On 2/9/2003 3:27:28 PM j7915 wrote:
[[So your opposed to a tax cut that would give you more money in your pocket simply because a rich guy might get a cut also?
Your class warfare rhetoric is nothing more than liberal fear. In fact nearly everything you just posted is based on fear and negative thoughts.
RV4/AKA AMFADave just how much of a tax cut have you seen? I could not find it in my paycheck. I am opposed to reducing the tax rate any further because government expenses are not going down, they are re-directed towards areas where the wealthy make their wealth and where they benefit more than the person who pays a lot less in $$ but about the same percentage of income.
I don't expect you to agree or understand that when you and Carty are done paying your taxes, his remainder allows him to plan for the future, your's allows you to plan till following Friday.
RV4 it is rather interesting that you should accuse others of class warfare when the union you advocate has aimed to create a class of employees that are worse of then you. As for everyone negotiating their own pay, the pilots have, and the mechs at NWA are doing the same, pay is going up and headcount is going down. How much more work can that outfit in Singapore absorb from AA?
Class Warfare?
J7915 you are an advocate of the B-Scale through the SRP Classification and you accuse someone else of Class Warfare? Your consistant I got mine brother attitude is pathetic at most. You claim to be an advocate for the working man, but in reality you are nothing more than the evil Republican you detest, just at a different level. You claim that the rich are in it just for themselves, that sounds just like you, "I got mine brother". From 1983 until the present you and your kind have stolen the wages of the union brothers and sisters you claim to support, through sub standard negotiations. When the mechanics begin to tire of this, then you claim they are anti-union and only supporting the ideas of the rich. Look at yourself, every time you voted yes for the contracts since 1983 you have voted for fleet service. Time after time the negotiators have used the mechanic to make gains far beyond what the company would have gave. As for headcount going down, that is what it is about for you, right? The fear of the number of dues payers dropping. The less dues paid the less you can count on the support of the liberal left wing communists to help your cause. I am for any tax decrease, especially when I can contol more of my own money. As for the 22% increase in the last contract, thank you mechanics at NWA represented by AMFA and the Republican PEB.