(The board's quote function appears to be working only sporadically for me today.)
From USFLIBOI's post:
"Great information guys...so with US you check in on line but go to gate and are assigned a seat once revenue and senior pax are cleared. What you are saying is that boarding priority in each section ie d1 d2 d3 etc is based on when you checked in on line within the 24 hour rule prior to flight?"
Correct. With the exception that if there are plenty of seats available, the on-line checkin function will assign you a seat. Theoretically, the best available (not). But, you go to the gate and ask for a different seat. If you know how to look up info in RES, you will know that Executive Platinums seated in the exit row may get upgraded to F/C; so, you ask for their seat.
From USFLIBOI's post:
"Great information guys...so with US you check in on line but go to gate and are assigned a seat once revenue and senior pax are cleared. What you are saying is that boarding priority in each section ie d1 d2 d3 etc is based on when you checked in on line within the 24 hour rule prior to flight?"
Correct. With the exception that if there are plenty of seats available, the on-line checkin function will assign you a seat. Theoretically, the best available (not). But, you go to the gate and ask for a different seat. If you know how to look up info in RES, you will know that Executive Platinums seated in the exit row may get upgraded to F/C; so, you ask for their seat.