Nov/Dec 2013 Pilot Discussion

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luvthe9 said:
Remember, this guy could care less  about the junior individual, on the 330 and seniority not effected, must be a real treat to work with..
Really? You get that from your crystal ball? Never said I didn't care...said I was not unhappy with my circumstances. That's been true my entire career. The only thing that gets me going is the lunacy associated with the BPR and their supporters.
Boeing Driver said:
Easy no vote.
Anything the west scabs want so badly is definitely not good for the east pilots.
Boeing Driver
I didn't know I was supposed to vote yes. Hey, Res and Snap, how am I supposed to vote for this thing!?

Seriously, most things are good for both east and west or bad for both east and west. It's just the Nic that has you rapped around the axle.

Beancounter said:
I didn't know I was supposed to vote yes. Hey, Res and Snap, how am I supposed to vote for this thing!?
Seriously, most things are good for both east and west or bad for both east and west. It's just the Nic that has you rapped around the axle.
Three questions which are Y or N, otherwise known as polar questions then you throw in 2 candidates which combinations and permutations are a factor, then look at the choices and the probability that any result may be thrown out and re-run, it gets confusing.

No wonder Leonidas has not come out with a voting guide. ;)
Hummer and Scabford aren't going anywhere. The phx base is keeping those idiot scabs as opposed to the lunatic idiot scabs.

Poor 9-piece. He'll be so disappointed.
Res Judicata said:
Hummer and Scabford aren't going anywhere. The phx base is keeping those idiot scabs as opposed to the lunatic idiot scabs.
Poor 9-piece. He'll be so disappointed.
Won't make any difference son either way.
Res Judicata said:
Hummer and Scabford aren't going anywhere. The phx base is keeping those idiot scabs as opposed to the lunatic idiot scabs.
Poor 9-piece. He'll be so disappointed.
Read between the lines. It is exactly what the FBI did. No means yes, and yes means no with this Mackeral.
Pathological liar and anger.
Res Judicata said:
Thanks to the company stripping the ball from you scabs before silver did, you're right. It won't matter. Keep up the boycott tough guy.
You boys smell of desperation.
Claxon said:
Read between the lines. It is exactly what the FBI did. No means yes, and yes means no with this Mackeral.
Pathological liar and anger.
That sounds a lot like Mike.

Eric Ferguson, falsely accused of ID theft pointed out the dysfunction of USAPA in 2011 which holds true today going into the recall.

A personal message to all USAirways pilots from Eric Ferguson

Dear USAirways Pilots

I want to thank everyone who has taken the time to call, email, or text a message of support to me recently. I have remained deliberately silent for some time in order to allow things to play out, but I believe it is now time to break my silence. While I cannot comment directly on any ongoing investigation, I remain confident that I will be entirely vindicated- not just found not guilty of any wrongdoing, but instead declared innocent of all charges made against me by USAPA.

In the meantime, the incessant clanging from the gong known as USAPA Communications regarding what has been deliberately and misleadingly categorized as identity theft is no doubt far more annoying to most of you than it is even to me and my fellow accused pilots. However, absent any hearing or due process, what should have been discretely handled as accusations (which they are), have been treated as ironclad convictions by the utterly failed leadership of USAPA. It is patently obvious to even the most casual observer that USAPA has again manufactured a crisis in attempt to keep its understandably restless and mutinous disciples under control. Simply ask yourself if it would be wise to repeatedly declare to anyone who would care to listen that the lock to your house was broken? The first rule of security is to NOT tell the world when you believe you have a security problem. If there really was a problem, then USAPA has actually done its pilots a tremendous disservice by alerting any would-be wrongdoers of a potential weakness in the manner in which it has. This speaks volumes about the real objectives of the Cleary regime and its latest folly. It also reeks of desperation, as the briefly unified East pilots begin to turn on one another and the infighting becomes more and more public. If victory for DOH was truly imminent, then none of this would be happening.

The distinction between an accusation and a conviction must be beyond the elementary comprehension level of Cleary, Theuer, and the rest of his crack team of would-be thugs who have failed to deliver ANYTHING of value- other than a comic tragedy- to the US Airways pilots. It is ironic how carefully USAPA Communications uses the word alleged whenever the accused act implicates one of Cleary's cronies in a physical altercation, but declines to use this important modifier when referring to the supposed identity theft of US Airways pilots.
Personally, I find the unwarranted hysteria to be amusing, and even helpful to the cause of Leonidas, LLC. The recent spike in funds raised by Leonidas certainly bear this out. I have remained silent thus far while enjoying my Administrative Leave made necessary by the hostile work environment created by Mike Cleary and his Communications Committee. However, I will concede that this has produced a singular downside for me and my fellow accused pilots; it has created yet more baseless accusations and false convictions written in the indelible ink of today's Internet. This is no doubt designed to create personal liability for me and my family (and that of many fellow West pilots and their families as well) forevermore should we choose to undertake endeavors outside the scope of our employment as pilots for the company. For me, this is a battle I have chosen to undertake knowing full well the possible risks to my career and reputation, so I simply brush it all aside (for now). More on that later.
I am no psychologist (so please do not take this as a diagnosis), but it is obvious to me that Mike Cleary's primary and driving personality trait is narcissism- almost pathologically so. This makes for the best possible (and most predictable) adversary from my perspective and that of the West pilots. The overwrought reaction by Cleary to East pilots simply receiving US mail of a factual nature that Mike has been desperate to shield his flock from, was even part of Leonidas, LLC's plan at the outset of that project. We could not possibly have asked for more attention to be drawn to the West perspective of our seniority dispute as illustrated in the Leonidas Brochures.

There was a time when I contemplated the recall of Mike Cleary and Randy Mowrey. However, when we began to discuss this among West pilots, it became clear that most see his leadership (though I wouldn't call it that) as helpful to the cause of defending against DOH and enforcing the Nicolau. After some reflection, I realized that I had become too close to the conflagration that is Mike to see what was happening and how it really benefited the West in the long run.

While it is true that a very few may pay the ultimate price and lose their careers due to our union's many inadequate or under-performing components (all courtesy of Mike and his friends), ultimate victory for the West- and therefore all US Airways pilots- is much more likely with him in charge. Therefore, my new strategy is to support Mike and help keep him in power as long as possible. If East pilots are truly dissatisfied with Mike and Randy's performance (as is apparent that many are), then they will have to do something about it on their own. In the meantime, we can all enjoy our Cleary imposed vow of poverty until the West ultimately prevails in court, or until the East pilots simply find a way to make good on their obligations to the West via the arbitrated seniority list.

It is also clear that these relentlessly shrill and caustic communications are largely designed to intimidate the accused. I envision Mike and Randy drunkenly patting each others' backs, and gently stroking one anothers' egos over the false image of me cowering in a closet somewhere, hiding in fear. They no doubt fantasize that this is the end of the West effort and that victory is just around the corner. This is laughable. Those of you whom I have had the pleasure of speaking with know otherwise.
I must contrast myself and my Leonidas team with the current USAPA President: While Mike Cleary lacked the fortitude to so much as sign a lease on the new USAPA Headquarters, (sighting that he would not accept the liability for this decision of the BPR), I and my team stood up against both the East pilots (who outnumber the West pilots two-to-one, and are entitled to a portion of our paycheck under threat of termination) AND the company. We have done this with the foreknowledge that it could well cost one (or all) of us our jobs, and that this union would do anything but protect us. This has been a necessary risk all along, just to do the right thing. Furthermore, we have not so much as hidden our names, addresses, telephone numbers, or even schedules from the public or our adversaries during this fight. All along, we have, and will continue to operate to the highest standard of ethics, and we WILL be vindicated when the dust settles.
The predictable idiocy continues unabated even this week. On April 12th, the East contingent of the BPR again authorized Cleary and USAPA Legal (in their lone authority) to initiate legal proceedings against Leonidas and whoever else they so choose. This is not unlike the bumbling RICO strategy used in the earliest days of USAPA's reign of failure to bankrupt the West pilots' legal defense. The end result of that effort was an even more unified West group, further galvanized to thwart USAPA's singular DOH mission. It went poorly for USAPA, but beautifully for the West. Should Cleary again launch more frivolous litigation against me or my fellow West pilots, I predict it will only backfire on him.
Bring it, Mike. The West is more than ready.
I recommend that all West pilots continue to support Mike Cleary, though not for any of the reasons he would like our support. He is perfect for the job.
Please visit to keep informed and continue the fight.

Eric Ferguson
Res Judicata said:
We're not the ones missing the protocol negotiations. Wait til you see how ineffective your boycott is. That's the problem when you're as completely irrelevant and ignored as USCABA.
Son, we'll take care of all the negotiations, enjoy the ride.
"Then airline flying as I knew it died. The company and people
I "grew up" with was no more. Oh sure, I got a job with America
West in PHX along with 15-20 other Frontier pilots but it was
sickening after working with such a company of professionals at
FAL to have to wallow in an operational pig pen who thought
they (AWA) had all the answers.

The only saving grace initially was all of the FAL pilots
encouraged and supported each other through the humiliation we
were subjected to. We were told that FAL failed because of our
unions and a whole lot of other ridiculous accusations.
(Remember AWA started out with 31 scab Wien pilots as their
initial base of pilots)

To make a long story short most of the FAL pilots just kept our
mouths shut and our dignity, and supported each other. I made
it 14 years there, twelve as a captain and the last 3 as captain/
check airman before forced to retire medically.
I will always appreciate the Frontier family. I feel fortunate to
have worked for a real airline and with a group of people
unequalled in the airline industry.
-Glenn Stephens, Shell Knob MO
Have you ever read the USAPA UOM or the APA's Union Operating Manual? Apparently our President, Gary Hummel has. However, he got them confused because he used the language of the APA's Manual that says a President can remain in office indefinitely even when he cannot fly. That is his justification now. The APA says he can stay, even though our manual clearly says he can't if he is on medical status.

Of course, by having the company pay him and not force him to use sick time, he can claim he is not on medical status. I wonder what he promised Kirby to get that ruling. I guess we will find out eventually. But by then, the damage will be done.

So, if Gary is now going to use the excuse that the APA says he can stay, then he should also adhere to the APA rules that he not be paid as he is. It's a catch 22 that gives him the best of both worlds (or union manuals) if you follow his logic. But as we have seen, he creates his own rules as he goes along. Forget that pesky old USAPA UOM when he can quote the APA Manual. Forget our manual when the company says you can stay. Forget the Appeals Board when you appoint them and they were all your biggest supporters.

The corruption just goes on and on.

So, how is that retroactive pay? Looks pretty good to me. When you see Steve Crimi, Bill Mckee, Dwight Ingram, Spike and Mike Gilles, thank them for standing up for you. When you see Gary Hummel and Jamie Weidner and the 2 DCA Reps, you might remind them that is how union reps are supposed to act. It will come as a shock to them.

The word is that the Ballot Committee was tired of volunteering their services and was planning to quit, but decided to do it en mass to help Gary's cause. But they have promised to remain in office until the recall ballots are counted. They should be saluted for their time and efforts on our behalf, but they take some of that away when they use their positions to make a political statement. It's ashame that these Committee members that Gary placed into office are now repaying him at our expense.

Then rumor has it that Rob Streble has resigned because he was not allowed to attend a merger meeting where he could make sure no one gave away his seniority. But Rob has resigned before so who knows if he isn't using invisible ink when he writes his resignation letter. Rob, go in peace but let the Merger Committee do their job. At least they are being political.
News Release
February 14, 2002
America West Pilots Elect Union Leader, Prepare to Resume Contract Talks
PHOENIX — With the election of a new chairman and the re-appointment of a negotiating committee, the pilots of America West, represented by the Air Line Pilots Association, International (ALPA), are set to resume mediated contract negotiations with the airline in March.
The America West pilots’ union governing body, the Master Executive Council (MEC), voted unanimously yesterday to elect Captain Herb Holland as the union’s new chairman. Holland replaces Captain Roger Cox, who was recalled from office by the MEC in January.
Why are you west pilots so upset about a recall?  west pilots have the same history.  You kicked out your chairman and negotiating committee during contract talks.
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