Just so no AFL-CIO flunky will ever again be tempted to revise history: The IAM agreed to take over struck work even though they state that it cannot be required.
Link Below In RED:
IAM Admits To Contractual Language Allowing Sympathy Strikes
August 18, 2005
Susan M. Griesgraber
Managing Director Labor Relations
7500 Airline Drive A1170
Minneapolis, MN 55440-1101
RE: IAM Contractual “Sympathy Strike†Provisions
Dear Ms. Griesgraber:
I am in receipt of your August 5, 2005, letter regarding IAM Contractual Sympathy Strike Provisions. Without getting into the specifics of what IAM-represented employees would or would not do in any particular strike, I am compelled to respond to certain inaccuracies in your letter.
You acknowledge that our agreements permit IAM-represented employees to refuse to cross a legally established picket line without fear of discipline or job loss. However, you attempt to unilaterally revise the contractual language to assert that IAM-represented employees may only refuse to cross the picket line if the line is at the entry point of the employee’s work location. The contracts do not contain any such limitations and we are aware of no legal precedents that would require any such restrictions. To the contrary, as you recognize in your letter, the contracts specifically permit IAM-represented employees to refuse to cross a legally established picket line without threat of discipline, job loss or replacement; there are no further limitations.
The restrictions you have attempted to unilaterally impose exist neither in the contract nor in the law. If, at any point, IAM-represented employees decided to honor another union’s picket lines, the conduct would be legal and protected, in accordance with our agreements.
We further disagree with your assertions in paragraph (2). We decline to get into a debate over the law regarding a hypothetical situation. Suffice it to say that we disagree with your contention that sympathy strikers can be permanently replaced. Again, the collective bargaining agreements clearly permit IAM-represented employees to honor picket lines without fear of job loss or replacement.
Finally, we are concerned about a situation not expressly addressed by your letter – that is, members who fear for their safety and physical well-being should they cross a picket line. Clearly any member who cannot go to work because their safety and physical well-being are threatened can be neither disciplined nor permanently replaced.
Robert B. De Pace
President/Directing General Chair