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Nonrev Travel


Using your logic, we shouldn't talk about anything on here that might in someway or another be related to the entering of an airport or an airplane or use the word airport, airplane or crewmwmber. Is it OK to mention that there is x-ray machines and security screening? I mean, I don't want to alert someone to the fact that there is a security sreening station at all domestic and international airports that one must go through before proceeding to the airplane for their scheduled flight to work or grandmas house. I know that that is highly confidential and all. Plus anything regarding a standby list is by far from secret. Each airline has their own order for their own standby list. The government doesn't even regulate its order. So why the paranoia? Are you the type that is always looking over their shoulder and thinks everyone is out to get them? Something as trivial as a standby list gets you all scared about the bad people, that isn't good. Back to the topic at hand, I was right, OA pilots are D6's. Although I was wrong about their order on the standby list. They are almost last on the list, after all fare paying non-revs and before the newly minted agrrements allowing certain OA F/A's to commute for free. F/A's are listed as D7, but still not last.
Pertaining to this topic on the Nov 1st announcement, it is now Nov 5th.!
I'm at a loss for words 😉

I think the words of this great American sums up my feelings on this thread 😀
