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New Card Drive Started @ AA--Mechanic and Related

Yes sir, that is correct. SWA just built or is currently building 6 new hangars all over. 3 of them already opened this year at Denver, Houston (the biggest one in Hou for international maint), and BWI. One other city is Las Vegas and I forget where the other 2 are but I believe one is in Cali somewhere. The 6th one could be Chicago but not positive going by memory here. A possible 7th location is being discussed now with leaders and AMFA to be selected some time in 2023.
All these new hangars are the largest maint expansion in the history of SWA and AMFA is proud to be a part of it. No other union has been as successful as AMFA has in expansions and headcounts and bringing maint in house PERIOD. The teamsters were the worse letting go of several heavy lines over seas and even our most coveted 4 lines of "C" check that AMFA was successful in getting back along with the addition of the 2nd and 4th overall line of Heavy Maint in Dallas. Not to mention head counts have more than tripled since AMFA took over from the teamsters, maybe even quadrupled... Don't let these fools try and send out any misinformation. They always seem to increase 10 fold when so many airlines are now interested in getting AMFA (4-5 now) with very good progress thus far. Still holding out for the AA'ers to get it done this year or next, and soon Spirit will join with JetBlue following later and Frontier will also get merged into AMFA if they win the bid to purchase Spirit.
These guys are just hell bent and so pissed off that AMFA is expanding in the airline industry within the Mechanics Class and Craft so well right now it's killing them and their puppets string holders at the top.
On top of all that SWA is still currently hiring Mechanics for several different stations all over even after crossing the 10K new employee hires since the start of 2022. All this headcount, expansions, and positions being added as well as the maint work added in house this year is a no brainer who will continue to represent the Mechanics at SWA for a long, long time coming in the future for sure...

10,000 new Pilot’s FA’s, Rampers, CSA’s and Management staff.

AMT’s enlarged their group too with 3 nationwide hirings.
Ask questions.

Why does AMFA spend hundreds of thousands of dollars (Dues money) yearly on only one Law Firm (Seeham Seeham Meltz and Peterson) when they only have a total of 3953 Members among all the groups they represent?

Despite the attack and deflection this question will get it’s an absolutely reasonable question since it would be your money going to them and guaranteed those payments would grow at least 4 fold if AMFA ever gained a much larger group.

Is it really? Same job title, same responsibilities, same oversight, same company and one can transfer to line or overhaul. Same tools line and overhaul.
Big difference?
of course it isn't. But all this thread is mostly about is TWU/IAM stogies trying to find any possible way to bring AMFA.

Southwest could literally insource 100% of their maintenance tomorrow and some how those two would still be AMFA=bad.
I moved off Delta a long time ago now. It’s a Company that’s too full of themselves and needs to feel they’re always the prettiest girl in the neighborhood. That goes for the employees as well. They’ve been conditioned by the Company to buy into the narrative. Rah Rah Sis Boom Bah. Even when your Company cut back your hours while the Fed was paying your salaries and the Company took that cash into their pockets you still cheered them on. Wow!!!

Thankfully not all Unions are wasting their members dues money on hopeless causes. Delta is a hopeless cause. Have fun carrying that water. Hopefully you always feel your benevolent Masters are showering you with beautiful dresses and perfumes.

And congratulations on your new Aircraft order. New Planes needing less maintenance.
....... you seriously don't know anything about anything do you? Not at all how that worked.
Delta's cutting hours back kept them from furloughing people. If I remember right, that isn't what happened at American.

but as long as it isn't you on the street who cares, right brother? 😂😂

Oh and yes, new planes need less maintenance to start. Just like the 321NEO, they will start off doing 737MAX for others while gearing up for Delta work. Plenty of LEAP engines out there that will need HMVs before Delta's do.

Again, anything that isn't pro-TWU/IAM is bad. Got it.
of course it isn't. But all this thread is mostly about is TWU/IAM stogies trying to find any possible way to bring AMFA.

Southwest could literally insource 100% of their maintenance tomorrow and some how those two would still be AMFA=bad.

....... you seriously don't know anything about anything do you? Not at all how that worked.
Delta's cutting hours back kept them from furloughing people. If I remember right, that isn't what happened at American.

but as long as it isn't you on the street who cares, right brother? 😂😂

Oh and yes, new planes need less maintenance to start. Just like the 321NEO, they will start off doing 737MAX for others while gearing up for Delta work. Plenty of LEAP engines out there that will need HMVs before Delta's do.

Again, anything that isn't pro-TWU/IAM is bad. Got it.

And obviously you’re too dumb to have paid attention to anything that wasn’t Delta oriented. Yes a few were displaced and laid off but they were fully reimbursed once the Airline Aid was passed. They were all brought back to exactly where they had started and as a matter of fact some actually stayed where they got laid off to because that’s where they wanted to work.

I don’t know how much Delta ultimately STOLE from you since they were fully compensated and you had no Union to fight for that money to go where it was supposed to go (your pocket) but I know that a TOS Ramp Agent had about $17,000 stolen from them.

You probably had somewhere near $25,000 stolen from you. But hey not having to pay those pesky Union dues made it all worth it I’m sure. 🤦‍♂️
Is it really? Same job title, same responsibilities, same oversight, same company and one can transfer to line or overhaul. Same tools line and overhaul.
Big difference?
Line and Overhaul. You know the huge difference.
Yes sir, that is correct. SWA just built or is currently building 6 new hangars all over. 3 of them already opened this year at Denver, Houston (the biggest one in Hou for international maint), and BWI. One other city is Las Vegas and I forget where the other 2 are but I believe one is in Cali somewhere. The 6th one could be Chicago but not positive going by memory here. A possible 7th location is being discussed now with leaders and AMFA to be selected some time in 2023.
All these new hangars are the largest maint expansion in the history of SWA and AMFA is proud to be a part of it. No other union has been as successful as AMFA has in expansions and headcounts and bringing maint in house PERIOD. The teamsters were the worse letting go of several heavy lines over seas and even our most coveted 4 lines of "C" check that AMFA was successful in getting back along with the addition of the 2nd and 4th overall line of Heavy Maint in Dallas. Not to mention head counts have more than tripled since AMFA took over from the teamsters, maybe even quadrupled... Don't let these fools try and send out any misinformation. They always seem to increase 10 fold when so many airlines are now interested in getting AMFA (4-5 now) with very good progress thus far. Still holding out for the AA'ers to get it done this year or next, and soon Spirit will join with JetBlue following later and Frontier will also get merged into AMFA if they win the bid to purchase Spirit.
These guys are just hell bent and so pissed off that AMFA is expanding in the airline industry within the Mechanics Class and Craft so well right now it's killing them and their puppets string holders at the top.
On top of all that SWA is still currently hiring Mechanics for several different stations all over even after crossing the 10K new employee hires since the start of 2022. All this headcount, expansions, and positions being added as well as the maint work added in house this year is a no brainer who will continue to represent the Mechanics at SWA for a long, long time coming in the future for sure...
How many AMFA represented mechanics at Aeroman in SAL?

Since you let WN have foreign outsourcing to get your raise and didn’t gain any new work.

WN outsources a lot more than four lines.
of course it isn't. But all this thread is mostly about is TWU/IAM stogies trying to find any possible way to bring AMFA.

Southwest could literally insource 100% of their maintenance tomorrow and some how those two would still be AMFA=bad.

Absolutely not. If AMFA could partner with SWA and not be consistently adversarial for the Law Firm to have the excuse to charge the dues payers and insource 100% of SWA Maintenance keeping the same pay and benefits, I would say they’re the greatest and most successful Union in the Airline Industry.

But that’s by far not who they are. And for almost 20 years they blame someone else for their failures. When do they stand up and take responsibility instead of playing the blame game?
Line and Overhaul. You know the huge difference.
Why don't you fill us in on the differences in detail. Don't leave anything out. Make sure it's relevant to the profession and not to the unions.
How many AMFA represented mechanics at Aeroman in SAL?

Since you let WN have foreign outsourcing to get your raise and didn’t gain any new work.

WN outsources a lot more than four lines.
Oh look, newbie jumping in without doing his research. Go back and research your information and reply with a timeline for the industry as well as AMFA. You might be surprised at the results if you care to research it. If not then keep on throwing random jabs. 🤣
How many AMFA represented mechanics at Aeroman in SAL?

Since you let WN have foreign outsourcing to get your raise and didn’t gain any new work.

WN outsources a lot more than four lines.
Completely untrue about added new work, get a clue.
I did not LET SWA to do foreign outsourcing period. Since you are newbie and uneducated I will be brief:
The teamsters contract language allowed the foreign outsourcing when SWA elected to go to Canada twice. Then they wanted to go to Aeroman, so with the blessing of the teamsters language they set off to try and go to Areoman.
AMFA stepped in and got the co. to the table and set rules, regs and caps on that outsourcing so the co could not go nuts with it. This was tied directly to the teamsters contract language that AMFA inherited when teamsters were fired and AMFA took over. SWA could have farmed out 12 lines, 14 lines or even all lines to Areoman with the toothless teamsters language. And that is all fact and even in writing to be proven. Man that crap was 20 years ago man, time for you to catch up.
And, AMFA was able to bring back in house the maint that was sent to Canada under teamsters language. That's added new work, helooo!!
AMFA also added 3 lines of heavy maint in Dallas all new work sir. Added 4 lines of "C" Checks in 4 cities, 2 in Dallas. Added all kinds of back shops work, it's all new work added. Even added 18 overnight maint lines all over the places (guess what junior) newly added work in house.
I never said SWA only outsources 4 lines there chief. I said we now do 4 lines of heavy maint in Dallas when we were only one line under teamsters. ADDED NEW WORK. The last 4th line of heavy also triggered a massive hiring of mechanics added as well (100's).
So go back in your corner until you get better educated on what you are talking about...
And obviously you’re too dumb to have paid attention to anything that wasn’t Delta oriented. Yes a few were displaced and laid off but they were fully reimbursed once the Airline Aid was passed. They were all brought back to exactly where they had started and as a matter of fact some actually stayed where they got laid off to because that’s where they wanted to work.

I don’t know how much Delta ultimately STOLE from you since they were fully compensated and you had no Union to fight for that money to go where it was supposed to go (your pocket) but I know that a TOS Ramp Agent had about $17,000 stolen from them.

You probably had somewhere near $25,000 stolen from you. But hey not having to pay those pesky Union dues made it all worth it I’m sure. 🤦‍♂️
I didn't have anything stolen from me. Again thats not how this works.

Did I take a pay cut for a little bit? yep. Did I care? nope. Kept the lights on and during said time Delta was openly looking at in-sourcing work to keep people employed/get hours back. At least on the TechOps side. I did bankruptcy and I don't wanna do it again.

Of course this all ironic coming from an AA person. Your airline is by far in the worst shape and another round of bankruptcy is a very real possibility for you again. With your unions history, I'm sure you will end up losing a lot more than the people at Delta did.

(and lets not forget, a lot of people at Delta qualified for unemployment benefits as well)

in other news, UPS (union) set up a deal where new mechanics get to start at ST aerospace. Man, Delta's mechanics should real look into a union it would probably stop.........oh wait.

Why don't you fill us in on the differences in detail. Don't leave anything out. Make sure it's relevant to the profession and not to the unions.
I'd pay money to read that. Are either of them mechanics or is this a 700 situation? Seems VERY 700 like.
Why don't you fill us in on the differences in detail. Don't leave anything out. Make sure it's relevant to the profession and not to the unions.
Overhaul and line are two different beasts. Line planes dive get torn down to the spars and stay in the hangar for 21 days or longer for scheduled maintenance, now do they?
I didn't have anything stolen from me. Again thats not how this works.

Did I take a pay cut for a little bit? yep. Did I care? nope. Kept the lights on and during said time Delta was openly looking at in-sourcing work to keep people employed/get hours back. At least on the TechOps side. I did bankruptcy and I don't wanna do it again.

Of course this all ironic coming from an AA person. Your airline is by far in the worst shape and another round of bankruptcy is a very real possibility for you again. With your unions history, I'm sure you will end up losing a lot more than the people at Delta did.

(and lets not forget, a lot of people at Delta qualified for unemployment benefits as well)

in other news, UPS (union) set up a deal where new mechanics get to start at ST aerospace. Man, Delta's mechanics should real look into a union it would probably stop.........oh wait.

I'd pay money to read that. Are either of them mechanics or is this a 700 situation? Seems VERY 700 like.

Oh Delta Delta Delta. My Love, My Darling. My life beyond life. How I love thee let me count the ways. Smooch Smooch, gulp.
Completely untrue about added new work, get a clue.
I did not LET SWA to do foreign outsourcing period. Since you are newbie and uneducated I will be brief:
The teamsters contract language allowed the foreign outsourcing when SWA elected to go to Canada twice. Then they wanted to go to Aeroman, so with the blessing of the teamsters language they set off to try and go to Areoman.
AMFA stepped in and got the co. to the table and set rules, regs and caps on that outsourcing so the co could not go nuts with it. This was tied directly to the teamsters contract language that AMFA inherited when teamsters were fired and AMFA took over. SWA could have farmed out 12 lines, 14 lines or even all lines to Areoman with the toothless teamsters language. And that is all fact and even in writing to be proven. Man that crap was 20 years ago man, time for you to catch up.
And, AMFA was able to bring back in house the maint that was sent to Canada under teamsters language. That's added new work, helooo!!
AMFA also added 3 lines of heavy maint in Dallas all new work sir. Added 4 lines of "C" Checks in 4 cities, 2 in Dallas. Added all kinds of back shops work, it's all new work added. Even added 18 overnight maint lines all over the places (guess what junior) newly added work in house.
I never said SWA only outsources 4 lines there chief. I said we now do 4 lines of heavy maint in Dallas when we were only one line under teamsters. ADDED NEW WORK. The last 4th line of heavy also triggered a massive hiring of mechanics added as well (100's).
So go back in your corner until you get better educated on what you are talking about...
The scope article in your CBA didn’t change.
Hey where is the HI ETOPS? Where is the lawsuit AMFA said they’d file to stop those HI flights.

You negotiated for seven years and got no new scope language.


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