jimntx said:The quote function does not work for me...
To the person who posted the question about buddy passes traveling at the same priority as employees when traveling together. No. D1s goes ahead of D2s who go ahead of D3s and all other non-rev types--such as OAL employees, etc. The only discrepancy is D1Ts (through passengers) go ahead of D1s, etc. However, D2Ts go ahead of D2s, but not D1s.
D1T, D1, D2T, D2, D3T, D3, etc. in that order. It's a simple system with a minimum of codes to have to keep track of.
If an employee is flying to an immediate family funeral, he/she travels on a bereavement code, I think it is something like A6. "A" category is supposed to be a must ride. Other than when I am deadheading to/from a flight, I've never traveled A category except when I was flown to DFW to interview for the job; so, I can't say for sure. I know that for us flight attendants if traveling A3D (deadheading from a work assignment), it's a must ride, but not necessarily a must ride in a cabin seat. The agents can make us take an available jumpseat.
Have you tried doing it "longhand"? Start with the left-bracket [ then the word quote, and then the right bracket] When the quote is done, again place a left bracket, then a slash / then the right bracket. That should close the quote, and the system will put anything between those two quote-words in a "Quote Box."
Then, make your comments past the second quote box. Or, you can put them before, and then build the quote box.