Completely untrue about added new work, get a clue.
I did not LET SWA to do foreign outsourcing period. Since you are newbie and uneducated I will be brief:
The teamsters contract language allowed the foreign outsourcing when SWA elected to go to Canada twice. Then they wanted to go to Aeroman, so with the blessing of the teamsters language they set off to try and go to Areoman.
AMFA stepped in and got the co. to the table and set rules, regs and caps on that outsourcing so the co could not go nuts with it. This was tied directly to the teamsters contract language that AMFA inherited when teamsters were fired and AMFA took over. SWA could have farmed out 12 lines, 14 lines or even all lines to Areoman with the toothless teamsters language. And that is all fact and even in writing to be proven. Man that crap was 20 years ago man, time for you to catch up.
And, AMFA was able to bring back in house the maint that was sent to Canada under teamsters language. That's added new work, helooo!!
AMFA also added 3 lines of heavy maint in Dallas all new work sir. Added 4 lines of "C" Checks in 4 cities, 2 in Dallas. Added all kinds of back shops work, it's all new work added. Even added 18 overnight maint lines all over the places (guess what junior) newly added work in house.
I never said SWA only outsources 4 lines there chief. I said we now do 4 lines of heavy maint in Dallas when we were only one line under teamsters. ADDED NEW WORK. The last 4th line of heavy also triggered a massive hiring of mechanics added as well (100's).
So go back in your corner until you get better educated on what you are talking about...