Our contracts don't become amenable for yrs so why would the company want to open the negotiations?
Can either of the TWU or IAM supporters tell us all just what each committee Fleet or Maintenance is putting together to form ONE Proposal if and when the Company decides that we have completed the infighting?
What we have or lost and what we will gain will depend on all of us. Just what are the IAM team members looking to bargain for? What are the TWU members looking to get back since we have less to loose. The IAM Lost theirs in the two BK processes, we here at AA just bent over to protect the union dues numbers.
This Negotiations has Nothing to do with AMFA that has been decided here at AA. The majority of the members in Maintenance don't see the positive in switching unions.
We the Organizers could not in 17 yrs get enough cards to remove the TWU.
The TWU/IAM have come together to save one another from being removed from yet another carrier. But due to the AFL-CIO's plan they get to collect dues from both work groups.
Have heard that DP is a smart man, why would he bring his legal team/HR Reps and invest time negotiating with two parties that can't agree on what is in each others contract that is going to be acceptable to both memberships. Since most of us feel the TWU & IAM have failed us and we all have a Lack of trust in each unions leaders are you all going to let these teams tell you what you want?
They have had all these meeting but has anyone heard from any of these members and said the IAM is stuck on this or that or the TWU wants this? Negotiations, are a give and take Just what are you will to give up to get what you want and What are you willing to fight for to keep or get?
Until the company hears from the Association that they have worked out all the differences we the members will be living under the contracts we signed. Like it or NOT...
The Company and DP have told us we will get Delta +7%, I ask you when have either US or AA given any of us the membership Fleet or Maintenance some thing just because?
You must of seen or been affected by some of the new work rules since the coming together of US/AA. Do you all think its going to get better or worse?
DP and his team is Laughing at us all the way to the Bank. The TWU & IAM are just trying to keep their pockets lined with our dues. If you aren't involved in what is going on you are Going to get just what you put In.