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Nw Strikes

hp_fa said:
I have another reason for not having any sympathy for NW management and the way they ran their company. For the past several years NW has been basically vetoing any fare increases by their refusal to go along with them. They perceived a competitive advantage by keeping fares lower and trying to weaken competition. Well, now they have weakened themselves and can blame themselves.
Exactly! NWA's business plan was trying to put US and UA into CH7. They thought they could outlast us. Now they are reaping what they have sewn.
700UW said:
Guess JS has never heard of the Air Transport Assoiciation (ATA), which all carriers belong too.

I guess you don't understand the meaning of the word cartel. Look it up.
700UW said:
Guess JS has never heard of the Air Transport Assoiciation (ATA), which all carriers belong too.

Sorry, but ATA's just about the furthest thing from a cartel, since their antitrust immunity only covers the establishment of safety and services standards, plus the ability to lobby on issues affecting all carriers.

To be a cartel you have to have the ability to set prices across the board.

And no, 700, not all carriers belong to ATA. In the US and Canada, they're pretty much equally split between ACAA (Air Carrier Association of America), RAA (Regional Airline Association), and ATA.
ClueByFour said:
Yeah, even a trained monkey can get labor costs down in BK. Unfortunately, you and yours managed to screw it up the first time, so had to go back again.


Especially when the unions are run by morons.
JS said:
I guess you don't understand the meaning of the word cartel. Look it up.
While he is at it he should look up "scab" too.

You say NWA management will do what it needs to do.....your twisted take on the situation over there <_< .

NWA wants, I mean NEEDS, $176 Million for their restructuring scam to work??? Just how the "F" much have they spent in the previous 18 months while training SCABS???? How much are they PISSING AWAY daily in their obvious attempt to BUST THE UNION by encouraging this strike?????? That's right. ENCOURAGING THE STRIKE. That's what you call 18 months of pre-planning for this exact occurrence!!!
What about the rate of pay for all the self centered scabs???? I bet NWA has NO problem paying them a ton of money per hour in order to sucker them into staying while ruining their lives by becoming SCABS????? Give me numbers you management puke!!! Your never changing, self righteous-moronic philosophy is exactly what is wrong with the airline industry :angry: .
E-TRONS said:

You say NWA management will do what it needs to do.....your twisted take on the situation over there <_< .

NWA wants, I mean NEEDS, $176 Million for their restructuring scam to work??? Just how the "F" much have they spent in the previous 18 months while training SCABS???? How much are they PISSING AWAY daily in their obvious attempt to BUST THE UNION by encouraging this strike?????? That's right. ENCOURAGING THE STRIKE. That's what you call 18 months of pre-planning for this exact occurrence!!!
What about the rate of pay for all the self centered scabs???? I bet NWA has NO problem paying them a ton of money per hour in order to sucker them into staying while ruining their lives by becoming SCABS????? Give me numbers you management puke!!! Your never changing, self righteous-moronic philosophy is exactly what is wrong with the airline industry :angry: .

It's an investment.
JS said:
It's an investment.

So is trying your luck in Vegas or Atlantic City. It's possible it could work, but not very probable and will likely leave you in worse shape than when you started. The armor is already chinking.
High Iron said:
So is trying your luck in Vegas or Atlantic City. It's possible it could work, but not very probable and will likely leave in worse shape than when you started. The armor is already chinking.

Nope, gambling is not an investment, unless you count cards.
JS said:
Nope, gambling is not an investment, unless you count cards.

Ah, Gambling it is. Many thanks for flushing out my point.
Don't waste your breath HIGHIRON.
JS (aka. Jack #### <_< ) as well as the brilliant NWA schemers will soon see what such "gambling" costs. They wanted $176Million??? Instead they will get at least $500 Million.....in the shorts that is :lol: :lol:

Heck of a way to run your finances when you are in such "DIRE" straits. Wouldn't you say :blink: ???

NWA = UNION BUSTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Take note all you unsupportive unions!!!! You are NEXT :shock: !!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope all the mechanics will learn their lesson and learn that there are thousands of other mechanics out there that would love to have a job. I hope that Northwest fires all the strikers and hires the "scabs" they need. I would be a "scab" too if I was out of a job. I have 5 mouths to feed and would be happy with half pay.
I have news for you A-HOLE.......YOU already ARE A SCAB talking like that!!!!

5 kids??? Keep your pants on next time LOSER!!! :down: :down:
menyou said:
I have 5 mouths to feed and would be happy with half pay.

Math was NEVER my better subject but I did learn how to add and subtract VERY well so let me see if I can get this right.
5 mouths to feed would equal "menyou" himself, a wife, and THREE kids.
I do beleive the last time I checked 2 adults and 3 kids equal 5

And ya know E-Trons, maybe your pants haven't came off enough lately and that is why you have such built up anger management problems.

RELEASE is a wonderful experience! ! ! 😀

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