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Nwa On Strike

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aafsc said:
The difference between your situation and the NWA mechanics situation is that when you were laid off, you got unemployment for 6 months or a year as to where most of the NW mechanics dont (I believe it depends on the state).
It didn't work that way for me. I got no furlough pay, only six months unemployment, and to rub salt in the wound, I had to collect in MO at $250 per week instead of $410 in NY because I had been working out of state for over 18 months (my NYC base was closed and we were corralled in STL). Some earlier furloughees got unemployment extensions but we weren't eligible because too much time had passed for us to be considered victims of 9/11, although the concessionary contract which led to our furlough was certainly due to that event.

I'm not angry or bitter and I do intend to return to AA. But you could at least acknowledge that we served SOME useful purpose for you, even if it was only to act as furlough fodder.

MCI transplant said:
<_< aa---- Boy, I wish I had your Christal Ball!!! It told you all that??? Anyone can "speculate" at "what if"!!! What if Trans World Corp. hadn't spon off the Airline! TWA would still own: Hilton Inernational Hotels, Spartain Foods, "Hardy's Hambergers, Cetury 21 realestate, and others! All bought, and paid for with TWA money!!! "What if" Uncle Carl Ichan had bought aa when he was looking at it in the 80's?? Now, there's a thought!! "What if" TWA had continued to fly though 9/11??? Now I know where you get all your information! From that Christal Ball!! Boy! Wouldn't it be nice if we all had one!!! But we don't! And neither do you!!! :shock:
"What if" Crandall had bought Pan Am's Pacific routes, instead of thinking the price was too high and letting UA get them. "What if" Lorenzo had ended up with TWA instead of EAL(almost happened you know) "What if" Carty had never bought TWA. "What if" Kennedy had never been shot? We can all say "what if" this or that. But one thing is undeniable and can be proven by looking at the year 2000 financial statements of AA and TWA. And that is AA had a net worth of about $7.5 BILLION as to where TWA had a NEGATIVE net worth. This means AA was a very wealth company as to where TWA was a pauper. It would be equivelent to an impoverished person's slum apartment burning to the ground and then being taken in by a generous billionaire into his mansion only to turn around and demand to be the new owner of the mansion, sleep in the billionaires bed (with his wife) and enjoy all of his other luxuries (private jet, yacht, rolls royce, etc.).
kirkpatrick said:
It didn't work that way for me. I got no furlough pay, only six months unemployment, and to rub salt in the wound, I had to collect in MO at $250 per week instead of $410 in NY because I had been working out of state for over 18 months (my NYC base was closed and we were corralled in STL). Some earlier furloughees got unemployment extensions but we weren't eligible because too much time had passed for us to be considered victims of 9/11, although the concessionary contract which led to our furlough was certainly due to that event.

I'm not angry or bitter and I do intend to return to AA. But you could at least acknowledge that we served SOME useful purpose for you, even if it was only to act as furlough fodder.

Unfortunately, Bush did not approve the unemployment extensions (is anyone surprised?). I have no problem with you or anyone else who wants to come back to AA. In my group where I work, everyone has been recalled (AA and TWA) and I have personally and happily welcomed some of them back (TWAers). But I disagree that the TWAers were "furlough fodder" because in my group they got all their TWA seniority in STL and 25% in a number of cities. Although, they have not displaced me personally, they have done so to many nAAtives in places like JFK, LGA, CMH, etc. Especially in STL where ALL nAAtives have been tossed out. Did you know that there are more AAers laid off than TWAers as a whole? But listening to some, one would think that there is not one ex-TWA employee working now at AA and not one AAer has ever been laid off. The TWAers have always wanted 100% everywhere as evidenced by countless grievances and lawsuits. The US Supreme court refused to hear the TWA pilot's case. That is how far they went to try to get 100%. If TWAers did get 100%, everyone on layoff would be an AAer. The TWAers need to accept the situation and stop the whining, crying, and spinning.
The true TWU believers always talk about "strength in numbers" and "an injustice to one is an injustice to all" while in reality their membership in the AFL-CIO links them to a scab outfit: the IAM

Boomer said:
Just so no AFL-CIO flunky will ever again be tempted to revise history: The IAM agreed to take over struck work even though they state that it cannot be required.

Link Below In RED:

IAM Admits To Contractual Language Allowing Sympathy Strikes

August 18, 2005
Susan M. Griesgraber
Managing Director Labor Relations
7500 Airline Drive A1170
Minneapolis, MN 55440-1101

RE: IAM Contractual “Sympathy Strikeâ€￾ Provisions

Dear Ms. Griesgraber:

I am in receipt of your August 5, 2005, letter regarding IAM Contractual Sympathy Strike Provisions. Without getting into the specifics of what IAM-represented employees would or would not do in any particular strike, I am compelled to respond to certain inaccuracies in your letter.

You acknowledge that our agreements permit IAM-represented employees to refuse to cross a legally established picket line without fear of discipline or job loss. However, you attempt to unilaterally revise the contractual language to assert that IAM-represented employees may only refuse to cross the picket line if the line is at the entry point of the employee’s work location. The contracts do not contain any such limitations and we are aware of no legal precedents that would require any such restrictions. To the contrary, as you recognize in your letter, the contracts specifically permit IAM-represented employees to refuse to cross a legally established picket line without threat of discipline, job loss or replacement; there are no further limitations.

The restrictions you have attempted to unilaterally impose exist neither in the contract nor in the law. If, at any point, IAM-represented employees decided to honor another union’s picket lines, the conduct would be legal and protected, in accordance with our agreements.

We further disagree with your assertions in paragraph (2). We decline to get into a debate over the law regarding a hypothetical situation. Suffice it to say that we disagree with your contention that sympathy strikers can be permanently replaced. Again, the collective bargaining agreements clearly permit IAM-represented employees to honor picket lines without fear of job loss or replacement.

Finally, we are concerned about a situation not expressly addressed by your letter – that is, members who fear for their safety and physical well-being should they cross a picket line. Clearly any member who cannot go to work because their safety and physical well-being are threatened can be neither disciplined nor permanently replaced.

Robert B. De Pace
President/Directing General Chair

Boomer said:
The true TWU believers always talk about "strength in numbers" and "an injustice to one is an injustice to all" while in reality their membership in the AFL-CIO links them to a scab outfit: the IAM

Well if they truly believe in strength in numbers then I guess they cant wait for the Teamster drive to start. The Teamsters have 1,400,000 members compared to the TWUs 120,000 memners.
NewHampshire Black Bears said:

I"ve got news for you buhbuy,
The ONLY ****ING Union AA has now is,



You know that is 100% right! The most sad, funny and correct comment I have read on this site!

NewHampshire Black Bears said:

I"ve got news for you buhbuy,
The ONLY ****ING Union AA has now is,



Thanks, NHBB -- I guess that makes me a union member, too...
buhbye said:

I think in the blaming game should be Cooper & the IAM. They sold yall out! What does she care?
She still has a job with the IAM!
<_< Isn't that like calling the tea kettle black? It was, and still is the result of aa, in colaberation with it's Unions!!! Nothing more,or less!!! :down: But if it makes you sleep any sounder you go ahead and believe that!!!!
Former ModerAAtor said:
Thanks, NHBB -- I guess that makes me a union member, too...
<_< That's the only Union that would have you!!!!! 😛 😛 😛
aafsc said:
What hub did AA drastically cut? STL. They did not cut DFW, ORD, MIA. or SJU. Since STL (TWA's hub) was reduced by about 70% it is only right that ex-TWA employees in total loose the corresponding amount of jobs (which is about 70%). But obviously you feel that you should have been able to go to DFW, ORD, MIA, etc. and throw AAers on the street. In my group, the TWU, we had about 150 AAers in STL before the transaction. Today, there is not one TWU represented origional AA employee in STL. They all got kicked out by the TWAers.
<_< That's your hang up aa! You can't admit that exTWAers are now aaers!!! There are quit a few AA employees represented by the TWU in STL! Quit a few of them have worked there for 30+ years!!! You're always toting the Kasher ruling! I believe STL is one of the 100% stations. So what are you bitching about! But it is ironic!!! The two places where Kasher gave 100% seniority to exTWAers, aa and it's leash dog Unons, have targgeted for drastic reductions!!!! :down:

The TWA/AA Integration has been decided for quite some time now.

I think we were discussing NWA Strike Issues? :angry:
MCI transplant said:
<_< That's the only Union that would have you!!!!! 😛 😛 😛

Actually, I did belong to IATSE (Intl Alliance of Theatrical & Stage Employees) for a while, but that was decades ago in a land far, far away.

And a little known piece of trivia.... any guesses as to which union Frank Lorenzo belonged to at one point?....
Former ModerAAtor said:
Actually, I did belong to IATSE (Intl Alliance of Theatrical & Stage Employees) for a while, but that was decades ago in a land far, far away.

And a little known piece of trivia.... any guesses as to which union Frank Lorenzo belonged to at one point?....
AMFA Local 5 is hosting a webpage with photos of NWA Replacement Wokers.

As I veiwed the photos, I couldn't help but notice the INTEGRITY that these individuals must have.

Just look at this man. Is he working on the next aircraft you are scheduled to fly?



This guy mooned the photographer, but the image was cropped to insure nobody was confused on identification of this man.

See the Rest of the Scab Photos Here
Former ModerAAtor said:
Actually, I did belong to IATSE (Intl Alliance of Theatrical & Stage Employees) for a while, but that was decades ago in a land far, far away.

And a little known piece of trivia.... any guesses as to which union Frank Lorenzo belonged to at one point?....


That puts you right up there with the Wizard of Oz!
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