Nov/Dec 2013 Pilot Discussion

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exB717Flyer said:
Music to the APA's ears!
Which law suit has the better chance for you former twa and america west pilot?  The seniority suit you have against American Pilots or the seniority suit you have against US Airways pilots?
luvthe9 said:
Have you ever read the USAPA UOM or the APA's Union Operating Manual? Apparently our President, Gary Hummel has. However, he got them confused because he used the language of the APA's Manual that says a President can remain in office indefinitely even when he cannot fly. That is his justification now. The APA says he can stay, even though our manual clearly says he can't if he is on medical status.
Is that the same pesky old USAPA UOM that you and your buddies are trying to change...again? The one that says NO roll call votes? That the one???
I won't be thanking McKee and his merry men for anything. If I want to thank anyone for my retrospective pay, it will be the ones that really made it happen...the APA. Had they not gotten involved after the Disclosure Agreement put the brakes on MOU I, we would still be on LOA93. Those guys at the APA must really be getting a laugh right about now.
Res Judicata said:
You can't manage your own fking waistline there Type 2. YOU HAVE NO SAY.
How is eddie chandler doing lately?  Does he get together with randy mcnerlin and talk about the good ole days?  
A320 Driver said:
Is that the same pesky old USAPA UOM that you and your buddies are trying to change...again? The one that says NO roll call votes? That the one???
I won't be thanking McKee and his merry men for anything. If I want to thank anyone for my retrospective pay, it will be the ones that really made it happen...the APA. Had they not gotten involved after the Disclosure Agreement put the brakes on MOU I, we would still be on LOA93. Those guys at the APA must really be getting a laugh right about now.
You are clueless, too much ozone on those long Atlantic crossings.
Res Judicata said:
You can't manage your own fking waistline there Type 2. YOU HAVE NO SAY.
Come on, now just let it go the NIC been done for years, learn to be happy with what you have, your headed for a stroke boy.
luvthe9 said:
Come on, now just let it go the NIC been done for years, learn to be happy with what you have, your headed for a stroke boy.
the Nicolau Seniority List Was Issued on May 3, 2007 that was















luvthe9 said:
Remember, this guy could care less  about the junior individual, on the 330 and seniority not effected, must be a real treat to work with..
Remember, this guy could care less about anyone else, all he cares about is a Delta paycheck and a $100,000 signing bonus before he retires. 
Sans that he wants us all on LOA 93.
luvthe9 said:
So, how is that retroactive pay? Looks pretty good to me. When you see Steve Crimi, Bill Mckee, Dwight Ingram, Spike and Mike Gilles, thank them for standing up for you.
The perfect con is when the mark doesn't realize he was played.
Let the BPR members who were against the MOU take credit for retro pay that was already baked into the cake in exchange for a unanimous recommendation to send the MOU out for a vote.
Even luvthe9 is bragging about a payraise he voted against. :D
traderjake said:
The perfect con is when the mark doesn't realize he was played.
So, by your own proud admission, you're now just a "clever" little con man? Oh well, anyone hanging around chip...etc. Whatever happened to "LT Hardy" and all that "Honor" BS? ;)
traderjake said:
The perfect con is when the mark doesn't realize he was played.
Let the BPR members who were against the MOU take credit for retro pay that was already baked into the cake in exchange for a unanimous recommendation to send the MOU out for a vote.
Even luvthe9 is bragging about a payraise he voted against. :D
Dan, you have NEVER been to a union meeting so how would you even know?  However, I am more than willing to set the record straight with the FACTS.  MOU I did not have retro pay in it.  Period.  I happen to know exactly what transpired between Roland and MOU I because both he and I were at the CLT domicile meeting a year ago and he was of the opinion that we need to vote this in and "get a better deal later".  FACT.  So we sit on less pay until a JCBA was negotiated.  With the company already violating the MOU we have now just what do you think it would have been like with the original MOU?  
So I called Dewitt Ingram the other day and I asked him exactly what happened behind the scenes.  You guys can say what you like about Dewitt but the one thing he has NEVER done is blow his own horn, which is why I called him.  I asked him exactly why MOU II came about.  First, it was apparent that no one in their right mind was going to vote for MOU I that BOTH GARY AND ROLAND negotiated with NAC drafting help.  That was at the meeting in CLT.  The pressure put on the Union and the BPR by Jack Butler, who was the Bankruptcy lawyer for the unsecured creditors committee, gave the union and the BPR a 24 hour deadline to approve the MOU I.  It was Dewitt who came up with the idea that, if the company would grant retrospective pay back to when the MOU II gets approved the BPR would give it unanimous approval.  Dewitt told me that, based on HIS many years of negotiating with both real estate and vehicles, it helps to give up something that has no value to us but has immense value to the other side.  Jack was ECSTATIC!    You see, whether the BPR sent MOU II out with unanimous approval or majority vote still ends with the same result.... it goes out to the rank and file.  But one thing is FOR SURE.... Pete Dugsted and Joe Stein had NO PART in the solution put forth by DeWitt.  NONE.  This was entirely a CLT solution.
Dan, you can sit back in the "cheap seats" with Chip and lob hand grenades but i will point out that the lies you and your master Chip put out their are just that.  LIES.  Gary Hummel has been a part of this "leadership" team since his fiasco as EVP.  Gary is a poor communicator and a poor leader.  What is VERY disappointing is Steve Bradford LETS HIM DO IT.  The Ballot committee is quitting and Streble is giving up because of the leadership, or the lack thereof, who has NO support.  There is still more to come with seniority and especially with the JCBA negotiations.  Say what you want about DiOreo and McKee.  I certainly have my differences with Bill but it is these two that are not grinding an axe against Gary.  They are trying to preserve some semblance of negotiating logic with a still to be made document called the JCBA with APA.
I'm going back to AB Captain next month.  Be ready Dan.... gear up.
The ballot committee quit because of the CLT and PHL reps and not because of Hummel. Get your delusion straight Jamie.
end_of_alpa said:
Dan, you have NEVER been to a union meeting so how would you even know?  However, I am more than willing to set the record straight with the FACTS.  MOU I did not have retro pay in it.  Period.  I happen to know exactly what transpired between Roland and MOU I because both he and I were at the CLT domicile meeting a year ago and he was of the opinion that we need to vote this in and "get a better deal later".  FACT.  So we sit on less pay until a JCBA was negotiated.  With the company already violating the MOU we have now just what do you think it would have been like with the original MOU?  
So I called Dewitt Ingram the other day and I asked him exactly what happened behind the scenes.  You guys can say what you like about Dewitt but the one thing he has NEVER done is blow his own horn, which is why I called him.  I asked him exactly why MOU II came about.  First, it was apparent that no one in their right mind was going to vote for MOU I that BOTH GARY AND ROLAND negotiated with NAC drafting help.  That was at the meeting in CLT.  The pressure put on the Union and the BPR by Jack Butler, who was the Bankruptcy lawyer for the unsecured creditors committee, gave the union and the BPR a 24 hour deadline to approve the MOU I.  It was Dewitt who came up with the idea that, if the company would grant retrospective pay back to when the MOU II gets approved the BPR would give it unanimous approval.  Dewitt told me that, based on HIS many years of negotiating with both real estate and vehicles, it helps to give up something that has no value to us but has immense value to the other side.  Jack was ECSTATIC!    You see, whether the BPR sent MOU II out with unanimous approval or majority vote still ends with the same result.... it goes out to the rank and file.  But one thing is FOR SURE.... Pete Dugsted and Joe Stein had NO PART in the solution put forth by DeWitt.  NONE.  This was entirely a CLT solution.
Dan, you can sit back in the "cheap seats" with Chip and lob hand grenades but i will point out that the lies you and your master Chip put out their are just that.  LIES.  Gary Hummel has been a part of this "leadership" team since his fiasco as EVP.  Gary is a poor communicator and a poor leader.  What is VERY disappointing is Steve Bradford LETS HIM DO IT.  The Ballot committee is quitting and Streble is giving up because of the leadership, or the lack thereof, who has NO support.  There is still more to come with seniority and especially with the JCBA negotiations.  Say what you want about DiOreo and McKee.  I certainly have my differences with Bill but it is these two that are not grinding an axe against Gary.  They are trying to preserve some semblance of negotiating logic with a still to be made document called the JCBA with APA.
I'm going back to AB Captain next month.  Be ready Dan.... gear up.
You won't shake his world view with eyewitness accounts and facts.  He likes his myths, and will live as if they are true.
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