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Kev3188 said:
You'll scoff, but the answer is "only as hard as the membership makes it."
If a group wants to change unions bad enough, all they have to do is collect enough cards to request a vote, and cast their ballots accordingly.
Thanks but , I'll take someone else's opinion this time, besides yours or the IAM Head Cheerleader, 700!
southwind said:
Thanks but , I'll take someone else's opinion this time, besides yours or the IAM Head Cheerleader, 700!
what kev said isn't an opinion its a fact. IAM has nothing to do with it. 
When will the TWU/IAM seniority lists be merged?
Will it be when a CBA is reached or could it happen sooner?
It would have to be after the JCBA is approved. Even if you merge lists without critical scope language changes we couldn't bid on shift. DO, VC, jobs, etc... without the language to allow us to do the work. That's leverage on our part. We need to use it.
Why not write some scope language early?  Draw up one of those letters of agreement that we've had in the past, define the language and have the intl's rubber stamp it, and it's done. Remember those?
Lots of guys I talk to would like the ability to transfer to a station that wasn't available before the merger ASAP. We ain't gettin' any younger!
Rogallo said:
Why not write some scope language early?  Draw up one of those letters of agreement that we've had in the past, define the language and have the intl's rubber stamp it, and it's done. Remember those?
Lots of guys I talk to would like the ability to transfer to a station that wasn't available before the merger ASAP. We ain't gettin' any younger!
While I agree with you that the transfer options improve its a bargaining chip that I believe we should hold on to. The company wants the efficiency improvement they will get by merging operations fully. Theoretically a fully merged workforce should take slightly less people to do the same work. If that's the case shouldn't the membership get some of that monetary value in our pay checks? Should it all go to Parker and his crew? What about us? I am not in favor of signing an LOA on scope to let people transfer without a value back to the members.

Just my opinion.
Overspeed said:
While I agree with you that the transfer options improve its a bargain chip that I believe we should hold on to. The company wants the efficiency improvement they will get by merging operations fully. Theoretically a fully merged workforce should take slightly less people to do the same work. If that's the case shouldn't the membership get some of that monetary value in our pay checks? Should it all go to Parker and his crew? What about us? I am not in favor of signing an LOA on scope to let people transfer without a value back to the members.

Just my opinion.
There sure seems to be plenty of openings through out the system for M&R at both AA and US. Do you think there'll be a layoff after merging seniority lists? Didn't your buddy Bob say there were no layoffs after the other major carrier mergers? I don't see it happening at AA either.
It took what, 9 months for NMB approval? Probably at least another 18 months to get a JCBA. This new association needs to do something beneficial for its members soon!
Rogallo said:
There sure seems to be plenty of openings through out the system for M&R at both AA and US. Do you think there'll be a layoff after merging seniority lists? Didn't your buddy Bob say there were no layoffs after the other major carrier mergers? I don't see it happening at AA either.
It took what, 9 months for NMB approval? Probably at least another 18 months to get a JCBA. This new association needs to do something beneficial for its members soon!
I doubt there will be layoffs too. What I could see happening is that when DFW merges ops for example there will be no need to staff E. Those flights will probably be absorbed with the same size HC for A, C, and D. Those AMT slots that are at AA would end up on nights and the need to bring in some transfers from elsewhere would stop. It's not a big number but it has to be worth a dollar value for us. That's what I'm saying.

And Bob and I are frenemies, not my buddy.
700UW said:
They are still in session.
Are there any plans for keeping members updated as to the progress of negotiations?
None of this "We met today and "yadda yadda yadda, and we plan to meet again next month" crap!
Rogallo said:
Are there any plans for keeping members updated as to the progress of negotiations?
None of this "We met today and "yadda yadda yadda, and we plan to meet again next month" crap!
hahahaha.......Updates? Seriously? We all know better than that.
In Session:
Now that's what I like to see in a group of negotiators from two unions, enthusiasm...it's busting at the seams!
All I can say is "Pictures speak a thousand words"
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