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Nov/Dec 2013 Pilot Discussion

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Piedmont1984 said:
Like you said, take the emotion out and there is only one rational decision. Voted No Cubed. I wonder who the reluctant mystery candidate for president will be if the recall succeeds as alluded to in the CLT update?
Reluctant???? Yeah right. McKee is near orgasm every time he thinks about it. And I'm sure he will use his new powers to put Crimi on the NAC. What a lovely party we are in for if this really happens... but knowing McKee, I'd vote for Ferguson first.
luvthe9 said:

As you read this remember in the American airlines employee manual (for all employees not just pilots) It states that you MAY NOT BE ON COMPANY property if you are not on duty or not being paid.
Another thing we need taken care of is the 20 minute diversion rule .
Can't believe this ever crept into their contract and agreement.
This is another bad deal at American.
If you are diverting to get more fuel or for a sick passenger or a security issue in  their (our) contract they deduct  20 minutes from your pay for the  diversion. WHY ?
Because American policy says  that during a diversion for during the 20 minutes you are being fueled ( they take off the 20 minutes even if  YOU DO NOT NEED ANY FUEL)  you are  not doing any work, so you should not be paid.
In the case of Sully's landing  on the Hudson the American pilot at the contract line told me he is  100%  sure the computer would have taken 20 minutes off his pay because he diverted for his amphibious landing if he had been under our current contract. So per the American contract Sully should have just stepped off the wing and done nothing for 20 minutes. he should have had  a hot chocolate and wrapped a blanket around his feet and rested in the  NY Fire Dept boat because he was not being paid for 20 minutes and per the HR handbook you cannot be on company property if you are not being paid.
THIS HAS TO GO. Especially during a diversion, you are working the entire time on the ground getting the ship back in the air.
What an American pilot told me is because of this  20 minutes of no pay rule; during a diversion  they divert and pull into the gate.
Once the door is open : they  do not review the new flight plan, they do not talk to the dispatcher, they don't deal  with the medial issue, they don't deal with the security issue .  They simple get up and go into the terminal to Starbucks. Instead of having a 20 min non-paid break they usually have a 30-40 minute break .
During a diversion this is the last time you want to be messing around with someone's pay or lack of.
It is in everyone's best interest to drop this rule so we get paid for the entire diversion AND the aircraft gets back in the air quickly .
Also when Tempe says they are working on these issues I will bet any of you a steak dinner that if we divert now that per the contract 20 minutes will be deducted from the flight. That they could and probably have put the 20 minute diversion rule in place instantly, but something that is a benefit due to us is something they need to   "....have a working group review the policy....."
Please get this dropped theft of 20 minutes dropped.
Seriously??? That's what comes to mind when you read the contract? How many diversions do you do Cleatus?
nycbusdriver said:
It's called USAPA.  Even after they are no longer the CBA, the C&B-Ls allow for them to remain in existence (with all of your dues money still in the bank) to fight you nitwits to the end.   :up:  :lol:
It's called survival or maybe Survivor. Outwit, Outplay, Outlast. You all are a bunch emotional little girls making stupid decisions. Ya'll voted yourselves off the island

It makes for great entertainment during the holidays while you ***** about it.
Enjoy Europe, Breeze.  I'll be with family.
Oh, and one other thing. Tell Eastus to lay off the eggnog.
Phoenix said:
If this letter is for real, two things are certain:
The certification committee knew the vote count and opposed the imminent result...
And they condemn what they themselves chose to become.
I see you have fully revealed yourself as the Cleary minion you were in a past life. Those guys running Ballot Cert are some of the most straight arrow guys I have encountered since the military. And you pick tonight to accuse them of anything but honesty? It is obvious to me why they quit, you can see the slime right here in your own post. I think those three have chosen exactly the type folks they want to be, by action.  Make a note for yourself, you could learn from them.
For the rest of you, Phoenix is trolling, he knows darn well nobody can see any election results (they are counted electronically third party) until the election closes. And then only the Treasurer and his staff until the voting list is certified. But he thought he would come here and slam the Ballot Committee anyway, just for Christmas grins. RR
Phoenix said:
Bargaining with a non-certified agent is not a grievance issue. It is far more serious and does not belong in a grievance process. It belongs in the courts. If Hummel is allowing it to be lost into a grievance rat race of irrelevance, you know exactly where he stands.... Capitulation.
[SIZE=10.5pt]"If Hummel, If Hummel...." BS. Bravo to the Merger and Grievance Committees working with Legal and doing EXCACTLY the right thing. Unlike the Cleary minions Hummel LISTENs to our legal counsel (the ones actually hired by Cleary, go figure) and takes the proper steps. Unlike "premature" Cleary and his Federal Lawsuits, there is a process to be followed, with legal logic not found in the post of ex Cleary patriots on unanimous pubic web boards. Don't even get me started about what Cleary did to the lawyers that would not tell him the sky was pink.....[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]But Phoenix has the answer, just like Frear and DiOrio. All three have brought you nothing, and promise you more of the same if you would just do as they ask. Enjoy your new careers thanks to the leadership at USAPA. RR[/SIZE]
luvthe9 said:

As you read this remember in the American airlines employee manual (for all employees not just pilots) It states that you MAY NOT BE ON COMPANY property if you are not on duty or not being paid.
Another thing we need taken care of is the 20 minute diversion rule .
Can't believe this ever crept into their contract and agreement.
This is another bad deal at American.
If you are diverting to get more fuel or for a sick passenger or a security issue in  their (our) contract they deduct  20 minutes from your pay for the  diversion. WHY ?
Because American policy says  that during a diversion for during the 20 minutes you are being fueled ( they take off the 20 minutes even if  YOU DO NOT NEED ANY FUEL)  you are  not doing any work, so you should not be paid.
In the case of Sully's landing  on the Hudson the American pilot at the contract line told me he is  100%  sure the computer would have taken 20 minutes off his pay because he diverted for his amphibious landing if he had been under our current contract. So per the American contract Sully should have just stepped off the wing and done nothing for 20 minutes. he should have had  a hot chocolate and wrapped a blanket around his feet and rested in the  NY Fire Dept boat because he was not being paid for 20 minutes and per the HR handbook you cannot be on company property if you are not being paid.
THIS HAS TO GO. Especially during a diversion, you are working the entire time on the ground getting the ship back in the air.
What an American pilot told me is because of this  20 minutes of no pay rule; during a diversion  they divert and pull into the gate.
Once the door is open : they  do not review the new flight plan, they do not talk to the dispatcher, they don't deal  with the medial issue, they don't deal with the security issue .  They simple get up and go into the terminal to Starbucks. Instead of having a 20 min non-paid break they usually have a 30-40 minute break .
During a diversion this is the last time you want to be messing around with someone's pay or lack of.
It is in everyone's best interest to drop this rule so we get paid for the entire diversion AND the aircraft gets back in the air quickly .
Also when Tempe says they are working on these issues I will bet any of you a steak dinner that if we divert now that per the contract 20 minutes will be deducted from the flight. That they could and probably have put the 20 minute diversion rule in place instantly, but something that is a benefit due to us is something they need to   "....have a working group review the policy....."
Please get this dropped theft of 20 minutes dropped.
[SIZE=10.5pt]If you ever make to Captain's Development School (do they still have that?) you would realize the issue is moot. In my entire  career I have had not one minute of duty rig stolen by management that has not been recovered. And I did not need to whine on a web board to get it.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]As an aside, anyone know if Frear is still whining about that 40% raise he got the other day, and the crew meal he supposedly was not provided? You cannot make this stuff up. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Santa is probably going to bring you extra tonight, as you have special pilot needs.  Unfortunately he will not be able to help you in the testicular area, that comes from a little higher authority.  [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]J[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]  RR[/SIZE]
Reed Richards said:
[SIZE=10.5pt]If you ever make to Captain's Development School (do they still have that?)[/SIZE]
sure do...name was changed from Captain Upgrade Training (CUT) to Captain Leadership Training (CLT)
Great.  Same guys.  Same crap.  Now this.
Ballot Certification Committee Resigns

To the USAPA Officers and BPR: 12/24/2013

It is with great regret that we tender our resignations from the Ballot Certification Committee immediately.

It has been a privilege serving the pilots of USAPA, and we thank them for trusting us with the oversight of this important committee. We recognize that our members have very diverse and passionate views. USAPA's elections and referendums are the vehicle by which the collective will of our pilots is truly and accurately expressed. 

We have had many challenges to overcome, both internal and external, in order to maintain fair elections for our pilots. Since its inception, every election conducted by this committee has adhered to the highest ethical standards, and has met or exceeded every applicable statute outlined by the US Department of Labor. We have worked very closely with the Department of Labor and have received high accolades from them, as well as from our pilots. We are proud of the fact that the Department of Labor has upheld this committee's actions and decisions in every challenge which has arisen to date.

The time commitment involved in scheduling, conducting, and officiating elections is considerable. Every member of our committee is married with young children. Our families' support, encouragement, and willingness to sacrifice time together, is what has made it possible for us to serve our fellow pilots.

We've dealt with a lot of challenges over the years, but the dysfunction and dirty politics which now seem to permeate USAPA's governing body has reached a level that we have not witnessed before at USAPA. It is truly sad to see just how much we have returned to the practices of our former bargaining agent. 

It has recently come to our attention that several current and former BPR members have begun a campaign to undermine our personal integrity, and the integrity of the Ballot Certification Committee. We can only speculate that the intent of this campaign is to influence the outcome of the current recall referendum. We willingly endured the sacrifices to our personal and family lives in order to contribute to an organization which promised a better way to do business. Quite frankly, with the current level of dysfunction in USAPA, we have neither the time nor the desire to deal with such distractions.

We currently find ourselves in the difficult position of having to administer a recall referendum without the guidance of the Constitution and Bylaws or the UOM. In cases such as these, we must defer to the governing body for guidance. Unfortunately, recent actions by members of the BPR in knowingly disseminating false information to our pilots make it clear that the governing body lacks the integrity our pilots deserve. We refuse to be a part of any of that, and so we feel duty-bound to resign from the Ballot Certification Committee.

We are by no means trying to interfere with the ongoing referendum by withdrawing our volunteer services. Thus, should the BPR and officers request, we will provide the association with technical assistance in order to finish the current referendum and PHX nominations.


Jay Morgan

Wes Yount

Andy Hunt
luvthe9 said:
Remember, it was Steve Crimi that began that fight and the other Reps that joined together that got us the retroactive pay. Sorry "Traitor" that's a  fact, remember that on the 30th.  Merry Christmas!!!
You still can't tell the players from the played!   :lol:
Remember to thank APA and the orginal Recall committee for the payraise you don't want because it's not big enough.
Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas to all.

In addition to the BCC resigning, can anyone confirm that Streble did the same and why?

Before someone excoriates me for coming here in order to get my facts, it is because my union is not forthcoming with any timely and relevant information - as usual. Will not bother either reps or officers with queries today. But if someone lurking here between gift opening and dinner (or van time) cares to 'chime in' then much appreciated.

To paraphrase the bard from Hannabal, 'Rumors of my union's eventual demise are greatly underestimated'.

"Everyone loved the revenue agents when they put away Al Capone, the Chicago underworld's master of brutality and bribes, in a coup so spectacular it scared other gangsters straight."

Piedmont1984 said:
Merry Christmas to all.
In addition to the BCC resigning, can anyone confirm that Streble did the same and why?
Before someone excoriates me for coming here in order to get my facts, it is because my union is not forthcoming with any timely and relevant information - as usual. Will not bother either reps or officers with queries today. But if someone lurking here between gift opening and dinner (or van time) cares to 'chime in' then much appreciated.
To paraphrase the bard from Hannabal, 'Rumors of my union's eventual demise are greatly underestimated'.
No, Streble did not resign. He did say to GFY to the officers and BPR and went to fly a 4 day after cleaning some old stuff out of his office. Played or player? No Christmas gift for Diorio and his moron minions. Streble remains.
3dtv said:
No, Streble did not resign. He did say to GFY to the officers and BPR and went to fly a 4 day after cleaning some old stuff out of his office. Played or player? No Christmas gift for Diorio and his moron minions. Streble remains.
Piedmont1984 said:
.... Before someone excoriates me for coming here in order to get my facts, it is because my union is not forthcoming with any timely and relevant information - as usual. ...

"my union is not forthcoming with any timely and relevant information - as usual"
Ain't THAT the truth.  Merry Christmas, anyway, to all!
I suppose now that the BCC committee has resigned, I will not get to vote, since BallotPoint will not issue me a ballot.  Even to this MIGS, who was a MIGS, even before USAPA got elected.
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