then benefits wont have to be paid after all ! For the employees, it's a lose, lose . LOSE.
I have loved the job, but I'm ready for it to be over....one way or another. (And I'll leave when I'm darned good and ready!) If I leave now, I get no benefits...if I stay, U probably will fail and I still get no benefits....except maybe unemployement checks. I was looking forward to the day I could post on here that yesterday was my last day. He!!, I still look forward to that day... bring it on...one way or the other.
Honest answer First Ad...? it is not that hard to tell...

IF you were them, would you not try to make it work one last time (like they are doing), up to a certain point...?

After which, you just move on. How does it go, "know when to hold em, know when to fold em"...?

It is not Rocket Science, plain and simple, the best return would be to make what we have work, but if that cannot be done, the next best thing to them is to take those planes, gates, and use em in a different manner. But no one (nor union) can really be mad at being left behind, if they have not taken advantage of the final opportunities to salvage the current operation, can they...?

Anyways, I suugest that people spend more time researching and planning for what they can do when they no longer have a job here. Unemployment compansation and retraining benefits are a far more complex, and less lucrative affair than many on here might assume.

For Example from the PA website on UC...
Question: Does unemployment compensation pay for job training or retraining while claim unemployment compensation benefits?

Currently, there are no provisions under the PA UC Law or Federal TEUC Law for job training programs. A Federally-funded program, the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) Program, does provide training for certain workers. The TAA Program provides for training and other benefits (including continuing unemployment benefits while in approved training) for workers whose jobs were adversly affected by imports or job relocation to certain other countries. In order for you to be eligible for this program, you must be laid off by a company that has a certified petition with the United States Department of Labor (along with other criteria). You can check to see if a petition has been filed and/or certified on the U.S. Department of Labor's website at http://www.doleta.gov/tradeact.
Anyways, best that everyone check thier own state's websites for specific information, the quote above was from the PA site, found at PA Dept of Labor?

Peace B)
Rico said:
Honest answer First Ad...? it is not that hard to tell...

IF you were them, would you not try to make it work one last time (like they are doing), up to a certain point...?

After which, you just move on. How does it go, "know when to hold em, know when to fold em"...?

It is not Rocket Science, plain and simple, the best return would be to make what we have work, but if that cannot be done, the next best thing to them is to take those planes, gates, and use em in a different manner. But no one (nor union) can really be mad at being left behind, if they have not taken advantage of the final opportunities to salvage the current operation, can they...?

Anyways, I suugest that people spend more time researching and planning for what they can do when they no longer have a job here. Unemployment compansation and retraining benefits are a far more complex, and less lucrative affair than many on here might assume.

For Example from the PA website on UC...

Anyways, best that everyone check thier own state's websites for specific information, the quote above was from the PA site, found at PA Dept of Labor?

Peace B)


It's easier to figure out a lubisk cube than US Airways!! 🙄
I do not think so.

US Airways, is going to reach a point very soon where the economic return of starting over new, or selling everything off to someone else will be more lucrative than trying to salvage the current company.

What is so hard to figure out about that...?
Rico said:
I do not think so.

US Airways, is going to reach a point very soon where the economic return of starting over new, or selling everything off to someone else will be more lucrative than trying to salvage the current company.

What is so hard to figure out about that...?
Precisely the reason to bust the unions or get what they want thru their capitulate or liquidate mantra. One way or the other they will get what they want.
Red One,
My last day was Saturday. I feel so much better. A real weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. You can do it too! Find peace of mind and a new job if you need to.

Well, you might see it that way, I do not.

Not that I am "Mr. Rah-Rah management", I am just looking at it from a business perspective, where IMHO they would prefer to retain as much of the current company (and it's strength's) as possible with the unions's agreement, rather than spinning off a smaller operation (to survive), or just selling off the remaining pieces that other airlines can afford. They (management) will take what is their most promising option remaining, it is not about what they "want".

I am a realist, I see that the window of opportunity for what we now know as US Airways is starting to close, and the unions have to realize that they again soon be wishing for another chance to accept what was offered to them in the past (like they now do towards the pre-BK proposals)

Anyways, good luck to all no matter what happens