Yes I do. I know exactly what his argument is. I also know it would probably upset a lot of other twaers if he won because it could mean someone (a twaer) with 25 years in STL would be placed ahead of a 40 year twaer in MIA or any other 4/10/01 city. It would also mean that if a 40 year twaer from a 4/10 /01 city went to STL, he/she would be below a 30 year twaer. It's strange that no one seems to have a problem with the fact that when a twaer goes to STL from a 25% or 4/10/01 station he/she gets all their twa seniority back but when they go to a 25% or 4/10/01 city from STL and lose their twa seniority, they complain.