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Don't they kinda need to sit down and meet before proposals are exchanged. Seems to me the "Association" is not even ready for that yet. Parker said they are ready...I've heard Peterson ask where is the proposal, but haven't heard the union say they were ready. Only that the two unions are gonna meet later to continue to merge and hammer out union differences.
Nope, 700 said they were not meeting the week of Sept. 28th. Just had to show him that's not what the well oiled machine known as the Association put out!
I stated the IAM DL 141 and 142 are in PHX this week at their annual conventions, and yes I posted that they arent meeting this week.
Got it 700, thought you were responding to my 28th meeting...never mind.
Can only go by the info that is fed to us from the Association!
TWU-IAM Association Fleet Service Negotiating
Committee Update
That's it?  That's the update?  WOW so informative after many many months after the merger has been completed.  You guys are completely SCREWED!!!
And by reading all the post above this and in other threads, you guys are completely in chaotic, uninformed and LOST in any of the contract nego's. Sorry all but calling as I see it from your postings. Very sad to sit here and read this complete confusion of what your union representation is wanting all of you to believe...
swamt said:
That's it?  That's the update?  WOW so informative after many many months after the merger has been completed.  You guys are completely SCREWED!!!
And by reading all the post above this and in other threads, you guys are completely in chaotic, uninformed and LOST in any of the contract nego's. Sorry all but calling as I see it from your postings. Very sad to sit here and read this complete confusion of what your union representation is wanting all of you to believe...
What does Lombardo and Virella have to say about this? 
The members want a straight answer about the status of NON negotiations rather than finger pointing via video media.
That is what you get when you have a bunch of Idiots in charge. There have been a few opportunities to get rid of these idiots but the majority of the membership is lacking the balls to do it. A few of the 591 leaders, Bobowens,Peterson (company guy the company does not want) have led folks nowhere.
swamt said:
That's it?  That's the update?  WOW so informative after many many months after the merger has been completed.  You guys are completely SCREWED!!!
And by reading all the post above this and in other threads, you guys are completely in chaotic, uninformed and LOST in any of the contract nego's. Sorry all but calling as I see it from your postings. Very sad to sit here and read this complete confusion of what your union representation is wanting all of you to believe...
Oh, you noticed.
MetalMover said:
What does Lombardo and Virella have to say about this? 
The members want a straight answer about the status of NON negotiations rather than finger pointing via video media.
Well you can forget about Lombardo. He went on record during his campaign that he disapproved the Association. Just a bunch of loud mouth campaign talk. Varella is a appointed fleet service international stooge who hates Aircraft Maintenance.
There is one new thing in the update.
The Association is now saying the same thing Peterson said a few weeks ago.
They are "awaiting the companies initial proposal".

Parker has said at the last town hall, he "talks to the Association every day".

So, obviously, it is now on Parker to get the ball rolling because it sure sounds like the Association is ready once the company presents its proposal.

All the pressure needs to be put on Parker at this point to start the JCBA meetings.
He said, she said, they said. The reality is nothing is moving forward. Once a month meetings within the association speaks volumes. I believe there have been ideas exchanged and both sides are not coming clean with the members and the employees. Something is going on behind closed doors. Business as usual for the TWU. Finger pointing is a distraction.
Do you suppose that the company and the ass. are playing games with the rank and file?
Surely not!
You guys need to do what we did.  Our union got tired of waiting for the co's proposal so we sent our own across as a comprehensive package, and this is what started the nego's process.  Waiting for the co's offer is just a way the co is DELAYING the start of nego's.  And BTW, your nego team does not have to wait for a proposal from the co, tell your union to jump start the nego's by sending their very own proposal, don't give the co the chance to start as they will ask for the moon.  Again, the co will put off any proposal for as long as they will get by, and it seems your union will let them.  Tell your nego's to grow some balls and start the process themselves there is nothing wrong what so ever in doing this...
If unions committee is ready, they should broadcast their proposals to the membership. Transparency... Then send it to the company.
The committee is not ready or they are waiting on the company which will be until 2018.
Elections are not far away, we can can only hope someone will step into the leadership vacuum created by GP and his group of stooges.  Someone to step up and save the membership from these morons.
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