On 2/8/2003 5:32:59 PM RV4 wrote:
On 2/8/2003 4:56:06 PM NewHampshire Black Bears wrote:
Your right, some of these posts(mine included) are getting "stale".
But just as a reminder(not that you need it, because your(seriously) as "sharp as a tack", and don't forget ANYTHING), of some of my postings , here AND on PB/BB's.
1. I was a lone voice on PB, that supported you guys for AMFA.
2. I NEVER begrudge any union member who makes more $$ than me.(Because if I wanted to I 'could" have become a AMT, or a Pilot. I chose not to.)
3. I detest the "weak sister" TWU.
4. No one,Including the BIG MAN in the sky, will ever convince me that Republicans are TRUE UNION MEN/Women.
Sorry Dave, no matter how you try and spin it, Republicans(OIL) and UNIONS(water) HAVE NEVER, DON'T NOW, and WILL NEVER---"MIX" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your 401K looked a hell-of-a-lot-better, when "Cigar" Bill was in office.
Sorry Dave, "It IS what it IS" !!!!!!!!!!
I agree with you on the Republicans and I never claimed they were "pro-union".
My point is this:
The Democrats have done nothing to serve our needs as working men in exchange for the millions we have given.
We will get about as much from the coming concessions.
The Republicans are not the working mans friend either.
So it come downs to the least of the two evils. Since both political parties appear uninterested in helping the working man, and are funded 11 to 1 by the rich, I choose the moral issues instead of the "Government is King" liberals.
Give me a choice of a pro-working man party that doesn't cater to immoral issues and I bet we both end up voting for the same man!
If you can show me examples of how the Democrats have earned our millions and my vote to a level I should scarifice very important moral beliefs, I will read with an open mind.
Well Dave, I probably can't show you the "perfect party".
Now that you've jogged my memory, mabey the closest thing(person) that you and I share a bit of common ground on , would be ol' Pat Buchanan.
I like Pat for 3 reasons
1. (somewhat) PRO union.(NO NAFTA)
2. Put US soldier's shoulder to shoulder from San Diego, to Brownsville TX. to keep illegals out of the USA(you know, the one's that are being lured towards the Republican *******s that own the companys, that want the illegals to work for "slave wages"
AND(most importantly)
3. ol' Pat QUIT the GOP !!!!!!!!!!